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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractCombigridStorageAbstract base class for storage storing a float_t for each level-index-pair
 Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractEvaluator< V >Abstract base class for one-dimensional numerical evaluation methods
 Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractEvaluator< FloatArrayVector >
 Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractEvaluator< FloatScalarVector >
 Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractEvaluator< FloatTensorVector >
 Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractFullGridEvaluator< V >Abstract class for doing an evaluation on a full grid, yielding a value of the template type V
 Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractFullGridSummationStrategy< V >
 Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractGrowthStrategyDefines a converter from a level to a number of points, i
 Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractLevelEvaluatorThis class abstracts a lot of methods of CombigridEvaluator for classes that do not want to carry around its template parameter, e
 Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractMultiStorage< T >Interface for storage classes which store values of type T
 Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractMultiStorageIterator< T >Abstract base class for iterators iterating over (existing or maybe also non-existing) entries of an AbstractMultiStorage
 Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractPermutationIteratorIterates over the elements of a permutation
 Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractPointDistributionAn abstract point distribution provides a set of n one-dimensional grid points for each value of n
 Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractPointHierarchyContains all the necessary information about a family of one-dimensional grids:
 Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractPointOrderingAn AbstractPointOrdering may (via convertIndex()) define a reordering of the points so that the same points in different levels have the same indices
 Csgpp::base::AbstractRefinementAbstract refinement class for sparse grids
 Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractSerializationStrategy< T >This is an abstract base class for strategies converting between an object of type T (template parameter) and std::string for serialization and deserialization
 Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractSerializationStrategy< std::shared_ptr< TreeStorage< T > > >
 Csgpp::combigrid::AbstractTreeStorageNode< T >Interface class for TreeStorage-nodes
 Csgpp::combigrid::AdaptiveRefinementStrategyThis class is a helper class to configure some adaptive refinement methods
 Csgpp::base::AdaptivityConfigurationStructure that can be used by application to define adaptivity strategies
 Csgpp::base::AlgorithmDGEMV< BASIS >Basic multiplaction with B and B^T on grids with no boundaries
 Csgpp::base::AlgorithmEvaluation< BASIS >Basic algorithm for getting all affected basis functions
 Csgpp::base::AlgorithmEvaluationTransposed< BASIS >Basic algorithm for getting all affected basis functions
 Csgpp::base::AlgorithmMultipleEvaluation< BASIS >Abstract implementation for multiple function evaluations
 Csgpp::datadriven::ARFFToolsClass that provides functionality to read ARFF files
 Csgpp::datadriven::AssignBatchNetworkMessageMessage wrapped in MPI_Packet specifying an order to a worker to train from a batch
 Csgpp::datadriven::AssignSystemMatrixUpdateNetworkMessageMessage wrapped in MPI_Packet specifying an order to a worker to update a class' system matrix decomposition
 Csgpp::datadriven::AssignTaskResultUsed by the MPI Task Scheduler to deliver the result of assigning the requested task
 Csgpp::base::Basis< LT, IT >Basis class for basis functions
 Csgpp::base::Basis< unsigned int, unsigned int >
 Csgpp::base::BatchConfigurationStructure to provide parameters for the BatchLearner
 Csgpp::datadriven::BayesianOptimizationClass to host all methods to perform Bayesian Optimization
 Csgpp::combigrid::BinaryHeap< T, Comparator >Implements a max heap using a binary heap
 Csgpp::combigrid::BinaryHeap< QueueEntry, QueueComparator >
 Csgpp::datadriven::BOConfigContainer class to store a conrete hyperparameter configuration for interaction with Bayesian Optimization
 Csgpp::combigrid::BoundedSumMultiIndexIteratorThis class can be used to generate multi-indices with bounded 1-norm
 Csgpp::base::BoundingBoxThis class implements the boundaries of the sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::BoundingBox1DStruct that defines the boundaries for one specific dimension
 Csgpp::base::BreadthFirstSearch< FUNC >Class for applying a functor of type FUNC on all grid points of a sparse grid in a breadth-first search (BFS) manner
