►Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractCombigridStorage | Abstract base class for storage storing a float_t for each level-index-pair |
Csgpp::combigrid::CombigridTreeStorage | Implementation of the AbstractCombigridStorage using TreeStorage<TreeStorage<float_t>> |
►Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractEvaluator< V > | Abstract base class for one-dimensional numerical evaluation methods |
Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractLinearEvaluator< V > | See also AbstractEvaluator |
►Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractEvaluator< FloatArrayVector > | |
►Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractLinearEvaluator< FloatArrayVector > | |
Csgpp::combigrid::ArrayEvaluator< ScalarEvaluator > | This class takes a 1D linear evaluator operating on scalars (which is given through the template type ScalarEvaluator) and uses multiple instances of it for doing multi-evaluation |
Csgpp::combigrid::BSplineScalarProductEvaluator | This evaluator calculates the scalar products int b_i(x) b_j(x) dx for B splines b_i and b_j |
Csgpp::combigrid::PolynomialScalarProductEvaluator | This evaluator calculates the scalar products \(\int b_i b_j\) |
►Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractEvaluator< FloatScalarVector > | |
►Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractLinearEvaluator< FloatScalarVector > | |
Csgpp::combigrid::BSplineInterpolationEvaluator | This evaluator calculates the B spline evaluations b_i(evaluatioinPoint) for B splines b_i of degree 'degree' and saves these in basisValues |
Csgpp::combigrid::BSplineQuadratureEvaluator | This evaluator calculates the integrals int b_i(x) dx for B splines b_i |
Csgpp::combigrid::CubicSplineInterpolationEvaluator | |
Csgpp::combigrid::LinearInterpolationEvaluator | This evaluator does linear interpolation on the given grid points |
Csgpp::combigrid::PolynomialInterpolationEvaluator | This evaluator does polynomial interpolation (using the barycentric approach) on the given grid points |
Csgpp::combigrid::PolynomialQuadratureEvaluator | This evaluator does quadrature based on the given grid points |
►Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractEvaluator< FloatTensorVector > | |
►Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractLinearEvaluator< FloatTensorVector > | |
Csgpp::combigrid::BSplineInterpolationCoefficientEvaluator | |
Csgpp::combigrid::InterpolationCoefficientEvaluator | |
►Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractFullGridEvaluator< V > | Abstract class for doing an evaluation on a full grid, yielding a value of the template type V |
►Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractFullGridEvaluationStrategy< V > | |
Csgpp::combigrid::FullGridCallbackEvaluator< V > | Implementation of the AbstractFullGridLinearEvaluator class using a callback function that takes a single point and returns a function value at that point |
Csgpp::combigrid::FullGridGridBasedEvaluator< V > | Implementation of the AbstractFullGridLinearEvaluator class using a callback function that If you want to be able to use different function values at the same point in different levels (for example because you are implementing a PDE solver), set exploitNesting to false in the constructor of CombigridTreeStorage |
►Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractFullGridSummationStrategy< V > | |
Csgpp::combigrid::FullGridLinearSummationStrategy< V > | |
Csgpp::combigrid::FullGridOptimizedPCESummationStrategy< V > | This is an experimental class using an alternative basis change for PCE |
Csgpp::combigrid::FullGridPCESummationStrategy< V > | This is an experimental class using an alternative basis change for PCE |
Csgpp::combigrid::FullGridQuadraticSummationStrategy< V > | |
Csgpp::combigrid::FullGridTensorVarianceSummationStrategy< V > | |
Csgpp::combigrid::FullGridVarianceSummationStrategy< V > | |
►Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractGrowthStrategy | Defines a converter from a level to a number of points, i |
Csgpp::combigrid::CustomGrowthStrategy | The level-numPoints-mapping can be customized with a function |
Csgpp::combigrid::ExponentialGrowthStrategy | NumPoints = (l == 0) ? 1 : 2^l + 1 Yields nested points for e |
Csgpp::combigrid::LinearGrowthStrategy | Calculation: numPoints := 1 + factor * level, where factor is a parameter passed to the class |
►Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractInfiniteFunctionBasis1D | |
Csgpp::combigrid::MonomialFunctionBasis1D | |
Csgpp::combigrid::OrthogonalPolynomialBasis1D | |
►Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractLevelEvaluator | This class abstracts a lot of methods of CombigridEvaluator for classes that do not want to carry around its template parameter, e |
Csgpp::combigrid::CombigridEvaluator< V > | The CombigridEvaluator class evaluates a numerical method on different full grids and combines them using the combination technique |
►Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractMultiStorage< T > | Interface for storage classes which store values of type T |
Csgpp::combigrid::TreeStorage< T > | The TreeStorage class is an optimized implementation of a storage that stores values addressed by MultiIndex-objects |
►Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractMultiStorageIterator< T > | Abstract base class for iterators iterating over (existing or maybe also non-existing) entries of an AbstractMultiStorage |
Csgpp::combigrid::TreeStorageGuidedIterator< T > | Iterator class that travels "along" a MultiIndexIterator through a TreeStorage |
Csgpp::combigrid::TreeStorageStoredDataIterator< T > | Iterator for the TreeStorage class that only traverses entries stored in the storage |
►Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractPermutationIterator | Iterates over the elements of a permutation |
Csgpp::combigrid::ExponentialChebyshevPermutationIterator | Sorted-permutation-iterator for ExponentialChebyshevPointOrdering |
Csgpp::combigrid::ExponentialLevelorderPermutationIterator | Sorted-permutation-iterator class for ExponentialLevelorderPointOrdering |
Csgpp::combigrid::ExponentialNoBoundaryPermutationIterator | Sorted-permutation-iterator for ExponentialNoBoundaryPointOrdering |
Csgpp::combigrid::SortedPermutationIterator | Sorted-permutation-iterator (e.g |
►Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractPointDistribution | An abstract point distribution provides a set of n one-dimensional grid points for each value of n |
Csgpp::combigrid::ChebyshevDistribution | Provides Chebyshev grid points, that is, the points 0.5 - 0.5*cos((2k + 1)*pi/(2n)) for k = 0, ..., n-1 |
Csgpp::combigrid::ClenshawCurtisDistribution | Provides Clenshaw-Curtis grid points, that is, the points 0.5 - 0.5 cos(k*pi/(n-1)) for k = 0, ..., n or 0.5, if n = 1 |
Csgpp::combigrid::L2LejaPointDistribution | |
Csgpp::combigrid::LejaPointDistribution | Provides Leja points (which are nested, i |
Csgpp::combigrid::UniformBoundaryPointDistribution | Uniform points, i |
Csgpp::combigrid::UniformPointDistribution | Uniform points, i |
►Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractPointHierarchy | Contains all the necessary information about a family of one-dimensional grids: |
Csgpp::combigrid::NestedPointHierarchy | PointHierarchy class for nested point hierarchies (computes the nested points only once), see also AbstractPointHierarchy |
Csgpp::combigrid::NonNestedPointHierarchy | PointHierarchy class for point hierarchies that are not fully nested (see also AbstractPointHierarchy) |
►Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractPointOrdering | An AbstractPointOrdering may (via convertIndex()) define a reordering of the points so that the same points in different levels have the same indices |
Csgpp::combigrid::ExponentialChebyshevPointOrdering | PointOrdering class with the slowest growth (n = 3^l) possible in order to make Chebyshev points nested |
Csgpp::combigrid::ExponentialLevelorderPointOrdering | PointOrdering class with the slowest possible growth (n = (l == 1) ? 1 : 2^l + 1) to make Clenshaw-Curtis-points / uniform points with boundary nested |
Csgpp::combigrid::ExponentialNoBoundaryPointOrdering | Point ordering class with the slowest possible growth (n = 2^(l+1) - 1) that makes uniform points without boundary nested |
Csgpp::combigrid::IdentityPointOrdering | Point ordering class that uses the identity mapping to compute a level-independent index (i.e |
►Csgpp::base::AbstractRefinement | Abstract refinement class for sparse grids |
►Csgpp::base::HashRefinement | Free refinement class for sparse grids |
Csgpp::base::ANOVAHashRefinement | |
Csgpp::base::HashRefinementInconsistent | Free refinement class for sparse grids |
Csgpp::base::HashRefinementInteraction | The HashRefinementInteraction class |
Csgpp::base::MultipleClassRefinement | Refinement class for sparse grids |
Csgpp::optimization::HashRefinementMultiple | Descendant of base::HashRefinement refining without the generation of hierarchical ancestors |
►Csgpp::base::HashRefinementBoundaries | Standard free refinement class for sparse grids with boundaries |
Csgpp::base::HashRefinementBoundariesMaxLevel | Standard free refinement class for sparse grids with boundaries with a maximal level depth of refinement |
►Csgpp::base::RefinementDecorator | RefinementDecorator enhances the behavior of underlying Refinement objects using Decorator design pattern |
Csgpp::base::ForwardSelectorRefinement | |
Csgpp::base::ImpurityRefinement | |
Csgpp::base::PredictiveRefinement | |
Csgpp::base::SubspaceRefinement | |
►Csgpp::base::AbstractRefinement_refinement_key | |
Csgpp::base::ForwardSelectorRefinement_refinement_key | Container type for forward selector (combined-measure) refinement collection |
Csgpp::base::ImpurityRefinement_refinement_key | Container type for impurity refinement collection |
Csgpp::base::PredictiveRefinement_refinement_key | Container type for predictive refinement collection |
►Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractSerializationStrategy< T > | This is an abstract base class for strategies converting between an object of type T (template parameter) and std::string for serialization and deserialization |
Csgpp::combigrid::DefaultSerializationStrategy< T > | This serialization strategy uses the operators << and >> on streams that are overloaded for many standard types |
Csgpp::combigrid::FloatSerializationStrategy< T > | This class provides a serialization strategy for floating-point types (float, double), though not particularly well-compressed (roughly 70 characters per float will be used) |
►Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractSerializationStrategy< std::shared_ptr< TreeStorage< T > > > | |
Csgpp::combigrid::TreeStorageSerializationStrategy< T > | This class provides a serialization strategy for TreeStorage<T>-objects (though not particularly well-compressed) |
►Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractTreeStorageNode< T > | Interface class for TreeStorage-nodes |
Csgpp::combigrid::InternalTreeStorageNode< T > | Each inner node of the storage contains a vector of other nodes |
Csgpp::combigrid::LowestTreeStorageNode< T > | The Tree does not contain single elements of T in its leafs |
Csgpp::combigrid::AdaptiveRefinementStrategy | This class is a helper class to configure some adaptive refinement methods |
Csgpp::base::AdaptivityConfiguration | Structure that can be used by application to define adaptivity strategies |
►Csgpp::datadriven::AlgorithmAdaBoostBase | |
Csgpp::datadriven::AlgorithmAdaBoostIdentity | |
Csgpp::base::AlgorithmDGEMV< BASIS > | Basic multiplaction with B and B^T on grids with no boundaries |
Csgpp::base::AlgorithmEvaluation< BASIS > | Basic algorithm for getting all affected basis functions |
Csgpp::base::AlgorithmEvaluationTransposed< BASIS > | Basic algorithm for getting all affected basis functions |
Csgpp::base::AlgorithmMultipleEvaluation< BASIS > | Abstract implementation for multiple function evaluations |
Csgpp::datadriven::ARFFTools | Class that provides functionality to read ARFF files |
Csgpp::datadriven::AssignBatchNetworkMessage | Message wrapped in MPI_Packet specifying an order to a worker to train from a batch |
Csgpp::datadriven::AssignSystemMatrixUpdateNetworkMessage | Message wrapped in MPI_Packet specifying an order to a worker to update a class' system matrix decomposition |
Csgpp::datadriven::AssignTaskResult | Used by the MPI Task Scheduler to deliver the result of assigning the requested task |
Csgpp::combigrid::AtanBeta | |
Csgpp::combigrid::AtanUniform | |
►Csgpp::base::Basis< LT, IT > | Basis class for basis functions |
Csgpp::base::BsplineBasis< LT, IT > | B-spline basis on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::base::BsplineBoundaryBasis< LT, IT > | B-spline basis on Boundary grids |
Csgpp::base::BsplineClenshawCurtisBasis< LT, IT > | B-spline basis on Clenshaw-Curtis grids |
Csgpp::base::BsplineModifiedBasis< LT, IT > | Modified B-spline basis on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::base::BsplineModifiedClenshawCurtisBasis< LT, IT > | B-spline basis on Clenshaw-Curtis grids |
Csgpp::base::FundamentalSplineBasis< LT, IT > | Fundamental spline basis on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::base::FundamentalSplineModifiedBasis< LT, IT > | Modified fundamental spline basis on Noboundary grids |
►Csgpp::base::LinearBasis< LT, IT > | Linear basis on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::base::LinearStretchedBasis< LT, IT > | Linearstretched base functions |
►Csgpp::base::LinearBoundaryBasis< LT, IT > | Linear basis on Boundary grids |
Csgpp::base::LinearStretchedBoundaryBasis< LT, IT > | Linearstretched basis functions with boundaries And here we have another implicit dependence on tensor products |
Csgpp::base::LinearClenshawCurtisBasis< LT, IT > | Linear basis on Clenshaw-Curtis grids |
Csgpp::base::LinearClenshawCurtisBoundaryBasis< LT, IT > | Linear basis on Clenshaw-Curtis grids |
Csgpp::base::LinearModifiedBasis< LT, IT > | Modified linear basis on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::base::LinearModifiedClenshawCurtisBasis< LT, IT > | Modified polynomial base functions |
Csgpp::base::LinearPeriodicBasis< LT, IT > | Linear basis functions with boundaries And here we have another implicit dependence on tensor products |
Csgpp::base::NakBsplineBoundaryCombigridBasis< LT, IT > | Hierarchical Not-a-knot B-spline basis |
Csgpp::base::PolyBasis< LT, IT > | Polynomial basis functions |
Csgpp::base::PolyBoundaryBasis< LT, IT > | Polynomial basis functions with boundaries |
Csgpp::base::PolyClenshawCurtisBasis< LT, IT > | Polynomial basis functions |
Csgpp::base::PolyClenshawCurtisBoundaryBasis< LT, IT > | Polynomial basis functions |
Csgpp::base::PolyModifiedBasis< LT, IT > | Modified polynomial base functions |
Csgpp::base::PolyModifiedClenshawCurtisBasis< LT, IT > | Modified polynomial base functions |
Csgpp::base::PrewaveletBasis< LT, IT > | Class representing a prewavelet base |
Csgpp::base::WaveletBasis< LT, IT > | Wavelet basis on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::base::WaveletBoundaryBasis< LT, IT > | Wavelet basis on Boundary grids |
Csgpp::base::WaveletModifiedBasis< LT, IT > | Modified wavelet basis on Noboundary grids |
►Csgpp::base::Basis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::BsplineBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::BsplineBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::BsplineClenshawCurtisBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::BsplineModifiedBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::BsplineModifiedClenshawCurtisBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::FundamentalSplineBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::FundamentalSplineModifiedBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::LinearBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::LinearBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::LinearClenshawCurtisBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::LinearClenshawCurtisBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::LinearModifiedBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::LinearModifiedClenshawCurtisBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::NakBsplineBoundaryCombigridBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::PolyBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::PolyBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::PolyClenshawCurtisBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::PolyClenshawCurtisBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::PolyModifiedBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::PolyModifiedClenshawCurtisBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::WaveletBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::WaveletBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::WaveletModifiedBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Csgpp::base::BatchConfiguration | Structure to provide parameters for the BatchLearner |
Csgpp::datadriven::BayesianOptimization | Class to host all methods to perform Bayesian Optimization |
Csgpp::combigrid::BinaryHeap< T, Comparator > | Implements a max heap using a binary heap |
Csgpp::combigrid::BinaryHeap< QueueEntry, QueueComparator > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::BOConfig | Container class to store a conrete hyperparameter configuration for interaction with Bayesian Optimization |
Csgpp::combigrid::BoundedSumMultiIndexIterator | This class can be used to generate multi-indices with bounded 1-norm |
►Csgpp::base::BoundingBox | This class implements the boundaries of the sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::Stretching | Stretching can be done in different ways: |
Csgpp::base::BoundingBox1D | Struct that defines the boundaries for one specific dimension |
Csgpp::base::BreadthFirstSearch< FUNC > | Class for applying a functor of type FUNC on all grid points of a sparse grid in a breadth-first search (BFS) manner |
Csgpp::datadriven::ClassificationLearner | The ClassificationLearner class Solves a classification problem |
Csgpp::datadriven::ClassificatorQuality | Struct to encapsulate the classsifiers quality by its characteristic numbers |
Csgpp::base::ClenshawCurtisTable | Lookup table for 1D Clenshaw-Curtis points |
Csgpp::combigrid::CO2 | |
►Csgpp::base::CoarseningFunctor | Abstract class that defines the interfaces that coarsening functors have to provide |
Csgpp::base::SurplusCoarseningFunctor | A coarsening functor, removing points according to the minimal absolute values in a DataVector provided |
Csgpp::base::SurplusVolumeCoarseningFunctor | A coarsening functor, removing points according to the minimal absolute values in a DataVector provided, weighted with the corresponding basis function's surplus, i.e., with \(2^{-|\vec{l}|_1} = 2^{\sum_{k=1}^d l_d}\) |
Csgpp::combigrid::CombiEvaluators | This class provides standard configurations of 1D-evaluators (single- and multi-evaluation) |
Csgpp::combigrid::CombigridMultiOperation | Interface class for simple usage of the combigrid module |
Csgpp::combigrid::CombigridMultiOperationImpl | |
Csgpp::combigrid::CombigridOperation | Interface class for simple usage of the combigrid module |
Csgpp::combigrid::CombigridOperationImpl | |
►Csgpp::combigrid::CombigridSurrogateModel | |
Csgpp::combigrid::BsplineStochasticCollocation | |
Csgpp::combigrid::PolynomialChaosExpansion | |
Csgpp::combigrid::PolynomialStochasticCollocation | |
Csgpp::combigrid::CombigridSurrogateModelConfiguration | |
Csgpp::combigrid::CombigridTensorOperation | |
Csgpp::combigrid::CombigridTensorOperationImpl | |
Csgpp::combigrid::CombigridTreeStorageImpl | |
Csgpp::combigrid::CombiHierarchies | This class provides standard configurations of point hierarchies |
►Ccomponent_base | |
Csgpp::datadriven::MultipleEvalHPX::LoadBalancerComponent | |
Csgpp::datadriven::MultipleEvalHPX::LocalityMultiplier | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLFastMultiPlatform::Configuration | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLMaskMultiPlatform::Configuration | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLOpt::Configuration | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLUnified::Configuration | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingOCLMultiPlatform::Configuration | Configuration class for the operation OperationMultiEvalStreamingOCLMultiPlatform |
