Nanalyse_erg | |
Nchess | |
Nclassifier | Show some statistics for data files Handles either ARFF-files or plain data files |
Nconverter | Converter lets you convert raw data formats into ARFF |
Ncreate_dataset | |
Ncreate_scripts | |
Nfriedman | |
Nfriedman2_4d | |
Ngenerate_datasets | |
Njson | |
Nparabola | |
Nparabolasimple | |
▼Npython | |
Nclassifier | |
►Ncontroller | |
NCheckpointController | |
NInfoToFile | |
NInfoToGraph | |
NInfoToScreen | |
NInfoToScreenRegressor | |
NLearnerEventController | |
NSolverEventController | |
NTerminalController | |
Nconvergence | |
►Ndata | |
NARFFAdapter | |
NCSVAdapter | |
NDataAdapter | |
NDataContainer | |
NDataEntry | |
NDataSpecification | |
NdatasetAnalysis | |
Nhierarchisation | |
►Nlearner | |
NClassifier | |
►Nfolding | |
NFilesFoldingPolicy | |
NFoldingPolicy | |
NRandomFoldingPolicy | |
NSequentialFoldingPolicy | |
NStratifiedFoldingPolicy | |
►Nformatter | |
NGridFormatter | |
NGridImageFormatter | |
NLearnedKnowledgeFormatter | |
NLearnerFormatter | |
NLearnedKnowledge | |
NLearner | |
NLearnerBuilder | |
NRegressor | |
►Nsolver | |
NCGSolver | |
NLinearSolver | |
NTrainingSpecification | |
NTrainingStopPolicy | |
NTypes | |
Nleja | |
Npainlesscg | |
Nplot | |
NstatsfileInfo | |
Ntestcondition | |
Ntools | |
NtoolsExtended | |
►Nuq | |
►Nanalysis | |
NAnalysis | |
►Nasgc | |
►Nanova | |
NhdmrAnalytic | |
NASGCAnalysis | |
NASGCAnalysisBuilder | |
NASGCAnalysisSpecification | |
NASGCDescriptor | |
NASGCKnowledge | |
NASGCKnowledgeFormatter | |
NKnowledgeTypes | |
►Nmc | |
NMCAnalysis | |
►Ndists | |
NBeta | |
NCorr | |
NCorrBeta | |
NDataDist | |
NDist | |
NEstimatedDist | |
NJ | |
NKDEDist | |
NLibAGFDist | |
NLognormal | |
NMultivariateNormal | |
NNatafDist | |
NNormal | |
►Noptimization | |
NestimateDensityDTrees | |
NestimateDensityKDE | |
NestimateDensitySGDE | |
NSGDEdist | |
NTLognormal | |
NTNormal | |
NUniform | |
►Nestimators | |
NAnalyticEstimationStrategy | |
NCollocationPointsStrategy | |
NEstimator | |
NMarginalAnalyticEstimationStrategy | |
NMarginalIntegralStrategy | |
NMCEstimator | |
NMonteCarloStrategy | |
NPiecewiseConstantIntegralStrategy | |
NSparseGridEstimationStrategy | |
NSparseGridEstimator | |
Nhelper | |
NjsonLib | |
►Nlearner | |
►Nbuilder | |
NCGSolverDescriptor | |
NGridDescriptor | |
NInterpolantSpecificationDescriptor | |
NLearnerBuilder | |
NRegressorSpecificationDescriptor | |
NSimulationLearnerBuilder | |
NInterpolant | |
NLearner | |
NRegressor | |
NSimulationLearner | |
NSimulationLearnerSpecification | |
►Nmanager | |
NASGCStatistics | |
NASGCUQManager | |
NASGCUQManagerBuilder | |
►Nmodels | |
NAnalyticModels | |
NModel | |
NtestEnvironments | |
►Noperations | |
Ndiscretization | |
NdiscretizeProduct | |
NepsilonComplexity | |
►NforcePositivity | |
NestimateDensity | |
NfindCandidateSet | |
NfindIntersections | |
NfindIntersectionsSubspaceBased | |
NfullGridSearch | |
NinterpolateFunction | |