 Csgpp::datadriven::ClassificationLearnerThe ClassificationLearner class Solves a classification problem
 Csgpp::datadriven::ClassificatorQualityStruct to encapsulate the classsifiers quality by its characteristic numbers
 Csgpp::base::ClenshawCurtisTableLookup table for 1D Clenshaw-Curtis points
 Csgpp::base::CoarseningFunctorAbstract class that defines the interfaces that coarsening functors have to provide
 Csgpp::combigrid::CombiEvaluatorsThis class provides standard configurations of 1D-evaluators (single- and multi-evaluation)
 Csgpp::combigrid::CombigridMultiOperationInterface class for simple usage of the combigrid module
 Csgpp::combigrid::CombigridOperationInterface class for simple usage of the combigrid module
 Csgpp::combigrid::CombiHierarchiesThis class provides standard configurations of point hierarchies
 Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingOCLMultiPlatform::ConfigurationConfiguration class for the operation OperationMultiEvalStreamingOCLMultiPlatform
 Csgpp::datadriven::ConfigurationBitThis class implements a boolean representation of hyperparameters for harmonica
 Csgpp::datadriven::ConfigurationRestrictionThis class represents a constraint on the ConfigurationBits used by harmonica
 Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::ConstrainedTestProblemBase class for analytical, constrained test problems
 Csgpp::base::ConvertLinearToPrewaveletClass that implements the transformation of a hierarchical linear sparse grid to a hierarchical prewavelet sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::ConvertPrewaveletToLinearClass that implements the transformation of a hierarchical prewavelet sparse grid to a hierarchical linear sparse grid
 Csgpp::datadriven::CSVToolsClass that provides functionality to read CSV files
 Csgpp::datadriven::DatabaseConfigurationConfiguration structure for the offline datamatrix decomposition database
 Csgpp::base::DataMatrixSPA class to store two-dimensional data
 Csgpp::datadriven::DataShufflingFunctorA class to provide functionality to shuffle (reorder) the data samples before the sample provider accesses it
 Csgpp::datadriven::DataShufflingFunctorFactoryConcrete factory to build an instance of sgpp::datadriven::DataShufflingFunctor
 Csgpp::datadriven::DataSourceDataSource is a high level, easy to use interface for accessing data provided by a all kinds of sgpp::datadriven::SampleProvider
 Csgpp::datadriven::DataSourceBuilderGenerate an instance of sgpp::datadriven::DataSource using the Builder Pattern
 Csgpp::datadriven::DataSourceConfigConfiguration structure used for all kinds of SampleProviders including default values
 Csgpp::datadriven::DataSourceFileTypeParserConvenience class to convert strings to sgpp::datadriven::DataSourceFileType and generate string representations for values of sgpp::datadriven::DataSourceFileType
 Csgpp::datadriven::DataSourceIteratorIterator object for walking convenient walking over the batches of a sgpp::datadriven::DataSource
 Csgpp::datadriven::DataSourceShufflingTypeParserConvenience class to convert strings to sgpp::datadriven::DataSourceShufflingType and generate string representations for values of sgpp::datadriven::DataSourceShufflingType
 Csgpp::datadriven::DataTransformationDataTransformation is an abstraction for an object that provides different transformations on datasets, for example Rosenblatt-transformation to get a uniform distribution over the unit cube
 Csgpp::datadriven::DataTransformationBuilderHelper class to build all kinds of transformation based on given configuration
 Csgpp::datadriven::DataTransformationTypeParserConvenience class to convert strings to sgpp::datadriven::DataTransformationType and generate string representations for values of sgpp::datadriven::DataTransformationType
 Csgpp::combigrid::DataVectorEqualToHelper class used internally as an equality predicate
 Csgpp::combigrid::DataVectorHashHelper class used internally as a hash function for DataVector objects
 Csgpp::base::DataVectorSPA class to store one-dimensional data
 Csgpp::datadriven::DBMatDatabaseA database class to store and retrieve online matrix decompositions for the sparse grid density estimation
 Csgpp::datadriven::DBMatOfflineClass that is used to decompose and store the left-hand-side matrix for the density based classification approach (The classification is divided into two parts: the offline step that does not depend on the actual data and the online step that depends on the data)
 Csgpp::datadriven::DBMatOnlineClass for objects that can be used in the online step of the classification (The classification is divided into two parts: the offline step that does not depend on the actual data and the online step that depends on the data)
 Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationFundamentalSplineFunctor for dehierarchization with fundamental splines via BreadthFirstSearch
 Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationLinearClass that implements the dehierarchisation on a linear sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationLinearClenshawCurtisClass that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationLinearClenshawCurtisBoundaryClass that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationLinearStretchedClass that implements the dehierarchisation on a linear sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationModFundamentalSplineFunctor for dehierarchization with modified fundamental splines via BreadthFirstSearch
 Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationModLinearClass that implements the dehierarchisation on a mod linear sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationModLinearClenshawCurtisClass that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationModPolyClass that implements the dehierarchisation on a modified polynomial sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationModPolyClenshawCurtisClass that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationPolyClass that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationPolyBoundaryClass that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationPolyClenshawCurtisClass that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::DehierarchisationPolyClenshawCurtisBoundaryClass that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::DirichletGridConverterThis class handles the conversion of a boundary grid with dirichlet boundary conditions into an inner
 Csgpp::base::DirichletUpdateVectorThis class is useful if you do some PDE calculations with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions
 Csgpp::pde::DowndPhidPhiBBIterativeLinearThis class is helper class to implement the complete Down of following bilinearform \(\int_{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} dx\) for a given dimension by an iterative algorithms on adaptive Sparse Grids with linear ansatzfunctions without boundaries
 Csgpp::pde::DowndPhidPhiBBIterativeLinearBoundaryThis class is helper class to implement the complete Down of following bilinearform \(\int_{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} dx\) for a given dimension by an iterative algorithms on adaptive Sparse Grids with linear ansatzfunctions with boundaries
 Csgpp::pde::DowndPhidPhiBBIterativeLinearStretchedThis class is helper class to implement the complete Down of following bilinearform \(\int_{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} dx\) for a given dimension by an iterative algorithms on adaptive Sparse Grids with linear ansatzfunctions without boundaries
 Csgpp::pde::DowndPhidPhiBBIterativeLinearStretchedBoundaryThis class is helper class to implement the complete Down of following bilinearform \(\int_{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} dx\) for a given dimension by an iterative algorithms on adaptive Sparse Grids with linear ansatzfunctions with boundaries
 Csgpp::pde::dPhidPhiDownModLinearImplementation of sweep operator (): 1D Down for Bilinearform \(\int_{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{\partial x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{\partial x} dx\) on mod-linear grids
 Csgpp::pde::dPhidPhiUpModLinearImplementation of sweep operator (): 1D Up for Bilinearform \(\int_{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{\partial x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{\partial x} dx\) on mod-linear grids
 Csgpp::optimization::EmptyVectorFunctionSingleton containing an empty implementation of VectorFunction
 Csgpp::optimization::EmptyVectorFunctionGradientSingleton containing an empty implementation of VectorFunctionGradient
 Csgpp::base::EvalCuboidGeneratorThis class builds a cuboid in the d-dimension space
 Csgpp::base::EvalCuboidGeneratorForStretchingThis class builds a cuboid in the d-dimension space
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Csgpp::datadriven::FitterConfigurationGeneral configuration object for fitters
 Csgpp::datadriven::FitterFactoryAbstract factory to build all kinds of fitters/models based on a given configuration
 Csgpp::datadriven::FitterTypeParserConvenience class to convert strings to sgpp::datadriven::FitterType and generate string representations for values of sgpp::datadriven::FitterType
 Csgpp::combigrid::FloatArrayVectorThis class models a vector of scalars supporting operations such as addition, scalar multiplication and componentwise muliplication
 Csgpp::combigrid::FloatScalarVectorThis class models a single scalar supporting operations such as addition, scalar multiplication and componentwise muliplication