Csgpp::datadriven::ConfigurationBit | This class implements a boolean representation of hyperparameters for harmonica |
►Csgpp::base::ConfigurationParameters | |
Csgpp::base::OCLConfigurationParameters | |
Csgpp::datadriven::ConfigurationRestriction | This class represents a constraint on the ConfigurationBits used by harmonica |
►CConjugateGradients | |
Cpython.learner.solver.CGSolver.CGSolver | This is a decorator for sgpp::ConjugateGradients class |
►Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::ConstrainedTestProblem | Base class for analytical, constrained test problems |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::Floudas | Floudas constrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G03 | G03 constrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G04 | G04 constrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G05 | G05 constrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G06 | G06 constrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G08 | G08 constrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G09 | G09 constrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G10 | G10 constrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G11 | G11 constrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G12 | G12 constrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G13 | G13 constrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::Simionescu | Simionescu constrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::Soland | Soland constrained test problem |
Csgpp::base::ConvertLinearToPrewavelet | Class that implements the transformation of a hierarchical linear sparse grid to a hierarchical prewavelet sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::ConvertPrewaveletToLinear | Class that implements the transformation of a hierarchical prewavelet sparse grid to a hierarchical linear sparse grid |
Csgpp::datadriven::CrossvalidationConfiguration | |
Csgpp::datadriven::CrossvalidationForRegularizationConfiguration | |
Csgpp::datadriven::CSVTools | Class that provides functionality to read CSV files |
Csgpp::datadriven::DatabaseConfiguration | Configuration structure for the offline datamatrix decomposition database |
Csgpp::base::DataMatrixSP | A class to store two-dimensional data |
Csgpp::datadriven::DataMiningConfigParser | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::Dataset | |
Csgpp::datadriven::SortedDataset | Dataset that can be ordered. Accessing the included DataMatrix might invalidate the order |
►Csgpp::datadriven::DatasetGenerator | |
Csgpp::datadriven::Friedman1Generator | |
Csgpp::datadriven::Friedman2Generator | |
Csgpp::datadriven::Friedman3Generator | |
Csgpp::datadriven::DatasetTools | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::DataShufflingFunctor | A class to provide functionality to shuffle (reorder) the data samples before the sample provider accesses it |
Csgpp::datadriven::DataShufflingFunctorCrossValidation | A pseudo shuffling functor, that maps indices 0...foldSize-1 to the current fold while mapping the other indices sequentially to the rest of the dataset |
Csgpp::datadriven::DataShufflingFunctorRandom | A simple shuffling functor for data samples that performs a random shuffling of the data |
Csgpp::datadriven::DataShufflingFunctorSequential | A simple shuffling functor for data samples that performs no shuffling at all, i.e |
Csgpp::datadriven::DataShufflingFunctorFactory | Concrete factory to build an instance of sgpp::datadriven::DataShufflingFunctor |
►Csgpp::datadriven::DataSource | DataSource is a high level, easy to use interface for accessing data provided by a all kinds of sgpp::datadriven::SampleProvider |
Csgpp::datadriven::DataSourceCrossValidation | DataSourceCrossValidation is a high level interface to provide functionality for processing data using a cross validation enviroment |
Csgpp::datadriven::DataSourceSplitting | DataSourceSlitting is a high level interface to provide functionality for processing data epoch-wise with a validation set that is retrieved at initialization time using the first samples the sample provider provides |
Csgpp::datadriven::DataSourceBuilder | Generate an instance of sgpp::datadriven::DataSource using the Builder Pattern |
Csgpp::datadriven::DataSourceConfig | Configuration structure used for all kinds of SampleProviders including default values |
Csgpp::datadriven::DataSourceFileTypeParser | Convenience class to convert strings to sgpp::datadriven::DataSourceFileType and generate string representations for values of sgpp::datadriven::DataSourceFileType |
Csgpp::datadriven::DataSourceIterator | Iterator object for walking convenient walking over the batches of a sgpp::datadriven::DataSource |
Csgpp::datadriven::DataSourceShufflingTypeParser | Convenience class to convert strings to sgpp::datadriven::DataSourceShufflingType and generate string representations for values of sgpp::datadriven::DataSourceShufflingType |
►Csgpp::datadriven::DataTransformation | DataTransformation is an abstraction for an object that provides different transformations on datasets, for example Rosenblatt-transformation to get a uniform distribution over the unit cube |
Csgpp::datadriven::RosenblattTransformation | |
Csgpp::datadriven::DataTransformationBuilder | Helper class to build all kinds of transformation based on given configuration |
Csgpp::datadriven::DataTransformationConfig | |
Csgpp::datadriven::DataTransformationTypeParser | Convenience class to convert strings to sgpp::datadriven::DataTransformationType and generate string representations for values of sgpp::datadriven::DataTransformationType |
Csgpp::combigrid::DataVectorEqualTo | Helper class used internally as an equality predicate |
Csgpp::combigrid::DataVectorHash | Helper class used internally as a hash function for DataVector objects |
Csgpp::base::DataVectorSP | A class to store one-dimensional data |
Csgpp::datadriven::DBMatDatabase | A database class to store and retrieve online matrix decompositions for the sparse grid density estimation |
►Csgpp::datadriven::DBMatOffline | Class that is used to decompose and store the left-hand-side matrix for the density based classification approach (The classification is divided into two parts: the offline step that does not depend on the actual data and the online step that depends on the data) |
►Csgpp::datadriven::DBMatOfflineGE | DBMatOffline specialization as a base class for all algorithms based on gaussian elimination on a dense matrix |
►Csgpp::datadriven::DBMatOfflineChol | DBMatOffline specialization that uses a cholesky factorization on a dense matrix |
Csgpp::datadriven::DBMatOfflineDenseIChol | DBMatOfflineChol specialization that uses a parallel, iterative incomplete cholesky factorization on a dense matrix |
Csgpp::datadriven::DBMatOfflineOrthoAdapt | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::DBMatOnline | Class for objects that can be used in the online step of the classification (The classification is divided into two parts: the offline step that does not depend on the actual data and the online step that depends on the data) |
►Csgpp::datadriven::DBMatOnlineDE | Class that stores, generates and manipulates a density function during online phase in on/off learning |
Csgpp::datadriven::DBMatOnlineDEChol | |
Csgpp::datadriven::DBMatOnlineDEOrthoAdapt | |
Csgpp::combigrid::Debugfct | |
Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationFundamentalSpline | Functor for dehierarchization with fundamental splines via BreadthFirstSearch |
►Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationLinear | Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a linear sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationLinearBoundary | Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a linear sparse grid with boundaries |
Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationLinearClenshawCurtis | Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationLinearClenshawCurtisBoundary | Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid |
►Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationLinearStretched | Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a linear sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationLinearStretchedBoundary | Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a linear sparse grid with boundaries |
Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationModFundamentalSpline | Functor for dehierarchization with modified fundamental splines via BreadthFirstSearch |
Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationModLinear | Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a mod linear sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationModLinearClenshawCurtis | Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationModPoly | Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a modified polynomial sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationModPolyClenshawCurtis | Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationPoly | Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationPolyBoundary | Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationPolyClenshawCurtis | Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationPolyClenshawCurtisBoundary | Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid |
Csgpp::datadriven::DensityEstimationConfiguration | |
Csgpp::datadriven::DensityEstimationTypeParser | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::DensityEstimator | |
Csgpp::datadriven::KernelDensityEstimator | |
Csgpp::datadriven::LearnerSGDE | |
Csgpp::datadriven::SparseGridDensityEstimator | |
Csgpp::base::DirichletGridConverter | This class handles the conversion of a boundary grid with dirichlet boundary conditions into an inner |
Csgpp::base::DirichletUpdateVector | This class is useful if you do some PDE calculations with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions |
Csgpp::pde::DowndPhidPhiBBIterativeLinear | This class is helper class to implement the complete Down of following bilinearform \(\int_{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} dx\) for a given dimension by an iterative algorithms on adaptive Sparse Grids with linear ansatzfunctions without boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::DowndPhidPhiBBIterativeLinearBoundary | This class is helper class to implement the complete Down of following bilinearform \(\int_{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} dx\) for a given dimension by an iterative algorithms on adaptive Sparse Grids with linear ansatzfunctions with boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::DowndPhidPhiBBIterativeLinearStretched | This class is helper class to implement the complete Down of following bilinearform \(\int_{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} dx\) for a given dimension by an iterative algorithms on adaptive Sparse Grids with linear ansatzfunctions without boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::DowndPhidPhiBBIterativeLinearStretchedBoundary | This class is helper class to implement the complete Down of following bilinearform \(\int_{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} dx\) for a given dimension by an iterative algorithms on adaptive Sparse Grids with linear ansatzfunctions with boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::dPhidPhiDownModLinear | Implementation of sweep operator (): 1D Down for Bilinearform \(\int_{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{\partial x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{\partial x} dx\) on mod-linear grids |
Csgpp::pde::dPhidPhiUpModLinear | Implementation of sweep operator (): 1D Up for Bilinearform \(\int_{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{\partial x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{\partial x} dx\) on mod-linear grids |
Csgpp::optimization::EmptyVectorFunction | Singleton containing an empty implementation of VectorFunction |
Csgpp::optimization::EmptyVectorFunctionGradient | Singleton containing an empty implementation of VectorFunctionGradient |
Csgpp::base::EvalCuboidGenerator | This class builds a cuboid in the d-dimension space |
Csgpp::base::EvalCuboidGeneratorForStretching | This class builds a cuboid in the d-dimension space |
Csgpp::combigrid::EvaluatorConfiguration | |
►CException | |
Cpython.utils.json.ReadException | Exceptions which can happen during the reading process |
Cpython.utils.json.WriteException | Exceptions which can happen during the writing process |
►Cstd::exception | STL class |
Cjson::json_exception | |
Csgpp::base::algorithm_exception | Exception that is thrown in case of an application failure |
Csgpp::base::application_exception | Exception that is thrown in case of an application failure |
Csgpp::base::data_exception | Exception that is thrown in case of a data failure (conversion, creation, ...) |
Csgpp::base::factory_exception | Exception that is thrown in case of a grid failure |
Csgpp::base::file_exception | Exception that is thrown in case of a file failure |
Csgpp::base::generation_exception | Exception that is thrown in case of a grid generation failure |
Csgpp::base::not_implemented_exception | Exception that is thrown in case of an application failure |
Csgpp::base::operation_exception | Exception that is thrown in case of a grid operation failure |
Csgpp::base::solver_exception | Exception that is thrown in case of a solver operation failure |
Csgpp::base::tool_exception | Exception that is thrown in case of a tool operation failure |
►Csgpp::solver::FistaBase | |
Csgpp::solver::Fista< F > | Fast Iterative Shrinkage Tresholding Algorithm is a solver for least-squares problems |
►Csgpp::datadriven::FitterConfiguration | General configuration object for fitters |
►Csgpp::datadriven::FitterConfigurationDensityEstimation | Configuration for fitter scenarios using density estimation |
Csgpp::datadriven::FitterConfigurationClassification | Configuration for fitter scenarios using classification |
Csgpp::datadriven::FitterConfigurationLeastSquares | Configuration for fitter scenarios using least squares optimization |
►Csgpp::datadriven::FitterFactory | Abstract factory to build all kinds of fitters/models based on a given configuration |
Csgpp::datadriven::DensityEstimationFitterFactory | Concrete factory to build instances of sgpp::datadriven::ModelFittingDensityEstimation |
Csgpp::datadriven::LeastSquaresRegressionFitterFactory | Concrete factory to build instances of sgpp::datadriven::ModelFittingLeastSquares |
Csgpp::datadriven::FitterTypeParser | Convenience class to convert strings to sgpp::datadriven::FitterType and generate string representations for values of sgpp::datadriven::FitterType |
Csgpp::combigrid::FloatArrayVector | This class models a vector of scalars supporting operations such as addition, scalar multiplication and componentwise muliplication |
Csgpp::combigrid::FloatScalarVector | This class models a single scalar supporting operations such as addition, scalar multiplication and componentwise muliplication |
Csgpp::combigrid::FloatTensorVector | |
Csgpp::combigrid::FunctionLookupTable | This class wraps a MultiFunction and stores computed values using a hashtable to avoid reevaluating a function at points where it already has been evaluated |
Csgpp::combigrid::FunctionLookupTableImpl | Helper to realize the PIMPL pattern |
Csgpp::combigrid::GaussLegendreQuadrature | Uses Gauss-Legendre quadrature to approximate the integral of a function on the domain [0, 1] |
Csgpp::combigrid::GeneralFunction< Out, In > | Wrapper for std::function<Out(In)> |
Csgpp::combigrid::GeneralFunction1< Out > | |
Csgpp::combigrid::GeneralFunction< double, base::DataVector const & > | |
Csgpp::combigrid::GeneralFunction< double, double > | |
Csgpp::combigrid::GeneralFunction< std::shared_ptr< TreeStorage< double > >, std::shared_ptr< TensorGrid > > | |
Csgpp::combigrid::GeneralFunction< void, ThreadPool & > | |
Csgpp::combigrid::GeneralFunctionDirector< Out, In > | This is a helper class used internally to wrap python functions into GeneralFunction objects |
Csgpp::combigrid::GeneralFunctionDirector1< Out > | |
►Csgpp::base::GeneralGridConfiguration | Struct to cluster general grid information for different grid "super" types |
Csgpp::base::CombiGridConfiguration | Structure that can be used by applications to cluster combi grid information |
Csgpp::base::RegularGridConfiguration | Structure that can be used by applications to cluster regular grid information |
Csgpp::datadriven::GeneralGridTypeParser | Parser class to parse a general grid type into a GeneralGridType enum type and vice versa |
Csgpp::combigrid::Genz | |
Csgpp::base::GetAffectedBasisFunctions< BASIS > | Basic algorithm for getting all affected basis functions |
Csgpp::base::GetAffectedBasisFunctions< LinearBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > > | Template Specialization for LinearBoundaryBasis basis |
Csgpp::base::GetAffectedBasisFunctions< LinearClenshawCurtisBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > > | Template Specialization for LinearClenshawCurtisBoundaryBasis basis |
Csgpp::base::GetAffectedBasisFunctions< LinearPeriodicBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > > | Template Specialization for PeriodicBasis basis |
Csgpp::base::GetAffectedBasisFunctions< LinearStretchedBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > > | Template Specialization for LinearStretchedBoundaryBasis basis |
Csgpp::base::GetAffectedBasisFunctions< PolyBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > > | Template Specialization for PolyBoundaryBasis basis |
Csgpp::base::GetAffectedBasisFunctions< PolyClenshawCurtisBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > > | Template Specialization for PolyClenshawCurtisBoundaryBasis basis |
Csgpp::base::GetAffectedBasisFunctions< PrewaveletBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > > | Template Specialization for prewavelet basis |
Csgpp::datadriven::streamingBSplineOCL::getType< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::streamingBSplineOCL::getType< double > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::streamingBSplineOCL::getType< float > | |
Csgpp::combigrid::GFDirWrapper< Out, In > | This is a protected helper class used internally to wrap python functions into MultiFunction objects |
Csgpp::combigrid::GFDirWrapper1< Out > | |
►Csgpp::base::Grid | Abstract base class for all types grids used in sgpp the class gives pure virtual function definitions that have to be implemented by all types of grids |
Csgpp::base::BsplineBoundaryGrid | Grid with Bspline basis functions with boundaries, pentagon cut |
Csgpp::base::BsplineClenshawCurtisGrid | Grid with Clenshaw-Curtis Bspline basis functions with boundaries, pentagon cut |
Csgpp::base::BsplineGrid | Grid with Bspline basis functions |
Csgpp::base::FundamentalSplineGrid | Grid with fundamental spline basis functions |
►Csgpp::base::GridStencil | Grid with linear base functions |
Csgpp::base::LinearGridStencil | Grid with linear base functions |
Csgpp::base::ModLinearGridStencil | Grid with linear base functions |
Csgpp::base::LinearBoundaryGrid | Grid with linear base functions with boundaries, pentagon cut |
Csgpp::base::LinearClenshawCurtisBoundaryGrid | Grid with Clenshaw-Curtis linear base functions with boundaries, pentagon cut |
Csgpp::base::LinearClenshawCurtisGrid | Grid with modified Clenshaw-Curtis poly basis functions |
Csgpp::base::LinearGrid | Grid with linear base functions |
Csgpp::base::LinearL0BoundaryGrid | Grid with linear base functions with boundaries |
Csgpp::base::LinearStretchedBoundaryGrid | Grid with linear base functions with boundaries, pentagon cut |
Csgpp::base::LinearStretchedGrid | Grid with linearstretched base functions |
Csgpp::base::LinearTruncatedBoundaryGrid | Grid with linear base functions with boundaries, pentagon cut Generalization of the LinearL0Boundary and LinearBoundary Grids The sparse grid does contain all fullgrids with |l|<a given level, and l_min>l_user For l_user=0 we obtain the LinearL0BoundaryGrid and for l_user=1 we obtain the linear truncated boundary grid |
