class | AdamsBashforth |
| This class implements the explicit Adams-Bashforth method for solving ordinary partial equations. More...
class | BiCGStab |
class | BiCGStabSP |
class | ConjugateGradients |
class | ConjugateGradientsSP |
class | CrankNicolson |
| This class implements the Crank-Nicolson method for solving ordinary partial equations. More...
class | ElasticNetFunction |
| The ElasticNetFunction class. More...
class | Euler |
| This class implements the explicit and implicit Euler method for solving ordinary partial equations. More...
class | Fista |
| Fast Iterative Shrinkage Tresholding Algorithm is a solver for least-squares problems. More...
class | FistaBase |
class | GroupLassoFunction |
| The GroupLassoFunction class. More...
class | LassoFunction |
| The LassoFunction class. More...
class | ODESolver |
class | OperationParabolicPDESolverSystem |
| Abstract definition of a System that is used to solve parabolic partial differential equations. More...
class | RegularizationFunction |
| The RegularizationFunction class is a baseclass for regularization functions that can be used in conjunction with a proximal solver. More...
class | RidgeFunction |
| The RidgeFunction class. More...
class | SGSolver |
| Abstract class that defines a solver used in Sparse Grids Applications. More...
class | SGSolverSP |
| Abstract class that defines a solver used in Sparse Grids Applications. More...
class | SLESolver |
struct | SLESolverConfiguration |
class | SLESolverSP |
struct | SLESolverSPConfiguration |
class | StepsizeControl |
| This class implements a step size control using Adams-Bashforth and Crank-Nicolson for solving ordinary partial equations. More...
class | StepsizeControlBDF |
| This class implements a step size control using the midpoint method and BDF2 for solving ordinary partial equations. More...
class | StepsizeControlEJ |
| This class implements a time step size control using 1D-Diffusion for solving ordinary partial equations. More...
class | StepsizeControlH |
| This class implements a step size control using Crank-Nicolson with different step sizes for solving ordinary partial equations. More...
class | StepsizeControlMC |
| This class implements a step size control using Adams-Bashforth and Crank-Nicolson for solving ordinary partial equations. More...
class | VarTimestep |
| This class implements a step size control using Adams-Bashforth and Crank-Nicolson for solving ordinary partial equations. More...
class | ZeroFunction |
| The ZeroFunction class. More...