 Csgpp::combigrid::FunctionLookupTableThis class wraps a MultiFunction and stores computed values using a hashtable to avoid reevaluating a function at points where it already has been evaluated
 Csgpp::combigrid::FunctionLookupTableImplHelper to realize the PIMPL pattern
 Csgpp::combigrid::GaussLegendreQuadratureUses Gauss-Legendre quadrature to approximate the integral of a function on the domain [0, 1]
 Csgpp::combigrid::GeneralFunction< Out, In >Wrapper for std::function<Out(In)>
 Csgpp::combigrid::GeneralFunction1< Out >
 Csgpp::combigrid::GeneralFunction< double, base::DataVector const & >
 Csgpp::combigrid::GeneralFunction< double, double >
 Csgpp::combigrid::GeneralFunction< std::shared_ptr< TreeStorage< double > >, std::shared_ptr< TensorGrid > >
 Csgpp::combigrid::GeneralFunction< void, ThreadPool & >
 Csgpp::combigrid::GeneralFunctionDirector< Out, In >This is a helper class used internally to wrap python functions into GeneralFunction objects
 Csgpp::combigrid::GeneralFunctionDirector1< Out >
 Csgpp::base::GeneralGridConfigurationStruct to cluster general grid information for different grid "super" types
 Csgpp::datadriven::GeneralGridTypeParserParser class to parse a general grid type into a GeneralGridType enum type and vice versa
 Csgpp::base::GetAffectedBasisFunctions< BASIS >Basic algorithm for getting all affected basis functions
 Csgpp::base::GetAffectedBasisFunctions< LinearBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > >Template Specialization for LinearBoundaryBasis basis
 Csgpp::base::GetAffectedBasisFunctions< LinearClenshawCurtisBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > >Template Specialization for LinearClenshawCurtisBoundaryBasis basis
 Csgpp::base::GetAffectedBasisFunctions< LinearPeriodicBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > >Template Specialization for PeriodicBasis basis
 Csgpp::base::GetAffectedBasisFunctions< LinearStretchedBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > >Template Specialization for LinearStretchedBoundaryBasis basis
 Csgpp::base::GetAffectedBasisFunctions< PolyBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > >Template Specialization for PolyBoundaryBasis basis
 Csgpp::base::GetAffectedBasisFunctions< PolyClenshawCurtisBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > >Template Specialization for PolyClenshawCurtisBoundaryBasis basis
 Csgpp::base::GetAffectedBasisFunctions< PrewaveletBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > >Template Specialization for prewavelet basis
 Csgpp::datadriven::streamingBSplineOCL::getType< T >
 Csgpp::datadriven::streamingBSplineOCL::getType< double >
 Csgpp::datadriven::streamingBSplineOCL::getType< float >
 Csgpp::combigrid::GFDirWrapper< Out, In >This is a protected helper class used internally to wrap python functions into MultiFunction objects
 Csgpp::combigrid::GFDirWrapper1< Out >
 Csgpp::base::GridAbstract base class for all types grids used in sgpp the class gives pure virtual function definitions that have to be implemented by all types of grids
 Csgpp::base::GridDataBaseClass that allows to keep a storage of arbitrary grid points
 Csgpp::datadriven::GridFactoryFactory class to create grids based on a configuration file
 Csgpp::base::GridGeneratorAbstract class that defines the interfaces for the different grid's GridGenerators
 Csgpp::base::GridPrinterThis class implements a utility that allows you to print a grid to file
 Csgpp::combigrid::BinaryHeap< T, Comparator >::Handle
 Csgpp::datadriven::HarmonicaClass to host all methods required to perform the harmonica algorithm
 Csgpp::base::HashCoarseningStandard free coarsening class for sparse grids, only inner grid points can be removed
 Csgpp::base::HashGeneratorThis class provides the generation functionality of sparse grids based on hashmaps
 Csgpp::base::HashGridIteratorThis class can be used for storage agnostic algorithms
 Csgpp::base::HashGridPointThis Class represents one Gridpoint
 Csgpp::base::HashGridStorageGeneric hash table based storage of grid points
 Csgpp::combigrid::BinaryHeap< T, Comparator >::HeapElement
 Csgpp::base::HierarchisationFundamentalSplineFunctor for hierarchization with fundamental splines via BreadthFirstSearch
 Csgpp::base::HierarchisationLinearClass that implements the hierarchisation on a linear sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::HierarchisationLinearClenshawCurtisClass that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::HierarchisationLinearClenshawCurtisBoundaryClass that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::HierarchisationLinearStretchedClass that implements the hierarchisation on a linear sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::HierarchisationModFundamentalSplineFunctor for hierarchization with modified fundamental splines via BreadthFirstSearch