Csgpp::base::ModBsplineClenshawCurtisGrid | Grid with modified Clenshaw-Curtis Bspline basis functions |
Csgpp::base::ModBsplineGrid | Grid with modified Bspline basis functions |
Csgpp::base::ModFundamentalSplineGrid | Grid with modified fundamental spline basis functions |
Csgpp::base::ModLinearClenshawCurtisGrid | Grid with modified Clenshaw-Curtis poly basis functions |
Csgpp::base::ModLinearGrid | Grid with modified linear base functions |
Csgpp::base::ModPolyClenshawCurtisGrid | Grid with modified Clenshaw-Curtis poly basis functions |
Csgpp::base::ModPolyGrid | Grid with modified polynomial base functions |
Csgpp::base::ModWaveletGrid | Grid with modified wavelet base functions |
Csgpp::base::NakBsplineBoundaryCombigridGrid | Grid with B-spline basis functions with not-a-knot boundary conditions |
Csgpp::base::PeriodicGrid | Grid with modified linear base functions |
Csgpp::base::PolyBoundaryGrid | Trapezoid boundary grid with polynomial base functions |
Csgpp::base::PolyClenshawCurtisBoundaryGrid | Grid with Clenshaw-Curtis linear base functions with boundaries, pentagon cut |
Csgpp::base::PolyClenshawCurtisGrid | Grid with modified Clenshaw-Curtis poly basis functions |
Csgpp::base::PolyGrid | Grid with polynomial base functions |
Csgpp::base::PrewaveletGrid | Grid with prewavelet base functions |
Csgpp::base::SquareRootGrid | Grid with linear base functions with boundaries, pentagon cut |
Csgpp::base::WaveletBoundaryGrid | Grid with wavelet base functions with boundaries, pentagon cut |
Csgpp::base::WaveletGrid | Grid with wavelet base functions |
Csgpp::base::GridDataBase | Class that allows to keep a storage of arbitrary grid points |
Csgpp::datadriven::GridFactory | Factory class to create grids based on a configuration file |
►Csgpp::base::GridGenerator | Abstract class that defines the interfaces for the different grid's GridGenerators |
Csgpp::base::BoundaryGridGenerator | This class provides the interface for the grid generation for grids with boundaries, pentagon cut through sub space scheme |
Csgpp::base::GeneralizedBoundaryGridGenerator | This class provides the interface for the grid generation for grids with boundaries, pentagon cut through sub space scheme |
Csgpp::base::L0BoundaryGridGenerator | This class provides the interface for the grid generation for grids with boundaries, diagonal cut through sub space scheme |
Csgpp::base::PeriodicGridGenerator | GridGenerator for periodic grids with boundaries |
Csgpp::base::PrewaveletGridGenerator | GridGenerator for prewavelet grids without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::SquareRootGridGenerator | This class provides the interface for the grid generation for grids with boundaries, pentagon cut through sub space scheme |
Csgpp::base::StandardGridGenerator | GridGenerator for standard grids without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::StretchedBoundaryGridGenerator | TODOTEXT |
►Csgpp::base::GridPrinter | This class implements a utility that allows you to print a grid to file |
Csgpp::base::GridPrinterForStretching | This class implements a utility that allows you to print a grid to file |
Csgpp::datadriven::GridTypeParser | |
Csgpp::combigrid::BinaryHeap< T, Comparator >::Handle | |
Csgpp::datadriven::Harmonica | Class to host all methods required to perform the harmonica algorithm |
Csgpp::base::HashCoarsening | Standard free coarsening class for sparse grids, only inner grid points can be removed |
Csgpp::base::HashGenerator | This class provides the generation functionality of sparse grids based on hashmaps |
Csgpp::base::HashGridIterator | This class can be used for storage agnostic algorithms |
Csgpp::base::HashGridPoint | This Class represents one Gridpoint |
Csgpp::datadriven::HashGridPointCompare | |
Csgpp::base::HashGridPointEqualityFunctor | |
Csgpp::base::HashGridPointHashFunctor | |
Csgpp::base::HashGridPointPointerEqualityFunctor | |
Csgpp::base::HashGridPointPointerHashFunctor | |
Csgpp::base::HashGridStorage | Generic hash table based storage of grid points |
Csgpp::combigrid::BinaryHeap< T, Comparator >::HeapElement | |
Csgpp::base::HermiteBasis | |
Csgpp::base::HierarchisationFundamentalSpline | Functor for hierarchization with fundamental splines via BreadthFirstSearch |
►Csgpp::base::HierarchisationLinear | Class that implements the hierarchisation on a linear sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::HierarchisationLinearBoundary | Class that implements the hierarchisation on a linear sparse grid with boundaries |
Csgpp::base::HierarchisationLinearClenshawCurtis | Class that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::HierarchisationLinearClenshawCurtisBoundary | Class that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid |
►Csgpp::base::HierarchisationLinearStretched | Class that implements the hierarchisation on a linear sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::HierarchisationLinearStretchedBoundary | Class that implements the hierarchisation on a linear sparse grid with boundaries |
Csgpp::base::HierarchisationModFundamentalSpline | Functor for hierarchization with modified fundamental splines via BreadthFirstSearch |
Csgpp::base::HierarchisationModLinear | Class that implements the hierarchisation on a mod linear sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::HierarchisationModLinearClenshawCurtis | Class that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::HierarchisationModPoly | Class that implements the hierarchisation on a modified polynomial sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::HierarchisationModPolyClenshawCurtis | Class that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::HierarchisationPoly | Class that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::HierarchisationPolyBoundary | Class that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::HierarchisationPolyClenshawCurtis | Class that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::HierarchisationPolyClenshawCurtisBoundary | Class that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid |
Csgpp::datadriven::HPOConfig | Configuration for HyperparameterOptimizer |
►Csgpp::datadriven::HyperParameter | Class to represent a hyperparameter |
Csgpp::datadriven::ContinuousParameter | Concrete class for hyperparameter with continuous values |
Csgpp::datadriven::DiscreteParameter | Concrete class for hyperparameter with discrete values |
►Csgpp::datadriven::HyperparameterOptimizer | HyperparameterOptimizer uses fitters provided by a fitterFactory to test in a SparseGridMiner It offers access to different hyperparameter optimization procedures |
Csgpp::datadriven::BoHyperparameterOptimizer | BoHyperparameterOptimizer coordinates data input, fitting and validation modules similarly to SparseGridMiner |
Csgpp::datadriven::HarmonicaHyperparameterOptimizer | HarmonicaHyperparameterOptimizer coordinates data input, fitting and validation modules similarly to SparseGridMiner |
Csgpp::base::IndexInSubspaceGenerator | Container for the index_vectors of a subspace |
Csgpp::combigrid::Ishigami | |
Csgpp::combigrid::IterationPolicy | With the IterationPolicy class, an AbstractMultiStorage can be configured to traverse its entries in a different order than the identity order |
►Csgpp::optimization::IterativeGridGenerator | Abstract base class for iterative grid generation methods |
Csgpp::optimization::IterativeGridGeneratorLinearSurplus | Iterative grid generation based on linear surplusses |
Csgpp::optimization::IterativeGridGeneratorRitterNovak | Iterative grid generation based on Ritter/Novak's refinement criterion |
Csgpp::optimization::IterativeGridGeneratorSOO | Iterative grid generator using simultaneous optimistic optimization (SOO) |
►Citerator | |
Csgpp::base::IndexInSubspaceGenerator::iterator | Iterator class compatible with STL forward iterator (no const iterator) |
Csgpp::base::SubspaceGenerator::iterator | |
Csgpp::combigrid::KahanAdder | Kahan adder (a numerically more precise method to add many numbers) |
►Csgpp::datadriven::Kernel | |
Csgpp::datadriven::EpanechnikovKernel | |
Csgpp::datadriven::GaussianKernel | |
Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::KernelCreateGraph< T > | OpenCL kernel class for operation to create a k nearest neighbor graph |
Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::KernelDensityB< T > | Class for the OpenCL density matrix vector multiplication |
Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::KernelDensityMult< T > | Class for the OpenCL density matrix vector multiplication |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLFastMultiPlatform::KernelMult< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLMaskMultiPlatform::KernelMult< real_type > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLOpt::KernelMult< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLUnified::KernelMult< real_type > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingOCLMultiPlatform::KernelMult< T > | Kernel that provide the MultiEval \(v:= B^T \alpha\) operation for a single OpenCL device |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLUnified::KernelMult< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLMaskMultiPlatform::KernelMult< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLFastMultiPlatform::KernelMultTranspose< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLMaskMultiPlatform::KernelMultTranspose< real_type > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLOpt::KernelMultTranspose< real_type > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLUnified::KernelMultTranspose< real_type > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingOCLMultiPlatform::KernelMultTranspose< T > | Kernel that provide the transposed MultiEval operation \(v':= B v\) for a single OpenCL device |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLOpt::KernelMultTranspose< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLUnified::KernelMultTranspose< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLMaskMultiPlatform::KernelMultTranspose< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::KernelPruneGraph< T > | OpenCL kernel for density based pruning of a graph |
►Csgpp::base::KernelSourceBuilderBase< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLMaskMultiPlatform::SourceBuilderMult< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLMaskMultiPlatform::SourceBuilderMultTranspose< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLOpt::SourceBuilderMultTranspose< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLUnified::SourceBuilderMult< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLUnified::SourceBuilderMultTranspose< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::SourceBuilderB< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::SourceBuilderCreateGraph< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingOCLMultiPlatform::SourceBuilderMult< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::SourceBuilderMult< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLOpt::SourceBuilderMult< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLFastMultiPlatform::SourceBuilderMult< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLFastMultiPlatform::SourceBuilderMultTranspose< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingOCLMultiPlatform::SourceBuilderMultTranspose< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::SourceBuilderPruneGraph< T > | |
►Csgpp::base::KernelSourceBuilderBase< real_type > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::SourceBuilderB< real_type > | OpenCL source builder for density right hand side vector |
Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::SourceBuilderCreateGraph< real_type > | OpenCL source builder for k nearest neighbors graph creation |
Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::SourceBuilderMult< real_type > | OpenCL source builder for density matrix vector multiplication |
Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::SourceBuilderPruneGraph< real_type > | OpenCL source builder for density based graph pruning |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLFastMultiPlatform::SourceBuilderMult< real_type > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLFastMultiPlatform::SourceBuilderMultTranspose< real_type > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLOpt::SourceBuilderMult< real_type > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingOCLMultiPlatform::SourceBuilderMult< real_type > | Class for creating compute kernels for the MultiEval operation \(v:= B^T \alpha\) |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingOCLMultiPlatform::SourceBuilderMultTranspose< real_type > | Class for creating compute kernels for the transposed MultiEval operation \(v':= B v\) |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLUnified::SourceBuilderMult< real_type > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLMaskMultiPlatform::SourceBuilderMult< real_type > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLOpt::SourceBuilderMultTranspose< real_type > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLUnified::SourceBuilderMultTranspose< real_type > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLMaskMultiPlatform::SourceBuilderMultTranspose< real_type > | |
Csgpp::combigrid::LagrangePolynom | Class for a LagrangePolynom, used to eval it |
Csgpp::pde::LaplaceDownGradientPrewavelet | Implements the downGradient Method needed for the Laplace operator on prewavelet grids |
►Csgpp::pde::LaplaceEnhancedDownBBLinear | Implementation of sweep operator () for enhanced Laplace operator, down operation |
Csgpp::pde::LaplaceEnhancedDownBBLinearBoundary | Implementation of sweep operator () for enhanced Laplace operator, down operation |
►Csgpp::pde::LaplaceEnhancedUpBBLinear | Implementation of sweep operator () for enhanced Laplace operator, up operation |
Csgpp::pde::LaplaceEnhancedUpBBLinearBoundary | Implementation of sweep operator () for enhanced Laplace operator, up operation |
Csgpp::pde::LaplaceUpGradientPrewavelet | Implements the upGradient Method needed for the Laplace operator on prewavelet grids |
Csgpp::pde::LaplaceUpPrewavelet | Implements the down Method needed for the Laplace operator on prewavelet grids |
►Csgpp::datadriven::LearnerBase | Abstract class that implements a regression/classification learner based on spatial adaptive Sparse Grids |
Csgpp::datadriven::Learner | This class implements standard sparse grid regression with an arbitrary regularization operator |
Csgpp::datadriven::LearnerLeastSquaresIdentity | This class implements standard sparse grid regression with an Identity matrix as regularization operator |
Csgpp::datadriven::LearnerBaseSP | Abstract class that implements a regression/classification learner based on spatial adaptive Sparse Grids |
Csgpp::datadriven::LearnerConfiguration | Structure that contains information about the learners behaviour |
Csgpp::datadriven::LearnerSGD | LearnerSGD learns the data using stochastic gradient descent |
Csgpp::datadriven::LearnerSGDEOnOffParallel | LearnerSGDEOnOffParallel learns the data using sparse grid density estimation |
Csgpp::datadriven::LearnerSVM | LearnerSVM learns the data using support vector machines and sparse grid kernels |
Csgpp::datadriven::LearnerTiming | Strcut to encapsulate the learner's timings during training |
Csgpp::datadriven::LearnerVectorizedPerformance | Struct that defines return for calculation the performance of a vectorized learner |
Csgpp::datadriven::LearnerVectorizedPerformanceCalculator | Class that provides functionality in order to determine a LearnerVectorized's performance |
►Csgpp::optimization::optimizer::LeastSquaresOptimizer | Abstract class for solving non-linear least squares problems |
Csgpp::optimization::optimizer::LevenbergMarquardt | Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for least squares optimization |
Csgpp::datadriven::LevelIndexPair | Pair to hold the level and the index of a grid point in one dimension |
Csgpp::combigrid::LevelInfo | Stores necessary information about the computation status of a level |
Csgpp::combigrid::LevelInfos | |
►Csgpp::combigrid::LevelManager | This class provides functionality to conveniently add levels to a CombigridEvaluator |
Csgpp::combigrid::AveragingLevelManager | This is a simple LevelManager implementation that does level norm prediction for adaptive refinement by averaging the norms of predecessor levels divided by their number of new points |
Csgpp::combigrid::RegularLevelManager | This class provides an adaption strategy that is equivalent to adding levels regularly |
Csgpp::combigrid::WeightedRatioLevelManager | This refinement criterion implements the one proposed by ´Gerstner and Griebel: Dimension-adaptive Tensor-Product Quadrature, p |
Csgpp::base::LinearLoadBalancer | |
Csgpp::base::LinearLoadBalancerMultiPlatform | |
Csgpp::combigrid::LTwoScalarProductHashMapNakBsplineBoundaryCombigrid | |
Csgpp::datadriven::MakePositiveConfiguration | |
Csgpp::datadriven::MatrixDecompositionTypeParser | |
Csgpp::datadriven::MaximumLikelihoodCrossValidation | |
Csgpp::combigrid::MCIntegrator | Monte-Carlo-Quadrature for testing issues |
Csgpp::datadriven::MergeGridNetworkMessage | Packet wrapper in MPI_Packet containing segmented data from the alpha vector of the trained system |
Csgpp::datadriven::MessageTrackRequest | Structure that holds data for pending tracking requests that need to be checked against incoming messages |
Csgpp::datadriven::MetaLearner | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::Metric | We use metrics to quantify approximation quality of a trained model |
Csgpp::datadriven::Accuracy | Metric that quantifies the difference between predicted values and actual values in terms of mean squared error (MSE) |
Csgpp::datadriven::MSE | Metric that quantifies the difference between predicted values and actual values in terms of mean squared error (MSE) |
Csgpp::datadriven::NegativeLogLikelihood | Metric that quantifies the likelihood of a dataset given the density function |
►Csgpp::datadriven::MinerFactory | Abstract factory to build different kinds of Miners based on a configuration which is parsed from a file |
Csgpp::datadriven::ClassificationMinerFactory | Concrete Factory that builds an instance of sgpp::datadriven::SparseGridMiner for classification |
Csgpp::datadriven::DensityEstimationMinerFactory | Concrete Factory that builds an instance of sgpp::datadriven::SparseGridMiner for Density Estimation |
Csgpp::datadriven::LeastSquaresRegressionMinerFactory | Concrete Factory that builds an instance of sgpp::datadriven::SparseGridMiner for Least Squares Regression |
Csgpp::datadriven::UniversalMinerFactory | Concrete Factory that builds an instance of sgpp::datadriven::SparseGridMiner for the fitting task specified by the configuration |
Csgpp::combigrid::MixedOptimizer | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::ModelFittingBase | Base class for arbitrary machine learning models based on adaptive sparse grids |
►Csgpp::datadriven::ModelFittingBaseSingleGrid | Base class for models operating on a single grid (i.e |
►Csgpp::datadriven::ModelFittingDensityEstimation | Abstract super class to encapsulate density estimation models such as using offline/-online splitting or conjugate gradients in order to solve the system |
Csgpp::datadriven::ModelFittingDensityEstimationCG | Fitter object that encapsulates the usage of sparse grid density estimation with identity as regularization |
Csgpp::datadriven::ModelFittingDensityEstimationOnOff | Fitter object that encapsulates the usage of sparse grid density estimation with identity as regularization |
Csgpp::datadriven::ModelFittingLeastSquares | Fitter object that encapsulates the usage of sparse grid based regression with identity as regularization |
Csgpp::datadriven::ModelFittingClassification | Fitter object that encapsulates density based classification using instances of ModelFittingDensityEstimation for each class |
Csgpp::datadriven::MortonOrder | |
Csgpp::datadriven::MPI_Packet | A packet sent over MPI, using a command as a descriptor, and a wrapped package in the payload for data |
Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::MPIEnviroment | |
Csgpp::datadriven::MPIMethods | |
Csgpp::datadriven::MPIRequestPool | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::MPITaskScheduler | |
Csgpp::datadriven::RoundRobinScheduler | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::MPIWorkerBase | Base class for MPI master node operations |
►Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::MPIWorkerPackageBase< double > | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::DensityRhsWorker | |
Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::OperationDensityRhsMPI | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::DensityWorker | |
Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::OperationDensityMultMPI | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::MPIWorkerPackageBase< int > | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::PrunedGraphCreationWorker | |
Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::OperationPrunedGraphCreationMPI | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::MPIWorkerGraphBase | |
Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::DensityRhsWorker | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::GraphCreationWorker | |
Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::OperationGraphCreationMPI | |
Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::PrunedGraphCreationWorker | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::MPIWorkerGridBase | |
Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::DensityRhsWorker | |
Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::DensityWorker | |
Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::PrunedGraphCreationWorker | |
Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::MPIWorkerPackageBase< T > | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::WorkerDummy | |
Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::OperationDummy | |
Csgpp::combigrid::MultiIndexIterator | Iterates over a hypercube of multi-indices |
Csgpp::base::MultipleClassPoint | Multiple Class Point provides a structure to save additional data for each GridPoint in a Sparse Grid |
Csgpp::optimization::MutexType | Wrapper for OpenMP nested locks |
Csgpp::datadriven::NearestNeighbors | The NearestNeighbors class |
Csgpp::combigrid::NewtonOptimizer | |
►Cjson::Node | |
►Cjson::DictNode | |
►Cjson::JSON | |
►Csgpp::base::OperationConfiguration | |
Csgpp::base::OCLOperationConfiguration | |
Csgpp::combigrid::OrthogonalPolynomialBasis1DConfiguration | |
Csgpp::datadriven::LearnerScenario | |
Csgpp::datadriven::LearnerSGDEConfiguration | |
Csgpp::datadriven::SparseGridDensityEstimatorConfiguration | |
Cjson::IDNode | |
Cjson::ListNode | |
Cjson::TextNode | |
Csgpp::datadriven::PiecewiseConstantRegression::Node | |
Csgpp::combigrid::NormalAdder | Standard adder with the same interface as the Kahan adder |
Csgpp::combigrid::NormStrategy< V > | |
►Csgpp::combigrid::NormStrategy< FloatTensorVector > | |
Csgpp::combigrid::FirstMomentNormStrategy | |
Csgpp::combigrid::SecondMomentNormStrategy | |
Csgpp::combigrid::VarianceNormStrategy | |
►Cobject | |
Cpython.controller.LearnerEventController.LearnerEventController | Abstract class of Subscribers of LearnerEvents |
Cpython.controller.SolverEventController.SolverEventController | Abstract class of Subscribers of LinearSolverEvents |
Cpython.controller.TerminalController.TerminalController | The class provides the functionality for launching of learning jobs from terminal using console parameters or a configuration file |
Cpython.data.DataAdapter.DataAdapter | Abstract class defines the interface for storing and loading of input data |
Cpython.data.DataContainer.DataContainer | |
Cpython.data.DataEntry.DataEntry | A container for tuple of a point and its corresponding value |
Cpython.data.DataSpecification.DataSpecification | The class encapsulates the description of the data set, like names of dimensions and source file |
Cpython.learner.folding.FoldingPolicy.FoldingPolicy | Abstract class for providing functionality for accomplishment of learning with cross-validation by generating a set of training data/validation data pairs |
Cpython.learner.LearnedKnowledge.LearnedKnowledge | Class keeps all information, which was learned during the learning process |
Cpython.learner.Learner.Learner | The class implements the routines common for classifier and regressor |
Cpython.learner.Learner.LearnerEvents | Constants of different learning events |
Cpython.learner.LearnerBuilder.LearnerBuilder | Implement mechanisms to create customized learning system |
Cpython.learner.LearnerBuilder.LearnerBuilder.CGSolverDescriptor | CGSolver Descriptor helps to implement fluid interface patter on python it encapsulates functionality concerning creation of the CG-Solver |
Cpython.learner.LearnerBuilder.LearnerBuilder.FoldingDescriptor | Folding Descriptor helps to implement fluid interface patter on python it encapsulates functionality concerning the usage for N-fold cross-validation |
Cpython.learner.LearnerBuilder.LearnerBuilder.GridDescriptor | Grid Descriptor helps to implement fluid interface patter on python it encapsulates functionality concerning creation of the grid |
Cpython.learner.LearnerBuilder.LearnerBuilder.SpecificationDescriptor | TrainingSpecification Descriptor helps to implement fluid interface patter on python it encapsulates functionality concerning creation of the training specification |
Cpython.learner.LearnerBuilder.LearnerBuilder.StopPolicyDescriptor | TrainingStopPolicy Descriptor helps to implement fluid interface patter on python it encapsulates functionality concerning creation of the training stop policy |
Cpython.learner.solver.LinearSolver.LinearSolver | Abstract class for solution of system of linear equations |
Cpython.learner.solver.LinearSolver.LinearSolverEvents | Constants of different solving events |
Cpython.learner.TrainingSpecification.TrainingSpecification | Collection of parameters, which specify the learning process |
Cpython.learner.TrainingStopPolicy.TrainingStopPolicy | The class implements heuristics for testing if the learn process should be finished before learner is overfitted |
Cpython.learner.Types.BorderTypes | Constants for types of grid borders |
Cpython.learner.Types.SolverTypes | Constants for types of linear solvers |
Cpython.tools.Matrix | |
Cpython.uq.analysis.Analysis.Analysis | |
Cpython.uq.analysis.Analysis.AnalysisHash | |
Cpython.uq.analysis.asgc.anova.hdmrAnalytic.HDMRAnalytic | |
Cpython.uq.analysis.asgc.ASGCAnalysisBuilder.ASGCAnalysisBuilder | |
Cpython.uq.analysis.asgc.ASGCAnalysisSpecification.ASGCAnalysisSpecification | |
Cpython.uq.analysis.asgc.ASGCDescriptor.ASGCDescriptor | |
Cpython.uq.analysis.asgc.ASGCKnowledge.ASGCKnowledge | |
Cpython.uq.analysis.KnowledgeTypes.KnowledgeTypes | |
Cpython.uq.dists.Dist.Dist | |
Cpython.uq.estimators.Estimator.Estimator | |
Cpython.uq.estimators.SparseGridEstimationStrategy.SparseGridEstimationStrategy | |
Cpython.uq.learner.builder.CGSolverDescriptor.CGSolverDescriptor | |
Cpython.uq.learner.builder.GridDescriptor.GridDescriptor | |
Cpython.uq.learner.builder.InterpolantSpecificationDescriptor.InterpolantSpecificationDescriptor | |
Cpython.uq.learner.builder.LearnerBuilder.LearnerBuilder | Implement mechanisms to create customized learning system |
Cpython.uq.learner.builder.RegressorSpecificationDescriptor.FoldingDescriptor | |
Cpython.uq.learner.builder.RegressorSpecificationDescriptor.FoldingStrategy | |
Cpython.uq.learner.builder.RegressorSpecificationDescriptor.RegressorSpecificationDescriptor | |
Cpython.uq.learner.builder.SimulationLearnerBuilder.SimulationLearnerDescriptor | |
Cpython.uq.learner.Learner.Learner | |
Cpython.uq.learner.Learner.LearnerEvents | |
Cpython.uq.manager.ASGCStatistics.ASGCStatistics | |
Cpython.uq.manager.ASGCUQManager.ASGCUQManager | |
Cpython.uq.manager.ASGCUQManagerBuilder.ASGCUQManagerBuilder | |
Cpython.uq.models.Model.Model | |
Cpython.uq.models.testEnvironments.ProbabilisticSpaceSGpp | |
Cpython.uq.models.testEnvironments.TestEnvironmentMC | |
Cpython.uq.models.testEnvironments.TestEnvironmentSG | |
Cpython.uq.operations.forcePositivity.findCandidateSet.CandidateSet | |
Cpython.uq.operations.forcePositivity.interpolationAlgorithm.InterpolationAlgorithm | |
Cpython.uq.operations.forcePositivity.localFullGridSearch.LocalFullGrid | |
Cpython.uq.operations.forcePositivity.operationMakePositive.OperationMakePositive | |
Cpython.uq.operations.forcePositivity.operationMakePositiveFast.OperationMakePositiveFast | |
Cpython.uq.operations.natafTransformation.NatafTransformation | |
Cpython.uq.parameters.Parameter.Parameter | |
►Cpython.uq.parameters.ParameterBuilder.GeneralParameterBuilder | |
Cpython.uq.parameters.ParameterBuilder.DeterministicParameterBuilder | |
Cpython.uq.parameters.ParameterBuilder.UncertainParameterBuilder | |
Cpython.uq.parameters.ParameterBuilder.ParameterBuilder | |
►Cpython.uq.parameters.ParameterDescriptor.ParameterDescriptor | |
Cpython.uq.parameters.ParameterDescriptor.DeterministicParameterDescriptor | |
Cpython.uq.parameters.ParameterDescriptor.UncertainParameterDesciptor | |
Cpython.uq.parameters.ParameterSet.ParameterSet | |
Cpython.uq.parameters.ParameterSet.ParameterSetIterator | |
Cpython.uq.quadrature.HashQuadrature.HashQuadrature | |
Cpython.uq.quadrature.HashQuadrature.HashQuadratureMap | |
Cpython.uq.quadrature.strategies.QuadratureFactory.QuadratureFactory | |
Cpython.uq.quadrature.strategies.QuadratureStrategy.QuadratureStrategy | |
►Cpython.uq.refinement.AdmissibleSet.AdmissibleSetGenerator | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.AdmissibleSet.AdmissibleSparseGridNodeSet | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.AdmissibleSet.RefinableNodesSet | |
►Cpython.uq.refinement.LocalRefinementStrategy.LocalRefinementStrategy | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.LocalRefinementStrategy.AddNode | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.LocalRefinementStrategy.ANOVARefinement | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.LocalRefinementStrategy.CreateAllChildrenRefinement | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementManager.RefinementManager | |
►Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementManagerDescriptor.AdmissibleSetDescriptor | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementManagerDescriptor.MostPromisingChildrenDescriptor | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementManagerDescriptor.RefineCurrentNodesDescriptor | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementManagerDescriptor.RefinementManagerDescriptor | |
►Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementStrategy.Ranking | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementStrategy.AnchoredExpectationValueOptRanking | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementStrategy.AnchoredMeanSquaredOptRanking | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementStrategy.AnchoredVarianceOptRanking | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementStrategy.AnchoredWeightedL2OptRanking | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementStrategy.ExpectationValueBFRanking | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementStrategy.ExpectationValueOptRanking | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementStrategy.LinearSurplusEstimationRanking | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementStrategy.MeanSquaredOptRanking | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementStrategy.PredictiveRanking | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementStrategy.SquaredSurplusBFRanking | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementStrategy.SquaredSurplusRanking | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementStrategy.SurplusRanking | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementStrategy.SurplusRatioEstimationRanking | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementStrategy.SurplusRatioRanking | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementStrategy.VarianceBFRanking | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementStrategy.VarianceOptRanking | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementStrategy.WeightedL2BFRanking | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementStrategy.WeightedL2OptRanking | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementStrategy.WeightedSurplusBFRanking | |
Cpython.uq.refinement.RefinementStrategy.WeightedSurplusRanking | |
Cpython.uq.sampler.asgc.ASGCSamplerBuilder.ASGCSamplerBuilder | |
Cpython.uq.sampler.asgc.ASGCSamplerBuilder.ASGCSamplerStopPolicyDescriptor | |
Cpython.uq.sampler.asgc.ASGCSamplerSpecification.ASGCSamplerSpecification | |
Cpython.uq.sampler.asgc.ASGCSamplerStopPolicy.ASGCSamplerStopPolicy | The class implements heuristics for testing if the learn process should be finished before learner is overfitted |
Cpython.uq.sampler.Sample.DistributionType | |
Cpython.uq.sampler.Sample.Sample | |
Cpython.uq.sampler.Sample.Samples | |
Cpython.uq.sampler.Sample.SamplesIterator | |
Cpython.uq.sampler.Sample.SampleType | |
Cpython.uq.sampler.Sampler.Sampler | |
Cpython.uq.transformation.Transformation.Transformation | |
Cpython.uq.uq_setting.samplingresult.Samplingresult | |
Cpython.uq.uq_setting.UQBuilder.UQBuilder | |
Cpython.uq.uq_setting.UQSetting.UQSampleType | |
Cpython.uq.uq_setting.UQSetting.UQSetting | |
Cpython.uq.uq_setting.UQSettingManager.Sampler | |
Cpython.uq.uq_setting.UQSettingManager.UQSettingManager | |
Cpython.uq.uq_setting.UQSpecification.UQSpecification | |
Cpython.utils.GzipSerializer.GzipSerializer | The class provides the method, used by subclasses to work with gzip-compressed files |
Cpython.utils.json._StringGenerator | Json.py implements a JSON (http://json.org) reader and writer |
Cpython.utils.json.JsonReader | Reader for json-formatted objects |
Cpython.utils.json.JsonWriter | Writer for json-formatted objects |
Csgpp::base::OCLBufferWrapperSD< T > | |
Csgpp::base::OCLBufferWrapperSD< int > | |
Csgpp::base::OCLBufferWrapperSD< real_type > | |
Csgpp::base::OCLClonedBuffer | |
Csgpp::base::OCLClonedBufferMultiPlatform | |
Csgpp::base::OCLDevice | |
Csgpp::base::OCLManager | |
Csgpp::base::OCLManagerMultiPlatform | |
Csgpp::base::OCLPlatformWrapper | |
Csgpp::base::OCLStretchedBuffer | |
Csgpp::base::OCLStretchedBufferMultiPlatform | |
Csgpp::base::OCLZeroCopyBuffer | |
Csgpp::datadriven::ClusteringOCL::OperationClusteringOCL< T > | |
►Csgpp::base::OperationConvert | Operation that cpnverts a given basis into the normal, linear hat basis and vice versa |
Csgpp::base::OperationConvertPrewavelet | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationCovariance | This class provides the covariance matrix a sparse grid function |
►Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::OperationCreateGraphOCL | Pure virtual base class for the k nearest neighbor opencl operation |
Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::OperationCreateGraphOCLSingleDevice< T > | Operation for creation of a k nearest neighbors graph using a dataset |
►Csgpp::datadriven::OperationDensityConditional | Conditionalize Probability Density Function |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationDensityConditionalLinear | Marginalize Probability Density Function |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationDensityConditionalKDE | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::OperationDensityMarginalize | Marginalize Probability Density Function |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationDensityMarginalizeLinear | Marginalize Probability Density Function |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationDensityMarginalizeKDE | Marginalize Probability Density Function |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationDensityMargTo1D | Marginalize Probability Density Function |
►Csgpp::datadriven::OperationDensityRejectionSampling | Sampling on all dimensions |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationDensityRejectionSamplingLinear | Sampling with rejection sampling method |
►Csgpp::datadriven::OperationDensitySampling | Sampling on all dimensions |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationDensitySamplingLinear | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
►Csgpp::datadriven::OperationDensitySampling1D | Sample 1D Probability Density Function |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationDensitySampling1DLinear | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationDotProductLinear | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationDotProductModLinear | |
►Csgpp::base::OperationEval | Operation that evaluates the current sparse grid function defined by the coefficient vector alpha at a given point |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalBsplineBoundaryNaive | Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Boundary grids |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalBsplineClenshawCurtisNaive | Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Clenshaw-Curtis grids |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalBsplineNaive | Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalFundamentalSplineNaive | Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalLinear | This class implements OperationEval for a grids with linear basis ansatzfunctions without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalLinearBoundary | This class implements OperationEval for a grids with linear basis ansatzfunctions with boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalLinearBoundaryNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalLinearClenshawCurtisBoundaryNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalLinearClenshawCurtisNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalLinearNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalLinearStretched | This class implements OperationEval for a grids with linear basis ansatzfunctions without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalLinearStretchedBoundary | This class implements OperationEval for a grids with linear basis ansatzfunctions with boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalModBsplineClenshawCurtisNaive | Operation for evaluating modified Clenshaw-Curtis B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalModBsplineNaive | Operation for evaluating modified B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalModFundamentalSplineNaive | Operation for evaluating modified B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalModLinear | This class implements OperationEval for a grids with mod linear basis ansatzfunctions with |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalModLinearClenshawCurtisNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalModLinearNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalModPoly | This class implements OperationEval for a grids with mod poly basis ansatzfunctions with |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalModPolyClenshawCurtisNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalModPolyNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalModWaveletNaive | Operation for evaluating modified wavelet linear combinations on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalNakBsplineBoundaryCombigridNaive | Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Boundary grids with not-a-knot boundary conditions |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalPeriodic | This class implements OperationEval for a grids with periodic linear basis ansatzfunctions with |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalPoly | This class implements OperationEval for a grids with poly basis ansatzfunctions with |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalPolyBoundary | This class implements OperationEval for a grids with poly basis ansatzfunctions with |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalPolyBoundaryNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalPolyClenshawCurtisBoundaryNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalPolyClenshawCurtisNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalPolyNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalPrewavelet | This class implements OperationEval for a grids with prewavelet basis ansatzfunctions without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalWaveletBoundaryNaive | Operation for evaluating wavelet linear combinations on Boundary grids |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalWaveletNaive | Operation for evaluating wavelet linear combinations on Noboundary grids |