NinterpolationAlgorithm | |
NlocalFullGridSearch | |
NlocalHierarchicalIntersectionSearch | |
NoperationMakePositive | |
NoperationMakePositiveFast | |
NscaledMinOfParents | |
NsearchNextLevel | |
NsetGridPointsToZero | |
Ngeneral | |
NnatafTransformation | |
Nsparse_grid | |
►Nparameters | |
NDeterministicParameter | |
NParameter | |
NParameterBuilder | |
NParameterDescriptor | |
NParameterSet | |
NUncertainParameter | |
►Nplot | |
Ncolors | |
Nplot1d | |
Nplot2d | |
Nplot3d | |
NplotGrid | |
Nscatterplot | |
►Nquadrature | |
►Nbilinearform | |
Nbilinear_form | |
Nbilinear_form_admissible_set | |
NBilinearGaussQuadratureStrategy | |
NBilinearQuadratureStrategy | |
NDiscreteBilinearScipyQuadratureStrategy | |
NPiecewiseConstantQuadratureStrategy | |
NSparseGridQuadratureStrategy | |
NUniformQuadratureStrategy | |
Nfull_grid | |
NHashQuadrature | |
►Nlinearform | |
NLinearGaussQuadratureStrategy | |
NLinearQuadratureStrategy | |
►Nmarginalization | |
Nmarginalization | |
Nsparse_grid | |
►Nstrategies | |
NGaussHermiteQuadrature | |
NGaussLegendreQuadrature | |
NQuadratureFactory | |
NQuadratureStrategy | |
►Ntrilinearform | |
NTrilinearGaussQuadratureStrategy | |
NTrilinearQuadratureStrategy | |
►Nrefinement | |
NAdmissibleSet | |
NLocalRefinementStrategy | |
NRefinementManager | |
NRefinementManagerDescriptor | |
NRefinementStrategy | |
►Nsampler | |
►Nasgc | |
NASGCSampler | |
NASGCSamplerBuilder | |
NASGCSamplerFormatter | |
NASGCSamplerSpecification | |
NASGCSamplerStopPolicy | |
NMCSampler | |
NSample | |
NSampler | |
Ntools | |
NtoolsKbhitCountdown | |
►Ntransformation | |
NJointTransformation | |
NLinearTransformation | |
NRosenblattTransformation | |
NTransformation | |
►Nuq_setting | |
Nchoose_working_dir | |
Nremote_worker | |
Nsamplingresult | |
NUQBuilder | |
NUQSetting | |
NUQSettingAdapter | |
NUQSettingFormatter | |
NUQSettingManager | |
NUQSettingTools | |
NUQSpecification | |
►Nutils | |
Nconverter | |
Ndata_projections | |
NGzipSerializer | |
Njson | |
Npca_normalize_dataset | |
Nplot_grid | |
Nsg_projections | |
Nstatsfile2gnuplot | |
▼Nsgpp | This header contains some utility functions |
Nbase | |
Ncombigrid | |
►Ndatadriven | |
Nclusteringmpi | |
NClusteringOCL | |
NDBMatOfflineFactory | Factories to build the specialization of the DBMatOffline objects |
NDBMatOnlineDEFactory | |
NDensityOCLMultiPlatform | |
NMultipleEvalHPX | |
NPiecewiseConstantRegression | |
NstreamingBSplineOCL | |
NStreamingModOCLFastMultiPlatform | |
NStreamingModOCLMaskMultiPlatform | |
NStreamingModOCLOpt | |
NStreamingModOCLUnified | |
NStreamingOCLMultiPlatform | |
Nx86simple | |
Nop_factory | |
►Noptimization | |
Nfile_io | Namespace with functions to write data (vectors, matrices, grids, ...) to a file |
Nmath | Namespace with linear algebra functions |
Noptimizer | |
Nsle_solver | |
Ntest_problems | |
Npde | |
Nquadrature | |
Nsolver | |
NstatsfileInfo | Compute statistics for statsfile |