 Csgpp::base::HierarchisationModLinearClass that implements the hierarchisation on a mod linear sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::HierarchisationModLinearClenshawCurtisClass that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::HierarchisationModPolyClass that implements the hierarchisation on a modified polynomial sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::HierarchisationModPolyClenshawCurtisClass that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::HierarchisationPolyClass that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::HierarchisationPolyBoundaryClass that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::HierarchisationPolyClenshawCurtisClass that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::HierarchisationPolyClenshawCurtisBoundaryClass that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid
 Csgpp::datadriven::HPOConfigConfiguration for HyperparameterOptimizer
 Csgpp::datadriven::HyperParameterClass to represent a hyperparameter
 Csgpp::datadriven::HyperparameterOptimizerHyperparameterOptimizer uses fitters provided by a fitterFactory to test in a SparseGridMiner It offers access to different hyperparameter optimization procedures
 Csgpp::base::IndexInSubspaceGeneratorContainer for the index_vectors of a subspace
 Csgpp::combigrid::IterationPolicyWith the IterationPolicy class, an AbstractMultiStorage can be configured to traverse its entries in a different order than the identity order
 Csgpp::optimization::IterativeGridGeneratorAbstract base class for iterative grid generation methods
 Csgpp::combigrid::KahanAdderKahan adder (a numerically more precise method to add many numbers)
 Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::KernelCreateGraph< T >OpenCL kernel class for operation to create a k nearest neighbor graph
 Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::KernelDensityB< T >Class for the OpenCL density matrix vector multiplication
 Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::KernelDensityMult< T >Class for the OpenCL density matrix vector multiplication
 Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLFastMultiPlatform::KernelMult< T >
 Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLMaskMultiPlatform::KernelMult< real_type >
 Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLOpt::KernelMult< T >
 Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLUnified::KernelMult< real_type >
 Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingOCLMultiPlatform::KernelMult< T >Kernel that provide the MultiEval \(v:= B^T \alpha\) operation for a single OpenCL device
 Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLUnified::KernelMult< T >
 Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLMaskMultiPlatform::KernelMult< T >
 Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLFastMultiPlatform::KernelMultTranspose< T >
 Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLMaskMultiPlatform::KernelMultTranspose< real_type >
 Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLOpt::KernelMultTranspose< real_type >
 Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLUnified::KernelMultTranspose< real_type >
 Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingOCLMultiPlatform::KernelMultTranspose< T >Kernel that provide the transposed MultiEval operation \(v':= B v\) for a single OpenCL device
 Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLOpt::KernelMultTranspose< T >
 Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLUnified::KernelMultTranspose< T >
 Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingModOCLMaskMultiPlatform::KernelMultTranspose< T >
 Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::KernelPruneGraph< T >OpenCL kernel for density based pruning of a graph
 Csgpp::base::KernelSourceBuilderBase< T >
 Csgpp::base::KernelSourceBuilderBase< real_type >
 Csgpp::combigrid::LagrangePolynomClass for a LagrangePolynom, used to eval it
 Csgpp::pde::LaplaceDownGradientPrewaveletImplements the downGradient Method needed for the Laplace operator on prewavelet grids
 Csgpp::pde::LaplaceEnhancedDownBBLinearImplementation of sweep operator () for enhanced Laplace operator, down operation
 Csgpp::pde::LaplaceEnhancedUpBBLinearImplementation of sweep operator () for enhanced Laplace operator, up operation
 Csgpp::pde::LaplaceUpGradientPrewaveletImplements the upGradient Method needed for the Laplace operator on prewavelet grids
 Csgpp::pde::LaplaceUpPrewaveletImplements the down Method needed for the Laplace operator on prewavelet grids
 Csgpp::datadriven::LearnerBaseAbstract class that implements a regression/classification learner based on spatial adaptive Sparse Grids
 Csgpp::datadriven::LearnerBaseSPAbstract class that implements a regression/classification learner based on spatial adaptive Sparse Grids
 Csgpp::datadriven::LearnerConfigurationStructure that contains information about the learners behaviour