►Csgpp::base::OperationEvalGradient | Abstract operation for evaluating a linear combination of basis functions and its gradient |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalGradientBsplineBoundaryNaive | Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Boundary grids and their gradients |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalGradientBsplineClenshawCurtisNaive | Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Clenshaw-Curtis grids and their gradients |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalGradientBsplineNaive | Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids and their gradients |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalGradientFundamentalSplineNaive | Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids and their gradients |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalGradientModBsplineClenshawCurtisNaive | Operation for evaluating modified Clenshaw-Curtis B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids and their gradients |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalGradientModBsplineNaive | Operation for evaluating modified B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids and their gradients |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalGradientModFundamentalSplineNaive | Operation for evaluating modified B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids and their gradients |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalGradientModWaveletNaive | Operation for evaluating modified wavelet linear combinations on Noboundary grids and their gradients |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalGradientWaveletBoundaryNaive | Operation for evaluating wavelet linear combinations on Boundary grids and their gradients |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalGradientWaveletNaive | Operation for evaluating wavelet linear combinations on Noboundary grids and their gradients |
►Csgpp::base::OperationEvalHessian | Abstract operation for evaluating a linear combination of basis functions, its gradient and its Hessian |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalHessianBsplineBoundaryNaive | Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Boundary grids, their gradients and their Hessians |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalHessianBsplineClenshawCurtisNaive | Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Clenshaw-Curtis grids, their gradients and their Hessians |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalHessianBsplineNaive | Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids, their gradients and their Hessians |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalHessianFundamentalSplineNaive | Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids, their gradients and their Hessians |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalHessianModBsplineClenshawCurtisNaive | Operation for evaluating modified Clenshaw-Curtis B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids, their gradients, and their Hessians |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalHessianModBsplineNaive | Operation for evaluating modified B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids, their gradients and their Hessians |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalHessianModFundamentalSplineNaive | Operation for evaluating modified B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids, their gradients and their Hessians |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalHessianModWaveletNaive | Operation for evaluating modified wavelet linear combinations on Noboundary grids, their gradients and their Hessians |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalHessianWaveletBoundaryNaive | Operation for evaluating wavelet linear combinations on Boundary grids, their gradients and their Hessians |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalHessianWaveletNaive | Operation for evaluating wavelet linear combinations on Noboundary grids, their gradients and their Hessians |
►Csgpp::base::OperationEvalPartialDerivative | Abstract operation for evaluating a partial derivative of a linear combination of basis functions |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalPartialDerivativeBsplineBoundaryNaive | Operation for evaluating partial derivatives of B-spline linear combinations on Boundary grids |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalPartialDerivativeBsplineClenshawCurtisNaive | Operation for evaluating partial derivatives of B-spline linear combinations on Clenshaw-Curtis grids |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalPartialDerivativeBsplineNaive | Operation for evaluating partial derivatives of B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalPartialDerivativeFundamentalSplineNaive | Operation for evaluating partial derivatives of B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalPartialDerivativeModBsplineClenshawCurtisNaive | Operation for evaluating partial derivatives of modified Clenshaw-Curtis B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalPartialDerivativeModBsplineNaive | Operation for evaluating partial derivatives of modified B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalPartialDerivativeModFundamentalSplineNaive | Operation for evaluating partial derivatives of modified B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalPartialDerivativeModWaveletNaive | Operation for evaluating partial derivatives of modified wavelet linear combinations on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalPartialDerivativeWaveletBoundaryNaive | Operation for evaluating partial derivatives of wavelet linear combinations on Boundary grids |
Csgpp::base::OperationEvalPartialDerivativeWaveletNaive | Operation for evaluating partial derivatives of wavelet linear combinations on Noboundary grids |
►Csgpp::base::OperationFirstMoment | This class provides the first moment of a sparse grid function |
Csgpp::base::OperationFirstMomentBspline | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationFirstMomentBsplineBoundary | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationFirstMomentBsplineClenshawCurtis | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationFirstMomentLinear | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationFirstMomentLinearBoundary | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationFirstMomentModBspline | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationFirstMomentModBsplineClenshawCurtis | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationFirstMomentModLinear | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationFirstMomentModPoly | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationFirstMomentModPolyClenshawCurtis | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, ModPolyClenshawCurtis grid |
Csgpp::base::OperationFirstMomentPoly | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationFirstMomentPolyBoundary | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationFirstMomentPolyClenshawCurtis | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationFirstMomentPolyClenshawCurtisBoundary | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
►Csgpp::base::OperationHierarchisation | This class implements the hierarchisation and dehierarchisation on the sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::OperationArbitraryBoundaryHierarchisation | This class implements the hierarchisation and dehierarchisation on sparse grids which do not have a grid point at the boundary in each direction for every inner point (boundaryLevel > 1) |
Csgpp::base::OperationHierarchisationFundamentalSpline | Hierarchisation on sparse grid, fundamental spline basis |
Csgpp::base::OperationHierarchisationLinear | Hierarchisation on sparse grid, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationHierarchisationLinearBoundary | Hierarchisation on sparse grid, linear case with boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationHierarchisationLinearClenshawCurtis | Hierarchisation on sparse grid, poly case |
Csgpp::base::OperationHierarchisationLinearClenshawCurtisBoundary | Hierarchisation on sparse grid, poly case |
Csgpp::base::OperationHierarchisationLinearStretched | Hierarchisation on sparse grid, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationHierarchisationLinearStretchedBoundary | Hierarchisation on sparse grid, linear stretched case with boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationHierarchisationModBspline | Hierarchisation on sparse grid, mod bspline case |
Csgpp::base::OperationHierarchisationModFundamentalSpline | Hierarchisation on sparse grid, modified fundamental spline basis |
Csgpp::base::OperationHierarchisationModLinear | Hierarchisation on sparse grid, mod linear case |
Csgpp::base::OperationHierarchisationModLinearClenshawCurtis | Hierarchisation on sparse grid, poly case |
Csgpp::base::OperationHierarchisationModPoly | Hierarchisation on sparse grid, mod poly case |
Csgpp::base::OperationHierarchisationModPolyClenshawCurtis | Hierarchisation on sparse grid, poly case |
Csgpp::base::OperationHierarchisationModWavelet | Hierarchisation on sparse grid, mod wavelet case |
Csgpp::base::OperationHierarchisationPoly | Hierarchisation on sparse grid, poly case |
Csgpp::base::OperationHierarchisationPolyBoundary | Hierarchisation on sparse grid, poly case |
Csgpp::base::OperationHierarchisationPolyClenshawCurtis | Hierarchisation on sparse grid, poly case |
Csgpp::base::OperationHierarchisationPolyClenshawCurtisBoundary | Hierarchisation on sparse grid, poly case |
Csgpp::base::OperationHierarchisationPrewavelet | Hierarchisation on sparse grid with prewavelets and no boundary |
►Csgpp::base::OperationStencilHierarchisation | This class implements abstract hierarchisation and dehierarchisation routines on the sparse grid by logging the operations into three arrays rather than actually applying them to the data vector object |
Csgpp::base::OperationStencilHierarchisationLinear | Hierarchisation on sparse grid, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationStencilHierarchisationModLinear | Hierarchisation on sparse grid, linear grid with modified basis functions |
►Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation | Sampling on all dimensions |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationBspline | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationBsplineBoundary | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationBsplineClenshawCurtis | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationLinear | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationModBspline | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationModBsplineClenshawCurtis | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationModPoly | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationModPolyClenshawCurtis | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationPoly | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationPolyBoundary | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationPolyClenshawCurtis | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationPolyClenshawCurtisBoundary | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationKDE | Do inverse transformation in all dimensions |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationLimitFunctionValueRange | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMakePositive | This class enforces the function value range of a sparse grid function to be larger than 0 |
►Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMakePositiveCandidateSetAlgorithm | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMakePositiveFindIntersectionCandidates | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMakePositiveFindIntersectionCandidatesJoin | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMakePositiveHybridFindIntersectionCandidates | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMakePositiveLoadFullGridCandidates | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMakePositiveInterpolationAlgorithm | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMakePositiveInterpolateBoundaryOfSupport | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMakePositiveInterpolateExp | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMakePositiveInterpolateFunction | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMakePositiveSetToZero | |
►Csgpp::base::OperationMatrix | Abstract definition of a matrix operator interface |
Csgpp::base::OperationDiagonal | Implementation of diagonal Operation for all kinds of grids |
Csgpp::base::OperationIdentity | Implementation of identity Operation for all kinds of grids |
Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::OperationDensityMultMPI | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::OperationDensity | Base class for density multiplication operation |
Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::OperationDensityOCLMultiPlatform< T > | Class for opencl density multiplication and density right hand side vector |
Csgpp::datadriven::DensitySystemMatrix | Class that implements the virtual class OperationMatrix for the application of classification for the Systemmatrix by using a density function |
►Csgpp::datadriven::DMSystemMatrixBase | Abstract class that defines the virtual class base::OperationMatrix for classification and regression problems |
Csgpp::datadriven::DMSystemMatrix | Class that implements the virtual class base::OperationMatrix for the application of classification for the Systemmatrix |
Csgpp::datadriven::SystemMatrixLeastSquaresIdentity | Class that implements the virtual class base::OperationMatrix for the application of classification for the Systemmatrix |
Csgpp::datadriven::DMWeightMatrix | Class that implements the virtual class OperationMatrix for the application of classification for the Systemmatrix with weight |
Csgpp::datadriven::LogDensitySystemMatrix | Class that implements the virtual class OperationMatrix for the application of classification for the Systemmatrix by using a density function |
►Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRegularizationDiagonal | Implementation of the application of a diagonal matrix to a DataVector for regularization |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRegularizationDiagonalLinearBoundary | Implementation of the application of a diagonal matrix to a DataVector for regularization |
Csgpp::datadriven::PiecewiseConstantSmoothedRegressionSystemMatrix | Class that implements the virtual class OperationMatrix for the application of classification for the Systemmatrix by using a density function |
►Csgpp::pde::OperationEllipticPDESolverSystem | Abstract definition of a System that is used to solve elliptic partial differential equations |
►Csgpp::pde::OperationEllipticPDESolverSystemDirichlet | Defines a System that is used to solve elliptic partial differential equations |
Csgpp::pde::PoissonEquationEllipticPDESolverSystemDirichlet | This class uses OperationEllipticPDESolverSystemDirichlet to define a solver system for the Poission Equation |
Csgpp::pde::OperationEllipticPDESolverSystemFreeBoundaries | Defines a System that is used to solve elliptic partial differential equations |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLaplaceBspline | Implementation for Bspline functions of Laplace Operation, bspline grids without boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLaplaceBsplineBoundary | Implementation for BsplineBoundary functions of Laplace Operation, linear grids without boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLaplaceBsplineClenshawCurtis | Implementation for BsplineClenshawCurtis functions of Laplace Operation, linear grids without boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLaplaceExplicitBspline | Implementation for B-spline functions of Laplace Operation, linear grids without boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLaplaceExplicitModBspline | Implementation for B-spline functions of Laplace Operation, linear grids without boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLaplaceModBspline | Implementation for ModBspline functions of Laplace Operation, linear grids without boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLaplaceModBsplineClenshawCurtis | Implementation for ModBsplineClenshawCurtis functions of Laplace Operation, linear grids without boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLaplaceModPoly | Implementation for ModPoly functions of Laplace Operation, linear grids without boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLaplaceModPolyClenshawCurtis | Implementation for ModPolyClenshawCurtis functions of Laplace Operation, linear grids without boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLaplacePoly | Implementation for Poly functions of Laplace Operation, linear grids without boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLaplacePolyBoundary | Implementation for PolyBoundary functions of Laplace Operation, linear grids without boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLaplacePolyClenshawCurtis | Implementation for PolyClenshawCurtis functions of Laplace Operation, linear grids without boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLaplacePolyClenshawCurtisBoundary | Implementation for PolyClenshawCurtisBoundary functions of Laplace Operation, linear grids without boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotBspline | Implements the standard L 2 scalar product on periodic grids |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotBsplineBoundary | Implements the standard L 2 scalar product on periodic grids |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotBsplineClenshawCurtis | Implements the standard L 2 scalar product on periodic grids |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotExplicitBspline | Explicit representation of the matrix \((\Phi_i,\Phi_j)_{L2}\) for a sparse grid |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotExplicitBsplineBoundary | Explicit representation of the matrix \((\Phi_i,\Phi_j)_{L2}\) for a sparse grid |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotExplicitBsplineClenshawCurtis | Explicit representation of the matrix \((\Phi_i,\Phi_j)_{L2}\) for a sparse grid |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotExplicitLinear | Explicit representation of the matrix \((\Phi_i,\Phi_j)_{L2}\) for a sparse grid |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotExplicitLinearBoundary | Explicit representation of the matrix \((\Phi_i,\Phi_j)_{L2}\) for a sparse grid |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotExplicitModBspline | Explicit representation of the matrix \((\Phi_i,\Phi_j)_{L2}\) for a sparse grid |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotExplicitModBsplineClenshawCurtis | Explicit representation of the matrix \((\Phi_i,\Phi_j)_{L2}\) for a sparse grid |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotExplicitModifiedLinear | Explicit representation of the matrix \((\Phi_i,\Phi_j)_{L2}\) for a sparse grid |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotExplicitModLinear | Explicit representation of the matrix \((\Phi_i,\Phi_j)_{L2}\) for a sparse grid |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotExplicitModPoly | Explicit representation of the matrix \((\Phi_i,\Phi_j)_{L2}\) for a sparse grid |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotExplicitModPolyClenshawCurtis | Explicit representation of the matrix \((\Phi_i,\Phi_j)_{L2}\) for a sparse grid |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotExplicitPeriodic | Explicit representation of the matrix \((\Phi_i,\Phi_j)_{L2}\) for a sparse grid |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotExplicitPoly | Explicit representation of the matrix \((\Phi_i,\Phi_j)_{L2}\) for a sparse grid |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotExplicitPolyBoundary | Explicit representation of the matrix \((\Phi_i,\Phi_j)_{L2}\) for a sparse grid |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotExplicitPolyClenshawCurtis | Explicit representation of the matrix \((\Phi_i,\Phi_j)_{L2}\) for a sparse grid |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotExplicitPolyClenshawCurtisBoundary | Explicit representation of the matrix \((\Phi_i,\Phi_j)_{L2}\) for a sparse grid |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotModBspline | Implements the standard L 2 scalar product on periodic grids |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotModBsplineClenshawCurtis | Implements the standard L 2 scalar product on periodic grids |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotModLinear | Implements the standard L 2 scalar product on periodic grids |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotModPoly | Implements the standard L 2 scalar product on periodic grids |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotModPolyClenshawCurtis | Implements the standard L 2 scalar product on periodic grids |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotPeriodic | Implements the standard L 2 scalar product on periodic grids |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotPoly | Implements the standard L 2 scalar product on periodic grids |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotPolyBoundary | Implements the standard L 2 scalar product on periodic grids |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotPolyClenshawCurtis | Implements the standard L 2 scalar product on periodic grids |