 Csgpp::datadriven::LearnerSGDLearnerSGD learns the data using stochastic gradient descent
 Csgpp::datadriven::LearnerSGDEOnOffParallelLearnerSGDEOnOffParallel learns the data using sparse grid density estimation
 Csgpp::datadriven::LearnerSVMLearnerSVM learns the data using support vector machines and sparse grid kernels
 Csgpp::datadriven::LearnerTimingStrcut to encapsulate the learner's timings during training
 Csgpp::datadriven::LearnerVectorizedPerformanceStruct that defines return for calculation the performance of a vectorized learner
 Csgpp::datadriven::LearnerVectorizedPerformanceCalculatorClass that provides functionality in order to determine a LearnerVectorized's performance
 Csgpp::optimization::optimizer::LeastSquaresOptimizerAbstract class for solving non-linear least squares problems
 Csgpp::datadriven::LevelIndexPairPair to hold the level and the index of a grid point in one dimension
 Csgpp::combigrid::LevelInfoStores necessary information about the computation status of a level
 Csgpp::combigrid::LevelManagerThis class provides functionality to conveniently add levels to a CombigridEvaluator
 Csgpp::combigrid::MCIntegratorMonte-Carlo-Quadrature for testing issues
 Csgpp::datadriven::MergeGridNetworkMessagePacket wrapper in MPI_Packet containing segmented data from the alpha vector of the trained system
 Csgpp::datadriven::MessageTrackRequestStructure that holds data for pending tracking requests that need to be checked against incoming messages
 Csgpp::datadriven::MetricWe use metrics to quantify approximation quality of a trained model
 Csgpp::datadriven::MinerFactoryAbstract factory to build different kinds of Miners based on a configuration which is parsed from a file
 Csgpp::datadriven::ModelFittingBaseBase class for arbitrary machine learning models based on adaptive sparse grids
 Csgpp::datadriven::MPI_PacketA packet sent over MPI, using a command as a descriptor, and a wrapped package in the payload for data
 Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::MPIWorkerBaseBase class for MPI master node operations
 Csgpp::combigrid::MultiIndexIteratorIterates over a hypercube of multi-indices
 Csgpp::base::MultipleClassPointMultiple Class Point provides a structure to save additional data for each GridPoint in a Sparse Grid
 Csgpp::optimization::MutexTypeWrapper for OpenMP nested locks
 Csgpp::datadriven::NearestNeighborsThe NearestNeighbors class
 Csgpp::combigrid::NormalAdderStandard adder with the same interface as the Kahan adder
 Csgpp::combigrid::NormStrategy< V >
 Csgpp::combigrid::NormStrategy< FloatTensorVector >
 Csgpp::base::OCLBufferWrapperSD< T >
 Csgpp::base::OCLBufferWrapperSD< int >
 Csgpp::base::OCLBufferWrapperSD< real_type >
 Csgpp::datadriven::ClusteringOCL::OperationClusteringOCL< T >
 Csgpp::base::OperationConvertOperation that cpnverts a given basis into the normal, linear hat basis and vice versa
 Csgpp::datadriven::OperationCovarianceThis class provides the covariance matrix a sparse grid function
 Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::OperationCreateGraphOCLPure virtual base class for the k nearest neighbor opencl operation
 Csgpp::datadriven::OperationDensityConditionalConditionalize Probability Density Function
 Csgpp::datadriven::OperationDensityMarginalizeMarginalize Probability Density Function
 Csgpp::datadriven::OperationDensityMarginalizeKDEMarginalize Probability Density Function
 Csgpp::datadriven::OperationDensityMargTo1DMarginalize Probability Density Function
 Csgpp::datadriven::OperationDensityRejectionSamplingSampling on all dimensions
 Csgpp::datadriven::OperationDensitySamplingSampling on all dimensions
 Csgpp::datadriven::OperationDensitySampling1DSample 1D Probability Density Function
 Csgpp::base::OperationEvalOperation that evaluates the current sparse grid function defined by the coefficient vector alpha at a given point
 Csgpp::base::OperationEvalGradientAbstract operation for evaluating a linear combination of basis functions and its gradient
 Csgpp::base::OperationEvalHessianAbstract operation for evaluating a linear combination of basis functions, its gradient and its Hessian
 Csgpp::base::OperationEvalPartialDerivativeAbstract operation for evaluating a partial derivative of a linear combination of basis functions
 Csgpp::base::OperationFirstMomentThis class provides the first moment of a sparse grid function
 Csgpp::base::OperationHierarchisationThis class implements the hierarchisation and dehierarchisation on the sparse grid
 Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationSampling on all dimensions
 Csgpp::datadriven::OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationKDEDo inverse transformation in all dimensions
 Csgpp::datadriven::OperationMakePositiveThis class enforces the function value range of a sparse grid function to be larger than 0