Csgpp::pde::OperationMatrixLTwoDotPolyClenshawCurtisBoundary | Implements the standard L 2 scalar product on periodic grids |
►Csgpp::pde::StdUpDown | Implements a standard Up/Down Schema without any operation dim |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLTwoDotProductLinear | Implements the standard L 2 scalar product on linear grids (no boundaries) |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLTwoDotProductLinearBoundary | Implements the standard L 2 scalar product on linear boundary grids |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLTwoDotProductLinearStretched | Implements the standard L 2 scalar product on linear grids (no boundaries) |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLTwoDotProductLinearStretchedBoundary | Implements the standard L 2 scalar product on linear boundary grids |
Csgpp::pde::UpDownFourOpDims | Implements the Up/Down scheme with four dimensions with special operations: i,j,k,l |
►Csgpp::pde::UpDownOneOpDim | Implements the Up/Down scheme with one dimension with a special operation |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLaplaceExplicitLinear | Implementation for B-spline functions of Laplace Operation, linear grids without boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLaplaceLinear | Implementation for linear functions of Laplace Operation, linear grids without boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLaplaceLinearBoundary | Implementation of Laplace for linear functions with boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLaplaceLinearStretched | Implementation for linear functions of Laplace Operation, linear grids without boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLaplaceLinearStretchedBoundary | Implementation of Laplace for linear functions with boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLaplaceModLinear | Implementation of Laplace for mod linear functions |
►Csgpp::pde::UpDownOneOpDimEnhanced | Implements a modified Up/Down Schema with one operation dim |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLaplaceEnhancedLinear | Implements the Laplace operator based on the UpDownOneOpDimEnhanced method |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLaplaceEnhancedLinearBoundary | Implements the Laplace operator based on the UpDownOneOpDimEnhanced method |
Csgpp::pde::UpDownOneOpDimEnhanced | Implements a modified Up/Down Schema with one operation dim |
►Csgpp::pde::UpDownOneOpDimWithShadow | Implements the Up/Down scheme with one dimension with a special operation |
Csgpp::pde::OperationLaplacePrewavelet | Implementation for linear functions of Laplace Operation, prewavelet grids without boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::UpDownTwoOpDims | Implements the Up/Down scheme with two dimensions with special operations: i,j |
►Csgpp::solver::OperationParabolicPDESolverSystem | Abstract definition of a System that is used to solve parabolic partial differential equations |
►Csgpp::pde::OperationParabolicPDESolverSystemDirichlet | Defines a System that is used to solve parabolic partial differential equations |
Csgpp::pde::HeatEquationParabolicPDESolverSystem | This class implements the ParabolicPDESolverSystem for the Heat Equation |
Csgpp::pde::HeatEquationParabolicPDESolverSystemParallelOMP | This class implements the ParabolicPDESolverSystem for the Heat Equation |
Csgpp::pde::OperationParabolicPDESolverSystemFreeBoundaries | Defines a System that is used to solve parabolic partial differential equations |
►Csgpp::base::OperationMatrixSP | Abstract definition of a matrix operator interface |
Csgpp::datadriven::DMSystemMatrixBaseSP | Abstract class that defines the virtual class base::OperationMatrix for classification and regression problems (single precision version) |
►Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEval | Interface for multiplication with Matrices \(B\) and \(B^T\) |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalBsplineBoundaryNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalBsplineClenshawCurtisNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalBsplineNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalInterModLinear | This class implements OperationMultipleEval for a grids with mod linear basis ansatzfunctions and a set of interactions that limit the subspaces that are included |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalLinear | This class implements OperationB for a grids with linear basis ansatzfunctions without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalLinearBoundary | This class implements OperationMultipleEval for a grids with linear basis ansatzfunctions with boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalLinearBoundaryNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalLinearClenshawCurtisBoundaryNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalLinearClenshawCurtisNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalLinearNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalLinearStretched | This class implements OperationB for a grids with linearstretched basis ansatzfunctions without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalLinearStretchedBoundary | This class implements OperationMultipleEval for a grids with linearstretched basis ansatzfunctions with boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalModBsplineClenshawCurtisNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalModBsplineNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalModLinear | This class implements OperationMultipleEval for a grids with mod linear basis ansatzfunctions |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalModLinearClenshawCurtisNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalModPoly | This class implements OperationMultipleEval for a grids with mod poly basis ansatzfunctions |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalModPolyClenshawCurtisNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalPeriodic | This class implements OperationMultipleEval for a grids with periodic linear basis ansatzfunctions |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalPoly | This class implements OperationMultipleEval for a grids with poly basis ansatzfunctions |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalPolyBoundary | This class implements OperationMultipleEval for a grids with poly basis ansatzfunctions |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalPolyBoundaryNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalPolyClenshawCurtisBoundaryNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalPolyClenshawCurtisNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalPolyNaive | |
Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalPrewavelet | This class implements OperationMultipleEval for a grids with prewavelet ansatzfunctions without boundaries |
►Csgpp::datadriven::AbstractOperationMultipleEvalSubspace | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMultipleEvalSubspaceCombined | Multiple evaluation operation that uses the subspace structure to save work compared to the naive or streaming variants |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMultipleEvalSubspaceSimple | Multiple evaluation operation that uses the subspace structure to save work compared to the naive or streaming variants |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMultiEvalCuda | OperationMultipleEval for polynomial basis functions (grad >= 2) using CUDA on grids without boundary nodes |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMultiEvalHPX | This class is a HPX wrapper for other MultiEval-operations that uses a very simple master-slave distributed processing |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMultiEvalModMaskStreaming | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMultiEvalMPI | This class is a MPI wrapper for other MultiEval-operations that uses a very simple master-slave MPI parallelization |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMultiEvalStreaming | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMultiEvalStreamingBSplineOCL< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMultiEvalStreamingModOCLFastMultiPlatform< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMultiEvalStreamingModOCLMaskMultiPlatform< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMultiEvalStreamingModOCLOpt< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMultiEvalStreamingModOCLUnified< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMultipleEvalMatrix | Wrapper class for matrix multiplication for use in solver |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingOCLMultiPlatform::OperationMultiEvalStreamingOCLMultiPlatform< T > | This class provides an operation for evaluating multiple grid points in the domain and doing least squares data mining |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMultipleEvalConfiguration | |
►Csgpp::optimization::OperationMultipleHierarchisation | Abstract operation for hierarchization and dehierarchization for multiple sets of function values at the grid nodes |
Csgpp::optimization::OperationMultipleHierarchisationBspline | Hierarchisation operation for B-spline basis functions on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::optimization::OperationMultipleHierarchisationBsplineBoundary | Hierarchisation operation for B-spline basis functions on Boundary grids |
Csgpp::optimization::OperationMultipleHierarchisationBsplineClenshawCurtis | Hierarchisation operation for B-spline basis functions on Clenshaw-Curtis grids |
Csgpp::optimization::OperationMultipleHierarchisationFundamentalSpline | Hierarchisation operation for B-spline basis functions on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::optimization::OperationMultipleHierarchisationLinear | Hierarchisation operation for linear basis functions on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::optimization::OperationMultipleHierarchisationLinearBoundary | Hierarchisation operation for linear basis functions on Boundary grids |
Csgpp::optimization::OperationMultipleHierarchisationLinearClenshawCurtis | Hierarchisation operation for linear basis functions on Clenshaw-Curtis grids |
Csgpp::optimization::OperationMultipleHierarchisationModBspline | Hierarchisation operation for modified B-spline basis functions on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::optimization::OperationMultipleHierarchisationModBsplineClenshawCurtis | Hierarchisation operation for modified B-spline basis functions on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::optimization::OperationMultipleHierarchisationModFundamentalSpline | Hierarchisation operation for modified B-spline basis functions on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::optimization::OperationMultipleHierarchisationModLinear | Hierarchisation operation for modified linear basis functions on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::optimization::OperationMultipleHierarchisationModWavelet | Hierarchisation operation for modified wavelet basis functions on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::optimization::OperationMultipleHierarchisationWavelet | Hierarchisation operation for wavelet basis functions on Noboundary grids |
Csgpp::optimization::OperationMultipleHierarchisationWaveletBoundary | Hierarchisation operation for wavelet basis functions on Boundary grids |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationPiecewiseConstantRegression | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::OperationPruneGraphOCL | Pure virtual base class for the graph pruning operation |
Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::OperationPruneGraphOCLMultiPlatform< T > | Operation for density based graph pruning |
►Csgpp::base::OperationQuadrature | This class provides the quadrature of a sparse grid function |
Csgpp::base::OperationQuadratureBspline | Quadrature on sparse grid, Bsplinenomial grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationQuadratureBsplineBoundary | Quadrature on sparse grid, polynomial grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationQuadratureBsplineClenshawCurtis | Quadrature on sparse grid, polynomial grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationQuadratureFundamentalSpline | Quadrature on sparse grid, FundamentalSplinenomial grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationQuadratureLinear | Quadrature on sparse grid, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationQuadratureLinearBoundary | Quadrature on sparse grid, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationQuadratureLinearClenshawCurtis | Quadrature on sparse grid, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationQuadratureLinearClenshawCurtisBoundary | Quadrature on sparse grid, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationQuadratureMC | Quadrature on any sparse grid (that has OperationMultipleEval implemented) using Monte Carlo |
Csgpp::base::OperationQuadratureModBspline | Quadrature on sparse grid, polynomial grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationQuadratureModBsplineClenshawCurtis | Quadrature on sparse grid, polynomial grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationQuadratureModFundamentalSpline | Quadrature on sparse grid, ModFundamentalSplinenomial grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationQuadratureModLinear | Quadrature on sparse grid, modified linear grid |
Csgpp::base::OperationQuadratureModLinearClenshawCurtis | Quadrature on sparse grid, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationQuadratureModPoly | Quadrature on sparse grid, modified polynomial grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationQuadratureModPolyClenshawCurtis | Quadrature on sparse grid, polynomial grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationQuadraturePoly | Quadrature on sparse grid, polynomial grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationQuadraturePolyBoundary | Quadrature on sparse grid, polynomial grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationQuadraturePolyClenshawCurtis | Quadrature on sparse grid, polynomial grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationQuadraturePolyClenshawCurtisBoundary | Quadrature on sparse grid, polynomial grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::quadrature::OperationQuadratureMCAdvanced | Quadrature on any sparse grid (that has OperationMultipleEval implemented) using various Monte Carlo Methods (Advanced) |
►Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformation | Sampling on all dimensions |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformationBspline | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformationBsplineBoundary | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformationBsplineClenshawCurtis | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformationLinear | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformationModBspline | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformationModBsplineClenshawCurtis | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformationModPoly | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformationModPolyClenshawCurtis | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformationPoly | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformationPolyBoundary | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformationPolyClenshawCurtis | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformationPolyClenshawCurtisBoundary | Keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformationKDE | Do transformation in all dimensions |
►Csgpp::base::OperationSecondMoment | This class provides the second moment of a sparse grid function |
Csgpp::base::OperationSecondMomentBspline | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationSecondMomentBsplineBoundary | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationSecondMomentBsplineClenshawCurtis | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationSecondMomentLinear | SecondMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationSecondMomentLinearBoundary | SecondMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationSecondMomentModBspline | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationSecondMomentModBsplineClenshawCurtis | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationSecondMomentModLinear | SecondMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationSecondMomentModPoly | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationSecondMomentModPolyClenshawCurtis | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, ModPolyClenshawCurtis grid |
Csgpp::base::OperationSecondMomentPoly | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationSecondMomentPolyBoundary | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationSecondMomentPolyClenshawCurtis | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
Csgpp::base::OperationSecondMomentPolyClenshawCurtisBoundary | FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries |
►Csgpp::datadriven::OperationTest | Operation the tests the function that is applied the current Sparse sgpp::base::Grid at a given point |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationTestLinear | This class implements OperationTest for a grids with linear basis ansatzfunctions without boundaries |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationTestLinearBoundary | This class implements OperationTest for a grids with linear basis ansatzfunctions with boundaries |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationTestLinearStretched | This class implements OperationTest for a grids with linearstretched basis ansatzfunctions without boundaries |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationTestLinearStretchedBoundary | This class implements OperationTest for a grids with linear basis ansatzfunctions with boundaries |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationTestModBspline | This class implements OperationTest for a grids with modified bspline basis functions with a certain degree |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationTestModLinear | This class implements sgpp::base::OperationEval for a grids with mod linear basis ansatzfunctions with |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationTestModPoly | This class implements OperationTest for a grids with mod poly basis ansatzfunctions with |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationTestModWavelet | This class implements OperationTest for a grid with mod wavelet basis ansatzfunctions |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationTestPoly | This class implements OperationTest for a grids with poly basis ansatzfunctions with |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationTestPrewavelet | This class implements OperationTest for a grids with prewavelet basis ansatzfunctions without boundaries |