 Csgpp::base::OperationMatrixAbstract definition of a matrix operator interface
 Csgpp::base::OperationMatrixSPAbstract definition of a matrix operator interface
 Csgpp::base::OperationMultipleEvalInterface for multiplication with Matrices \(B\) and \(B^T\)
 Csgpp::optimization::OperationMultipleHierarchisationAbstract operation for hierarchization and dehierarchization for multiple sets of function values at the grid nodes
 Csgpp::datadriven::DensityOCLMultiPlatform::OperationPruneGraphOCLPure virtual base class for the graph pruning operation
 Csgpp::base::OperationQuadratureThis class provides the quadrature of a sparse grid function
 Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformationSampling on all dimensions
 Csgpp::datadriven::OperationRosenblattTransformationKDEDo transformation in all dimensions
 Csgpp::base::OperationSecondMomentThis class provides the second moment of a sparse grid function
 Csgpp::datadriven::OperationTestOperation the tests the function that is applied the current Sparse sgpp::base::Grid at a given point
 Csgpp::datadriven::OperationTransformation1DSample 1D Probability Density Function
 Csgpp::datadriven::PartitioningToolThe methods in this class calculate size and offset of a segment for a partition of a domain
 Csgpp::pde::PDESolverThis class provides defines a implements basic task and tools which are useful while solving PDEs
 Csgpp::pde::PhiPhiDownBBLinearImplementation of sweep operator (): 1D Down for Bilinearform \(\int_{x} \phi(x) \phi(x) dx\)
 Csgpp::pde::PhiPhiDownBBLinearStretchedImplementation of sweep operator (): 1D Down for Bilinearform \(\int_{x} \phi(x) \phi(x) dx\)
 Csgpp::pde::PhiPhiDownModLinearImplementation of sweep operator (): 1D Down for Bilinearform \(\int_{x} \phi(x) \phi(x) dx\) on mod-linear grids
 Csgpp::pde::PhiPhiUpBBLinearImplementation of sweep operator (): 1D Up for Bilinearform \(\int_{x} \phi(x) \phi(x) dx\)
 Csgpp::pde::PhiPhiUpBBLinearStretchedImplementation of sweep operator (): 1D Up for Bilinearform \(\int_{x} \phi(x) \phi(x) dx\)
 Csgpp::pde::PhiPhiUpModLinearImplementation of sweep operator (): 1D Up for Bilinearform \(\int_{x} \phi(x) \phi(x) dx\) on mod-linear grids
 Csgpp::base::PrecisionConverterCopies data from DataVector objects into DataVectorSP objects and vice versa
 Csgpp::datadriven::PrimalDualSVMImplementation of a support vector machine in primal formulation which additionally stores support vectors
 Csgpp::optimization::PrinterSingleton class to facilitate debugging output
 Csgpp::combigrid::PtrGuardHelper class implementing a lock guard for std::shared_ptr<mutex> that does not lock a mutex if it is nullptr
 Csgpp::combigrid::QueueComparatorThis class is a comparator to compare objects of type QueueEntry
 Csgpp::combigrid::QueueEntryThis is a header containing helper classes for the implementation of LevelManager
 Csgpp::quadrature::RandomWraps the random generator to use
 Csgpp::optimization::RandomNumberGeneratorSingleton class for generating pseudo-random numbers (wrapper around std::mt19937 from <random>)
 Csgpp::base::RefinementFunctorAbstract class that defines the interface that refinement functors have to provide
 Csgpp::datadriven::RefinementMonitorSuperclass for refinement monitors
 Csgpp::datadriven::RefinementMonitorFactoryFactory to create refinement monitors
 Csgpp::datadriven::RefinementResultStructure to hold the grid modifications for a refinement cycle for one class
 Csgpp::datadriven::RefinementResultNetworkMessagePacket wrapped in an UPDATE_GRID MPI_Packet, containing segmented changes for a specified class
 Csgpp::datadriven::RefinementResultSystemMatrixNetworkMessagePacket wrapped in a RefinementResultNetwork Message that contains additional information required when updating the system matrix
 Csgpp::datadriven::RegressionLearnerThe RegressionLearner class Solves a regression problem with continuous target vector
 Csgpp::solver::RegularizationFunctionBaseclass for regularization functions that can be used in conjunction with a proximal solver
 Csgpp::datadriven::RosenblattTransformationConfigConfiguration structure for Rosenblatt transformation including default values
 Csgpp::quadrature::SampleGeneratorBase class for all types of MonteCarlo sample generators used in SGPP
 Csgpp::datadriven::SampleProviderSampleProvider is an abstraction for object that provide sample data from various sources for example datasets from files (ARFF, CSV) or synthetic datasets generated by sampling functions ( Friedmann datasets)
 Csgpp::optimization::ScalarFunctionAbstract base class for scalar-valued functions \(f\colon [0, 1]^d \to \mathbb{R}\) (e.g., objective functions in optimization)
 Csgpp::optimization::ScalarFunctionGradientAbstract base class for scalar-valued functions \(f\colon [0, 1]^d \to \mathbb{R}\) together with their gradients \(\nabla f\colon [0, 1]^d \to \mathbb{R}^d\) (e.g., gradients of objective functions in optimization)