►Csgpp::datadriven::OperationTransformation1D | Sample 1D Probability Density Function |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DBspline | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DBsplineBoundary | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DBsplineClenshawCurtis | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DLinear | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DModBspline | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DModBsplineClenshawCurtis | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DModPoly | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DModPolyClenshawCurtis | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DPoly | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DPolyBoundary | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DPolyClenshawCurtis | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DPolyClenshawCurtisBoundary | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformation1DBspline | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformation1DBsplineBoundary | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformation1DBsplineClenshawCurtis | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformation1DLinear | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformation1DModBspline | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformation1DModBsplineClenshawCurtis | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformation1DModPoly | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformation1DModPolyClenshawCurtis | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformation1DPoly | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformation1DPolyBoundary | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformation1DPolyClenshawCurtis | |
Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformation1DPolyClenshawCurtisBoundary | |
Csgpp::combigrid::OptimizationGuess | |
Csgpp::combigrid::OrthogonalBasisFunctionsCollection | |
Csgpp::combigrid::OrthogonalPolynomialBasis1DParameters | |
Csgpp::combigrid::Parabola | |
Csgpp::combigrid::Parabola_uniform | |
Csgpp::datadriven::PartitioningTool | The methods in this class calculate size and offset of a segment for a partition of a domain |
►Csgpp::pde::PDESolver | This class provides defines a implements basic task and tools which are useful while solving PDEs |
►Csgpp::pde::EllipticPDESolver | This class extends the PDESolver with functions that are needed to solve elliptic PDEs |
Csgpp::pde::PoissonEquationSolver | This class provides a simple-to-use solver of the multi dimensional Poisson Equation on Sparse Grids |
►Csgpp::pde::ParabolicPDESolver | This class extends the PDESolver with functions that are needed to solve parabolic PDEs |
Csgpp::pde::HeatEquationSolver | This class provides a simple-to-use solver of the multi dimensional Heat Equation on Sparse Grids |
Csgpp::pde::HeatEquationSolverWithStretching | This class provides a simple-to-use solver of the multi dimensional Heat Equation that uses Sparse Grids |
Csgpp::datadriven::PendingMPIRequest | |
►Csgpp::pde::PhiPhiDownBBLinear | Implementation of sweep operator (): 1D Down for Bilinearform \(\int_{x} \phi(x) \phi(x) dx\) |
Csgpp::pde::PhiPhiDownBBLinearBoundary | Implementation of sweep operator (): 1D Down for Bilinearform \(\int_{x} \phi(x) \phi(x) dx\) on linear boundary grids |
►Csgpp::pde::PhiPhiDownBBLinearStretched | Implementation of sweep operator (): 1D Down for Bilinearform \(\int_{x} \phi(x) \phi(x) dx\) |
Csgpp::pde::PhiPhiDownBBLinearStretchedBoundary | Implementation of sgpp::base::sweep operator (): 1D Down for Bilinearform \(\int_{x} \phi(x) \phi(x) dx\) on linear boundary grids |
Csgpp::pde::PhiPhiDownModLinear | Implementation of sweep operator (): 1D Down for Bilinearform \(\int_{x} \phi(x) \phi(x) dx\) on mod-linear grids |
►Csgpp::pde::PhiPhiUpBBLinear | Implementation of sweep operator (): 1D Up for Bilinearform \(\int_{x} \phi(x) \phi(x) dx\) |
Csgpp::pde::PhiPhiUpBBLinearBoundary | Implementation of sweep operator (): 1D Up for Bilinearform \(\int_{x} \phi(x) \phi(x) dx\) on linear boundary grids |
►Csgpp::pde::PhiPhiUpBBLinearStretched | Implementation of sweep operator (): 1D Up for Bilinearform \(\int_{x} \phi(x) \phi(x) dx\) |
Csgpp::pde::PhiPhiUpBBLinearStretchedBoundary | Implementation of sgpp::base::sweep operator (): 1D Up for Bilinearform \(\int_{x} \phi(x) \phi(x) dx\) on linear boundary grids |
Csgpp::pde::PhiPhiUpModLinear | Implementation of sweep operator (): 1D Up for Bilinearform \(\int_{x} \phi(x) \phi(x) dx\) on mod-linear grids |
Csgpp::base::PrecisionConverter | Copies data from DataVector objects into DataVectorSP objects and vice versa |
Csgpp::datadriven::PrimalDualSVM | Implementation of a support vector machine in primal formulation which additionally stores support vectors |
Csgpp::optimization::Printer | Singleton class to facilitate debugging output |
Csgpp::combigrid::ProbabilityDensityFunction1D | |
Csgpp::combigrid::ProbabilityDensityFunction1DConfiguration | |
Csgpp::combigrid::ProbabilityDensityFunctionParameters | |
Csgpp::combigrid::PtrGuard | Helper class implementing a lock guard for std::shared_ptr<mutex> that does not lock a mutex if it is nullptr |
►Csgpp::base::QuadRule1D | |
Csgpp::base::GaussHermiteQuadRule1D | Load gauss quadrature points for standard normal weight function |
Csgpp::base::GaussLegendreQuadRule1D | |
Csgpp::combigrid::QueueComparator | This class is a comparator to compare objects of type QueueEntry |
Csgpp::combigrid::QueueEntry | This is a header containing helper classes for the implementation of LevelManager |
Csgpp::base::QueueLoadBalancerMutex | |
Csgpp::base::QueueLoadBalancerOpenMP | |
Csgpp::quadrature::Random | Wraps the random generator to use |
Csgpp::optimization::RandomNumberGenerator | Singleton class for generating pseudo-random numbers (wrapper around std::mt19937 from <random>) |
►Csgpp::base::RefinementFunctor | Abstract class that defines the interface that refinement functors have to provide |
Csgpp::base::ForwardSelectorRefinementIndicator | A refinement indicator for support vector classification using sparse grids (according to König BA) |
Csgpp::base::ImpurityRefinementIndicator | A refinement indicator for classification problems based on impurity measures (e.g |
Csgpp::base::PredictiveRefinementIndicator | A refinement error indicator for regression problems based on the residuals of the datasets |
Csgpp::base::SurplusRefinementFunctor | A refinement functor, refining according to the maximal absolute values in a DataVector provided |
Csgpp::base::SurplusVolumeRefinementFunctor | A refinement functor, refining according to the maximal absolute values in a DataVector provided, weighted with the corresponding basis function's surplus, i.e., with \(2^{-|\vec{l}|_1} = 2^{\sum_{k=1}^d l_d}\) |
►Csgpp::datadriven::MultiGridRefinementFunctor | Abstract super-class for refinement functors operating on multiple grids |
Csgpp::datadriven::DataBasedRefinementFunctor | Data based refinement uses data points to find refinement candidates |
Csgpp::datadriven::GridPointBasedRefinementFunctor | Grid Point based refinement for classification problems solved by a SG density estimation approach |
Csgpp::datadriven::MultiSurplusRefinementFunctor | Wrapper of SurplusRefinementFunctor for multi grid scenarios |
►Csgpp::datadriven::ZeroCrossingRefinementFunctor | Zero-crossing-based refinement uses zero crossings of the difference PDFS f_1 - f_2 to determine areas of interest for the refinement process |
Csgpp::datadriven::MultipleClassRefinementFunctor | Multiple class refinement is based on the zero-crossing based refinement |
Csgpp::datadriven::RefinementFunctorTypeParser | |
Csgpp::datadriven::RefinementHandler | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::RefinementMonitor | Superclass for refinement monitors |
Csgpp::datadriven::RefinementMonitorConvergence | A monitor to decide if a learning algorithm has converged |
Csgpp::datadriven::RefinementMonitorPeriodic | A monitor that decides whether refinements should be performed using a simple periodic approach: After at least a certain amount of instances has arrived, the monitor will allow a new refinement |
Csgpp::datadriven::RefinementMonitorFactory | Factory to create refinement monitors |
Csgpp::datadriven::RefinementResult | Structure to hold the grid modifications for a refinement cycle for one class |
Csgpp::datadriven::RefinementResultNetworkMessage | Packet wrapped in an UPDATE_GRID MPI_Packet, containing segmented changes for a specified class |
Csgpp::datadriven::RefinementResultSystemMatrixNetworkMessage | Packet wrapped in a RefinementResultNetwork Message that contains additional information required when updating the system matrix |
Csgpp::datadriven::RegressionLearner | The RegressionLearner class Solves a regression problem with continuous target vector |
Csgpp::datadriven::RegularizationConfiguration | |
►Csgpp::solver::RegularizationFunction | Baseclass for regularization functions that can be used in conjunction with a proximal solver |
Csgpp::solver::ElasticNetFunction | The ElasticNetFunction class |
Csgpp::solver::GroupLassoFunction | The GroupLassoFunction class |
Csgpp::solver::LassoFunction | The LassoFunction class |
Csgpp::solver::RidgeFunction | The RidgeFunction class |
Csgpp::solver::ZeroFunction | The ZeroFunction class |
Csgpp::datadriven::RegularizationTypeParser | |
Csgpp::datadriven::RosenblattTransformationConfig | Configuration structure for Rosenblatt transformation including default values |
Csgpp::datadriven::RuleOfThumb | |
►Csgpp::quadrature::SampleGenerator | Base class for all types of MonteCarlo sample generators used in SGPP |
Csgpp::quadrature::HaltonSampleGenerator | |
Csgpp::quadrature::LatinHypercubeSampleGenerator | The class NaiveSampleGenerator implements a simple MonteCarlo sample generator |
Csgpp::quadrature::NaiveSampleGenerator | The class NaiveSampleGenerator implements a simple MonteCarlo sample generator |
Csgpp::quadrature::StratifiedSampleGenerator | The class StratifiedSampleGenerator subdivides every dimension in a given number of strata |
►Csgpp::datadriven::SampleProvider | SampleProvider is an abstraction for object that provide sample data from various sources for example datasets from files (ARFF, CSV) or synthetic datasets generated by sampling functions ( Friedmann datasets) |
►Csgpp::datadriven::FileSampleProvider | sgpp::datadriven::FileSampleProvider is an specialization of sgpp::datadriven::SampleProvider and provides an interface for all sample providers that get their samples from files |
Csgpp::datadriven::ArffFileSampleProvider | ArffFileSampleProvider allows reading data in ARFF format into a sgpp::datadriven::Dataset object |
Csgpp::datadriven::CSVFileSampleProvider | CSVFileSampleProvider allows reading data in CSV format into a sgpp::datadriven::Dataset object |
Csgpp::datadriven::FileSampleDecorator | FileSampleDecorator provides an interface to provide generic manipulations for various kinds of sgpp::datadriven::FileSampleProvider using the decorator pattern |
►Csgpp::optimization::ScalarFunction | Abstract base class for scalar-valued functions \(f\colon [0, 1]^d \to \mathbb{R}\) (e.g., objective functions in optimization) |
Csgpp::datadriven::KDEMaximumLikelihoodCrossValidation | |
Csgpp::optimization::ComponentScalarFunction | One component of a vector-valued function |
Csgpp::optimization::InterpolantScalarFunction | Sparse grid interpolant of a scalar-valued function |
►Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::TestScalarFunction | Base class for analytical objective function examples ("test functions") |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::AbsoluteValueObjective | Absolute value objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::AckleyObjective | Ackley objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::BealeObjective | Beale objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::BraninObjective | Branin objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::BubbleWrapObjective | Bubble wrap objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::EasomYangObjective | Easom-Yang objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::EggholderObjective | Eggholder objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::FloudasObjective | Floudas objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G03Objective | G03 objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G04Objective | G04 objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G05Objective | G05 objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G06Objective | G06 objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G08Objective | G08 objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G09Objective | G09 objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G10Objective | G10 objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G11Objective | G11 objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G12Objective | G12 objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G13Objective | G13 objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::GoldsteinPriceObjective | Goldstein-Price objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::GriewankObjective | Griewank objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::Hartman3Objective | Hartman3 objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::Hartman6Objective | Hartman6 objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::HimmelblauObjective | Himmelblau objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::HoelderTableObjective | Hoelder table objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::IncreasingPowerObjective | Increasing power objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::MichalewiczObjective | Michalewicz objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::MladineoObjective | Mladineo objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::PermObjective | Perm objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::RastriginObjective | Rastrigin objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::RosenbrockObjective | Rosenbrock objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::SchwefelObjective | Schwefel objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::SHCBObjective | SHCB objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::SimionescuObjective | Simionescu objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::SolandObjective | Soland objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::SphereObjective | Sphere objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::TremblingParabolaObjective | Trembling parabola objective function |
Csgpp::optimization::WrapperScalarFunction | Implementation of ScalarFunction that wraps a std::function object |
►Csgpp::optimization::ScalarFunctionGradient | Abstract base class for scalar-valued functions \(f\colon [0, 1]^d \to \mathbb{R}\) together with their gradients \(\nabla f\colon [0, 1]^d \to \mathbb{R}^d\) (e.g., gradients of objective functions in optimization) |
Csgpp::optimization::ComponentScalarFunctionGradient | One component of a vector-valued function gradient |
Csgpp::optimization::InterpolantScalarFunctionGradient | Sparse grid interpolant gradient of a scalar-valued function |
Csgpp::optimization::WrapperScalarFunctionGradient | Implementation of ScalarFunctionGradient that wraps a std::function object |
►Csgpp::optimization::ScalarFunctionHessian | Abstract base class for scalar-valued functions \(f\colon [0, 1]^d \to \mathbb{R}\) together with their gradients \(\nabla f\colon [0, 1]^d \to \mathbb{R}^d\) and Hessians \(H_f\colon [0, 1]^d \to \mathbb{R}^{d \times d}\) (e.g., Hessians of objective functions in optimization) |
Csgpp::optimization::ComponentScalarFunctionHessian | One component of a vector-valued function Hessian |
Csgpp::optimization::InterpolantScalarFunctionHessian | Sparse grid interpolant Hessian of a scalar-valued function |
Csgpp::optimization::WrapperScalarFunctionHessian | Implementation of ScalarFunctionHessian that wraps a std::function object |
Csgpp::optimization::ScopedLock | Wrapper around MutexType which locks and unlocks upon construction/destruction |
Csgpp::datadriven::Scorer | Base class for supervised learning used to fit a model and quantify accuracy using a sgpp::datadriven::Metric with either testing or cross validation |
Csgpp::datadriven::ScorerConfiguration | Set of parameters to define a scorer instance |
Csgpp::datadriven::ScorerFactory | Factory to build the scorer |
Csgpp::datadriven::ScorerMetricTypeParser | Convenience class to convert strings to sgpp::datadriven::ScorerMetricType and generate string representations for values of sgpp::datadriven::ScorerMetricType |
Csgpp::datadriven::ScottsRule | |
Csgpp::base::ScreenOutput | This is used to implement the output on the command line |
Csgpp::datadriven::SGDEConfiguration | |
Csgpp::base::SGppStopwatch | OS-independent version of a stop watch (using std::chrono) |
►Csgpp::solver::SGSolver | Abstract class that defines a solver used in Sparse Grids Applications |
►Csgpp::datadriven::DBMatDecompMatrixSolver | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::DBMatDMSChol | Class to solve the system of equations with a LL'-decomposed matrix |
Csgpp::datadriven::DBMatDMSDenseIChol | Solve the system of equations with a LL'-decomposed matrix where LL' is created by an iterative, incomplete cholesky factorization on a dense matrix |
Csgpp::datadriven::DBMatDMSOrthoAdapt | This class solves an (lhs + lambda*I) * alpha = b system of linear equations after the offline and online phases are done |
►Csgpp::solver::ODESolver | |
Csgpp::solver::AdamsBashforth | This class implements the explicit Adams-Bashforth method for solving ordinary partial equations |
Csgpp::solver::CrankNicolson | This class implements the Crank-Nicolson method for solving ordinary partial equations |
Csgpp::solver::Euler | This class implements the explicit and implicit Euler method for solving ordinary partial equations |
►Csgpp::solver::StepsizeControl | This class implements a step size control using Adams-Bashforth and Crank-Nicolson for solving ordinary partial equations |
Csgpp::solver::StepsizeControlEJ | This class implements a time step size control using 1D-Diffusion for solving ordinary partial equations |
Csgpp::solver::StepsizeControlH | This class implements a step size control using Crank-Nicolson with different step sizes for solving ordinary partial equations |
►Csgpp::solver::VarTimestep | This class implements a step size control using Adams-Bashforth and Crank-Nicolson for solving ordinary partial equations |
Csgpp::solver::StepsizeControlBDF | This class implements a step size control using the midpoint method and BDF2 for solving ordinary partial equations |
Csgpp::solver::StepsizeControlMC | This class implements a step size control using Adams-Bashforth and Crank-Nicolson for solving ordinary partial equations |
►Csgpp::solver::SLESolver | |
Csgpp::solver::BiCGStab | |
Csgpp::solver::ConjugateGradients | |
►Csgpp::solver::SGSolverSP | Abstract class that defines a solver used in Sparse Grids Applications |
►Csgpp::solver::SLESolverSP | |
Csgpp::solver::BiCGStabSP | |
Csgpp::solver::ConjugateGradientsSP | |
Csgpp::datadriven::SilvermansRule | |
Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::SimpleQueue< T > | |
►Csgpp::optimization::SLE | Abstract class representing a system of linear equations |
►Csgpp::optimization::CloneableSLE | Abstract class for "cloneable" linear systems |
Csgpp::optimization::FullSLE | Full linear system, essentially a wrapper around base::DataMatrix |
Csgpp::optimization::HierarchisationSLE | Linear system of the hierarchization in a sparse grid |
►Csgpp::optimization::sle_solver::SLESolver | Abstract class for solving systems of linear equations |