 Csgpp::optimization::ScalarFunctionHessianAbstract base class for scalar-valued functions \(f\colon [0, 1]^d \to \mathbb{R}\) together with their gradients \(\nabla f\colon [0, 1]^d \to \mathbb{R}^d\) and Hessians \(H_f\colon [0, 1]^d \to \mathbb{R}^{d \times d}\) (e.g., Hessians of objective functions in optimization)
 Csgpp::optimization::ScopedLockWrapper around MutexType which locks and unlocks upon construction/destruction
 Csgpp::datadriven::ScorerBase class for supervised learning used to fit a model and quantify accuracy using a sgpp::datadriven::Metric with either testing or cross validation
 Csgpp::datadriven::ScorerConfigurationSet of parameters to define a scorer instance
 Csgpp::datadriven::ScorerFactoryFactory to build the scorer
 Csgpp::datadriven::ScorerMetricTypeParserConvenience class to convert strings to sgpp::datadriven::ScorerMetricType and generate string representations for values of sgpp::datadriven::ScorerMetricType
 Csgpp::base::ScreenOutputThis is used to implement the output on the command line
 Csgpp::base::SGppStopwatchOS-independent version of a stop watch (using std::chrono)
 Csgpp::solver::SGSolverAbstract class that defines a solver used in Sparse Grids Applications
 Csgpp::solver::SGSolverSPAbstract class that defines a solver used in Sparse Grids Applications
 Csgpp::datadriven::clusteringmpi::SimpleQueue< T >
 Csgpp::optimization::SLEAbstract class representing a system of linear equations
 Csgpp::optimization::sle_solver::SLESolverAbstract class for solving systems of linear equations
 Csgpp::datadriven::SLESolverTypeParserConvenience class to convert strings to sgpp::solver::SLESolverType and generate string representations for values of sgpp::solver::SLESolverType
 Csgpp::datadriven::SparseGridMinerSparseGridMiner models the entire mining process for data mining with sparse grids
 Csgpp::base::StdNormalDistributionThis provides an implementation of the standradized normal distribution
 Csgpp::base::StencilDehierarchisationLinearClass that implements the dehierarchisation on a linear sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::StencilDehierarchisationModLinearClass that implements the dehierarchisation on a linear sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::StencilHierarchisationLinearClass that implements the hierarchisation on a linear sparse grid
 Csgpp::base::StencilHierarchisationModLinearClass that implements the hierarchisation on a linear sparse grid
 Csgpp::combigrid::StopwatchSimple stopwatch implementation
 Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingBSplineOCLKernelImpl< real_type >
 Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingBSplineOCLKernelImpl< T >
 Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingBSplineOCLKernelSourceBuilder< real_type >
 Csgpp::datadriven::StreamingBSplineOCLKernelSourceBuilder< T >
 Csgpp::base::sweep< FUNC >Standard sweep operation FUNC should be a class with overwritten operator()
 Csgpp::combigrid::ThreadPoolThis implements a thread-pool with a pre-specified number of threads that process a list of tasks
 Csgpp::combigrid::TreeStorageContext< T >Context for the TreeStorage class
 Csgpp::optimization::optimizer::UnconstrainedOptimizerAbstract class for optimizing objective functions
 Csgpp::optimization::test_problems::UnconstrainedTestProblemBase class for analytical, unconstrained test problems
 Csgpp::pde::UpdPhidPhiBBIterativeLinearBoundaryThis class is helper class to implement the complete Up of following bilinearform \(\int_{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} dx\) for a given dimension by an iterative algorithms on adaptive Sparse Grids with linear ansatzfunctions with boundaries
 Csgpp::pde::UpdPhidPhiBBIterativeLinearStretchedBoundaryThis class is helper class to implement the complete Up of following bilinearform \(\int_{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} \frac{\partial \phi(x)}{x} dx\) for a given dimension by an iterative algorithms on adaptive Sparse Grids with linear ansatzfunctions with boundaries
 Cstd::vector< T >STL class
 Csgpp::optimization::VectorFunctionAbstract base class for vector-valued functions \(g\colon [0, 1]^d \to \mathbb{R}^m\) (e.g., equality/inequality constraints \(g(\vec{x}) \le \vec{0}\) or \(g(\vec{x}) = \vec{0}\) in optimization)
 Csgpp::optimization::VectorFunctionGradientAbstract base class for vector-valued functions \(g\colon [0, 1]^d \to \mathbb{R}^m\) together with their Jacobians \(\nabla g\colon [0, 1]^d \to \mathbb{R}^{m \times d}\), i.e
 Csgpp::optimization::VectorFunctionHessianAbstract base class for vector-valued functions \(g\colon [0, 1]^d \to \mathbb{R}^m\) together with their Jacobians \(\nabla g\colon [0, 1]^d \to \mathbb{R}^{m \times d}\), i.e