Csgpp::optimization::sle_solver::Armadillo | Linear system solver using Armadillo (direct full solver) |
Csgpp::optimization::sle_solver::Auto | Automatic choice of external linear solver |
Csgpp::optimization::sle_solver::BiCGStab | Linear system solver implementing the iterative BiCGStab method |
Csgpp::optimization::sle_solver::Eigen | Linear system solver using Eigen (direct full solver) |
Csgpp::optimization::sle_solver::GaussianElimination | Linear system solver implementing the direct Gaussian elimination |
Csgpp::optimization::sle_solver::Gmmpp | Linear system solver using Gmm++ (iterative sparse solver) |
Csgpp::optimization::sle_solver::UMFPACK | Linear system solver using UMFPACK (direct sparse solver) |
Csgpp::solver::SLESolverConfiguration | |
Csgpp::solver::SLESolverSPConfiguration | |
Csgpp::datadriven::SLESolverTypeParser | Convenience class to convert strings to sgpp::solver::SLESolverType and generate string representations for values of sgpp::solver::SLESolverType |
Csgpp::datadriven::RegressionLearner::Solver | |
►Csgpp::datadriven::SparseGridMiner | SparseGridMiner models the entire mining process for data mining with sparse grids |
Csgpp::datadriven::SparseGridMinerCrossValidation | SparseGridMinerCrossValidation models a datamining process that involves cross validation to validate the accuracy of the model itself |
Csgpp::datadriven::SparseGridMinerSplitting | SparseGridMiner models a datamining process that involves a dataset that is first split into validation and training data |
Csgpp::base::StdNormalDistribution | This provides an implementation of the standradized normal distribution |
Csgpp::base::StencilDehierarchisationLinear | Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a linear sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::StencilDehierarchisationModLinear | Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a linear sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::StencilHierarchisationLinear | Class that implements the hierarchisation on a linear sparse grid |
Csgpp::base::StencilHierarchisationModLinear | Class that implements the hierarchisation on a linear sparse grid |
Csgpp::combigrid::Stopwatch | Simple stopwatch implementation |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingBSplineOCLKernelImpl< real_type > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingBSplineOCLKernelImpl< T > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingBSplineOCLKernelSourceBuilder< real_type > | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingBSplineOCLKernelSourceBuilder< T > | |
Csgpp::base::Stretching1D | |
Csgpp::datadriven::StringTokenizer | |
Csgpp::base::SubspaceGenerator | |
Csgpp::datadriven::SubspaceNodeCombined | |
Csgpp::datadriven::SubspaceNodeSimple | |
Csgpp::base::sweep< FUNC > | Standard sweep operation FUNC should be a class with overwritten operator() |
Csgpp::combigrid::TensorGrid | |
Csgpp::datadriven::TestsetConfiguration | |
Csgpp::combigrid::ThreadPool | This implements a thread-pool with a pre-specified number of threads that process a list of tasks |
Cjson::Token | |
Csgpp::combigrid::TreeStorageContext< T > | Context for the TreeStorage class |
Csgpp::combigrid::TrisectionOptimizer | |
Csgpp::datadriven::TunableParameter | |
►Csgpp::optimization::optimizer::UnconstrainedOptimizer | Abstract class for optimizing objective functions |
Csgpp::optimization::optimizer::AdaptiveGradientDescent | Gradient descent with adaptive step size |
Csgpp::optimization::optimizer::AdaptiveNewton | Newton method with adaptive step size |
Csgpp::optimization::optimizer::BFGS | BFGS method for unconstrained optimization |
Csgpp::optimization::optimizer::CMAES | Gradient-free CMA-ES method |
►Csgpp::optimization::optimizer::ConstrainedOptimizer | Abstract class for solving constrained optimization problems |
Csgpp::optimization::optimizer::AugmentedLagrangian | Augmented Lagrangian method for constrained optimization |
Csgpp::optimization::optimizer::LogBarrier | Log Barrier method for constrained optimization |
Csgpp::optimization::optimizer::SquaredPenalty | Squared Penalty method for constrained optimization |
Csgpp::optimization::optimizer::DifferentialEvolution | Gradient-free Differential Evolution method |
Csgpp::optimization::optimizer::GradientDescent | Gradient-based method of steepest descent |
Csgpp::optimization::optimizer::MultiStart | Meta optimization algorithm calling local algorithm multiple times |
Csgpp::optimization::optimizer::NelderMead | Gradient-free Nelder-Mead method |
Csgpp::optimization::optimizer::Newton | Gradient-based nonlinear conjugate gradient method |
Csgpp::optimization::optimizer::NLCG | Gradient-based nonlinear conjugate gradient method |
Csgpp::optimization::optimizer::Rprop | Rprop method for unconstrained optimization |
►Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::UnconstrainedTestProblem | Base class for analytical, unconstrained test problems |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::AbsoluteValue | Absolute value unconstrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::Ackley | Ackley unconstrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::Beale | Beale unconstrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::Branin | Branin unconstrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::BubbleWrap | Bubble wrap unconstrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::EasomYang | Easom-Yang unconstrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::Eggholder | Eggholder unconstrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::GoldsteinPrice | Goldstein-Price unconstrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::Griewank | Griewank unconstrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::Hartman3 | Hartman3 unconstrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::Hartman6 | Hartman6 unconstrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::Himmelblau | Himmelblau unconstrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::HoelderTable | Hoelder table unconstrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::IncreasingPower | Increasing power unconstrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::Michalewicz | Michalewicz unconstrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::Mladineo | Mladineo unconstrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::Perm | Perm unconstrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::Rastrigin | Rastrigin unconstrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::Rosenbrock | Rosenbrock unconstrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::Schwefel | Schwefel unconstrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::SHCB | SHCB unconstrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::Sphere | Sphere unconstrained test problem |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::TremblingParabola | Trembling parabola unconstrained test problem |
Csgpp::pde::UpdPhidPhiBBIterativeLinearBoundary | This class is helper class to implement the complete Up of following bilinearform \(\int_{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} dx\) for a given dimension by an iterative algorithms on adaptive Sparse Grids with linear ansatzfunctions with boundaries |
Csgpp::pde::UpdPhidPhiBBIterativeLinearStretchedBoundary | This class is helper class to implement the complete Up of following bilinearform \(\int_{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} dx\) for a given dimension by an iterative algorithms on adaptive Sparse Grids with linear ansatzfunctions with boundaries |
►Cstd::vector< T > | STL class |
Csgpp::base::DataMatrix | A class to store two-dimensional data |
Csgpp::base::DataVector | A class to store one-dimensional data |
►Csgpp::optimization::VectorFunction | Abstract base class for vector-valued functions \(g\colon [0, 1]^d \to \mathbb{R}^m\) (e.g., equality/inequality constraints \(g(\vec{x}) \le \vec{0}\) or \(g(\vec{x}) = \vec{0}\) in optimization) |
Csgpp::optimization::InterpolantVectorFunction | Sparse grid interpolant of a vector-valued function |
►Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::TestVectorFunction | Base class for analytical constraint function examples ("test functions") |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::FloudasEqualityConstraint | Floudas equality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::FloudasInequalityConstraint | Floudas inequality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G03EqualityConstraint | G03 equality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G03InequalityConstraint | G03 inequality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G04EqualityConstraint | G04 equality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G04InequalityConstraint | G04 inequality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G05EqualityConstraint | G05 equality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G05InequalityConstraint | G05 inequality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G06EqualityConstraint | G06 equality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G06InequalityConstraint | G06 inequality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G08EqualityConstraint | G08 equality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G08InequalityConstraint | G08 inequality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G09EqualityConstraint | G09 equality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G09InequalityConstraint | G09 inequality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G10EqualityConstraint | G10 equality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G10InequalityConstraint | G10 inequality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G11EqualityConstraint | G11 equality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G11InequalityConstraint | G11 inequality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G12EqualityConstraint | G12 equality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G12InequalityConstraint | G12 inequality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G13EqualityConstraint | G13 equality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::G13InequalityConstraint | G13 inequality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::SimionescuEqualityConstraint | Simionescu equality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::SimionescuInequalityConstraint | Simionescu inequality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::SolandEqualityConstraint | Soland equality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::SolandInequalityConstraint | Soland inequality constraint function |
Csgpp::optimization::WrapperVectorFunction | Implementation of VectorFunction that wraps a std::function object |
►Csgpp::optimization::VectorFunctionGradient | Abstract base class for vector-valued functions \(g\colon [0, 1]^d \to \mathbb{R}^m\) together with their Jacobians \(\nabla g\colon [0, 1]^d \to \mathbb{R}^{m \times d}\), i.e |
Csgpp::optimization::InterpolantVectorFunctionGradient | Sparse grid interpolant gradient of a vector-valued function |
Csgpp::optimization::WrapperVectorFunctionGradient | Implementation of VectorFunctionGradient that wraps a std::function object |
►Csgpp::optimization::VectorFunctionHessian | Abstract base class for vector-valued functions \(g\colon [0, 1]^d \to \mathbb{R}^m\) together with their Jacobians \(\nabla g\colon [0, 1]^d \to \mathbb{R}^{m \times d}\), i.e |
Csgpp::optimization::InterpolantVectorFunctionHessian | Sparse grid interpolant Hessian of a vector-valued function |
Csgpp::optimization::WrapperVectorFunctionHessian | Implementation of VectorFunctionHessian that wraps a std::function object |
Csgpp::combigrid::WeightFunctionsCollection | |
►CAnalysis | |
Cpython.uq.analysis.asgc.ASGCAnalysis.ASGCAnalysis | |
Cpython.uq.analysis.mc.MCAnalysis.MCAnalysis | |
►CBilinearQuadratureStrategy | |
Cpython.uq.quadrature.bilinearform.BilinearGaussQuadratureStrategy.BilinearGaussQuadratureStrategy | |
Cpython.uq.quadrature.bilinearform.DiscreteBilinearScipyQuadratureStrategy.DiscreteBilinearScipyQuadratureStrategy | |
Cpython.uq.quadrature.bilinearform.PiecewiseConstantQuadratureStrategy.PiecewiseConstantQuadratureStrategy | |
Cpython.uq.quadrature.bilinearform.SparseGridQuadratureStrategy.SparseGridQuadratureStrategy | |
Cpython.uq.quadrature.bilinearform.UniformQuadratureStrategy.UniformQuadratureStrategy | |
►CCandidateSet | |
Cpython.uq.operations.forcePositivity.findIntersections.IntersectionCandidates | |
Cpython.uq.operations.forcePositivity.findIntersectionsSubspaceBased.IntersectionSubspaceCandidates | |
Cpython.uq.operations.forcePositivity.fullGridSearch.FullGridCandidates | |
Cpython.uq.operations.forcePositivity.localFullGridSearch.LocalFullGridCandidates | |
Cpython.uq.operations.forcePositivity.localHierarchicalIntersectionSearch.LocalHierarchicalIntersectionCandidates | |
Cpython.uq.operations.forcePositivity.searchNextLevel.SearchLevelWiseForCandidates | |
►CDataAdapter | |
Cpython.data.ARFFAdapter.ARFFAdapter | Class implements the interface of DataAdapter for storing and restoring of input data into / from files in ARFF-format |
Cpython.data.CSVAdapter.CSVAdapter | Class implements the interface of DataAdapter for storing and restoring of input data into / from files in CSV-format |
Cpython.uq.uq_setting.UQSettingAdapter.UQSettingAdapter | |
►CDist | |
Cpython.uq.dists.Beta.Beta | |
Cpython.uq.dists.Corr.Corr | |
Cpython.uq.dists.CorrBeta.CorrBeta | |
Cpython.uq.dists.DataDist.DataDist | |
Cpython.uq.dists.EstimatedDist.EstimatedDist | |
Cpython.uq.dists.J.J | |
Cpython.uq.dists.LibAGFDist.LibAGFDist | |
Cpython.uq.dists.Lognormal.Lognormal | |
Cpython.uq.dists.MultivariateNormal.MultivariateNormal | |
Cpython.uq.dists.Normal.Normal | |
Cpython.uq.dists.TNormal.TNormal | |
Cpython.uq.dists.Uniform.Uniform | |
►CEstimatedDist | |
Cpython.uq.dists.KDEDist.KDEDist | |
Cpython.uq.dists.SGDEdist.SGDEdist | |
►CEstimatedDist | |
Cpython.uq.dists.NatafDist.NatafDist | |
►CEstimationStrategy | |
Cpython.uq.estimators.PiecewiseConstantIntegralStrategy.PiecewiseConstantIntegralStrategy | |
►CEstimator | |
Cpython.uq.estimators.MCEstimator.MCEstimator | |
Cpython.uq.estimators.SparseGridEstimator.SparseGridEstimator | |
►CFoldingPolicy | |
Cpython.learner.folding.FilesFoldingPolicy.FilesFoldingPolicy | Provides functionality for accomplishment of learning with cross-validation by generating a set of training data/validation data pairs from the set of files This class corresponds to the old doFoldf() method |
Cpython.learner.folding.RandomFoldingPolicy.RandomFoldingPolicy | Provides functionality for accomplishment of learning with cross-validation by generating a set of training data/validation data pairs randomly This class corresponds to the old doFold() method |
Cpython.learner.folding.SequentialFoldingPolicy.SequentialFoldingPolicy | Provides functionality for accomplishment of learning with cross-validation by generating a set of training data/validation data pairs sequentially This class corresponds to the old doFolds() method |
Cpython.learner.folding.StratifiedFoldingPolicy.StratifiedFoldingPolicy | Provides functionality for accomplishment of learning with cross-validation by generating a set of training data/validation data pairs with equal distribution of points from two different classes between folds |
►CGridFormatter | |
Cpython.learner.formatter.GridImageFormatter.GridImageFormatter | |
►CGzipSerializer | |
Cpython.learner.formatter.GridFormatter.GridFormatter | Provides functionality for the runtime serialization of the Grid object |
Cpython.learner.formatter.LearnedKnowledgeFormatter.LearnedKnowledgeFormatter | Provides functionality for the runtime serialization of the LearnedKnowledge object |
Cpython.learner.formatter.LearnerFormatter.LearnerFormatter | |
Cpython.uq.analysis.asgc.ASGCKnowledgeFormatter.ASGCKnowledgeFormatter | |
Cpython.uq.sampler.asgc.ASGCSamplerFormatter.ASGCSamplerFormatter | |
Cpython.uq.uq_setting.UQSettingFormatter.UQSettingFormatter | |
►CHashQuadrature | |
Cpython.uq.quadrature.bilinearform.BilinearQuadratureStrategy.BilinearQuadratureStrategy | |
Cpython.uq.quadrature.trilinearform.TrilinearQuadratureStrategy.TrilinearQuadratureStrategy | |
►CHashQuadrature | |
Cpython.uq.quadrature.linearform.LinearQuadratureStrategy.LinearQuadratureStrategy | |
►CInfoToScreen | |
Cpython.controller.InfoToFile.InfoToFile | The class processes the progress information from Learner and LinearSolver and stores it into the file |
Cpython.controller.InfoToScreenRegressor.InfoToScreenRegressor | Prints some regression specific information together with information processed by InfoToScreen |
►CInterpolationAlgorithm | |
Cpython.uq.operations.forcePositivity.estimateDensity.EstimateDensityAlgorithm | |
Cpython.uq.operations.forcePositivity.interpolateFunction.InterpolateFunction | |
Cpython.uq.operations.forcePositivity.scaledMinOfParents.ScaledMinOfParents | |
Cpython.uq.operations.forcePositivity.setGridPointsToZero.SetGridPointsToZero | |
►CLearner | |
Cpython.uq.learner.Interpolant.Interpolant | |
Cpython.uq.learner.Regressor.Regressor | |
►CLearner | |
Cpython.learner.Classifier.Classifier | The class implements the abstract methods from Learner and allows to accomplish basic classification tasks |
Cpython.learner.Regressor.Regressor | Subclass of Learner, responsible for regression |
Cpython.uq.learner.SimulationLearner.SimulationLearner | |
►CLearnerBuilder | |
Cpython.uq.learner.builder.SimulationLearnerBuilder.SimulationLearnerBuilder | |
►CLearnerEventController | |
Cpython.controller.CheckpointController.CheckpointController | Class for handling events for storing and restoring of checkpoints |
Cpython.controller.InfoToGraph.InfoToGraph | This class processes the information about the current state of the learning process and presents it in form of a graph |
Cpython.controller.InfoToScreen.InfoToScreen | The class processes the progress information from Learner and LinearSolver and shows it on the terminal screen |
►CLinearQuadratureStrategy | |
Cpython.uq.quadrature.linearform.LinearGaussQuadratureStrategy.LinearGaussQuadratureStrategy | |
►CLinearSolver | |
Cpython.learner.solver.CGSolver.CGSolver | This is a decorator for sgpp::ConjugateGradients class |
►CLognormal | |
Cpython.uq.dists.TLognormal.TLognormal | |
►CModel | |
Cpython.uq.models.AnalyticModels.Atan | |
Cpython.uq.models.AnalyticModels.Parabola | |
►CParameter | |
Cpython.uq.parameters.DeterministicParameter.DeterministicParameter | |
Cpython.uq.parameters.UncertainParameter.UncertainParameter | |
►CQuadratureStrategy | |
Cpython.uq.quadrature.strategies.GaussHermiteQuadrature.GaussHermiteQuadrature | |
Cpython.uq.quadrature.strategies.GaussLegendreQuadrature.GaussLegendreQuadrature | |
►CSampler | |
Cpython.uq.sampler.asgc.ASGCSampler.ASGCSampler | |
Cpython.uq.sampler.MCSampler.MCSampler | |
►CSolverEventController | |
Cpython.controller.InfoToGraph.InfoToGraph | This class processes the information about the current state of the learning process and presents it in form of a graph |
Cpython.controller.InfoToScreen.InfoToScreen | The class processes the progress information from Learner and LinearSolver and shows it on the terminal screen |
►CSparseGridEstimationStrategy | |
Cpython.uq.estimators.AnalyticEstimationStrategy.AnalyticEstimationStrategy | |
Cpython.uq.estimators.CollocationPointsStrategy.CollocationPointsStrategy | |
Cpython.uq.estimators.MarginalAnalyticEstimationStrategy.MarginalAnalyticEstimationStrategy | |
Cpython.uq.estimators.MarginalIntegralStrategy.MarginalIntegralStrategy | |
Cpython.uq.estimators.MonteCarloStrategy.MonteCarloStrategy | |
►CTrainingSpecification | |
Cpython.uq.learner.SimulationLearnerSpecification.SimulationLearnerSpecification | |
►CTransformation | |
Cpython.uq.transformation.JointTransformation.JointTransformation | |
►CTransformation | |
Cpython.uq.transformation.LinearTransformation.LinearTransformation | |
Cpython.uq.transformation.RosenblattTransformation.RosenblattTransformation | |
►CTrilinearQuadratureStrategy | |
Cpython.uq.quadrature.trilinearform.TrilinearGaussQuadratureStrategy.TrilinearGaussQuadratureStrategy | |