![]() |
Classes | |
class | AbstractCombigridStorage |
Abstract base class for storage storing a float_t for each level-index-pair. More... | |
class | AbstractEvaluator |
Abstract base class for one-dimensional numerical evaluation methods. More... | |
class | AbstractFullGridEvaluationStrategy |
class | AbstractFullGridEvaluator |
Abstract class for doing an evaluation on a full grid, yielding a value of the template type V. More... | |
class | AbstractFullGridSummationStrategy |
class | AbstractGrowthStrategy |
Defines a converter from a level to a number of points, i. More... | |
class | AbstractInfiniteFunctionBasis1D |
class | AbstractLevelEvaluator |
This class abstracts a lot of methods of CombigridEvaluator for classes that do not want to carry around its template parameter, e. More... | |
class | AbstractLinearEvaluator |
See also AbstractEvaluator. More... | |
class | AbstractMultiStorage |
Interface for storage classes which store values of type T. More... | |
class | AbstractMultiStorageIterator |
Abstract base class for iterators iterating over (existing or maybe also non-existing) entries of an AbstractMultiStorage. More... | |
class | AbstractPermutationIterator |
Iterates over the elements of a permutation. More... | |
class | AbstractPointDistribution |
An abstract point distribution provides a set of n one-dimensional grid points for each value of n. More... | |
class | AbstractPointHierarchy |
Contains all the necessary information about a family of one-dimensional grids: More... | |
class | AbstractPointOrdering |
An AbstractPointOrdering may (via convertIndex()) define a reordering of the points so that the same points in different levels have the same indices. More... | |
class | AbstractSerializationStrategy |
This is an abstract base class for strategies converting between an object of type T (template parameter) and std::string for serialization and deserialization. More... | |
class | AbstractTreeStorageNode |
Interface class for TreeStorage-nodes. More... | |
class | AdaptiveRefinementStrategy |
This class is a helper class to configure some adaptive refinement methods. More... | |
class | ArrayEvaluator |
This class takes a 1D linear evaluator operating on scalars (which is given through the template type ScalarEvaluator) and uses multiple instances of it for doing multi-evaluation. More... | |
struct | AtanBeta |
struct | AtanUniform |
class | AveragingLevelManager |
This is a simple LevelManager implementation that does level norm prediction for adaptive refinement by averaging the norms of predecessor levels divided by their number of new points. More... | |
class | BinaryHeap |
Implements a max heap using a binary heap. More... | |
class | BoundedSumMultiIndexIterator |
This class can be used to generate multi-indices with bounded 1-norm. More... | |
class | BSplineInterpolationCoefficientEvaluator |
class | BSplineInterpolationEvaluator |
This evaluator calculates the B spline evaluations b_i(evaluatioinPoint) for B splines b_i of degree 'degree' and saves these in basisValues. More... | |
class | BSplineQuadratureEvaluator |
This evaluator calculates the integrals int b_i(x) dx for B splines b_i. More... | |
class | BSplineScalarProductEvaluator |
This evaluator calculates the scalar products int b_i(x) b_j(x) dx for B splines b_i and b_j. More... | |
class | BsplineStochasticCollocation |
class | ChebyshevDistribution |
Provides Chebyshev grid points, that is, the points 0.5 - 0.5*cos((2k + 1)*pi/(2n)) for k = 0, ..., n-1. More... | |
class | ClenshawCurtisDistribution |
Provides Clenshaw-Curtis grid points, that is, the points 0.5 - 0.5 cos(k*pi/(n-1)) for k = 0, ..., n or 0.5, if n = 1. More... | |
struct | CO2 |
class | CombiEvaluators |
This class provides standard configurations of 1D-evaluators (single- and multi-evaluation). More... | |
class | CombigridEvaluator |
The CombigridEvaluator class evaluates a numerical method on different full grids and combines them using the combination technique. More... | |
class | CombigridMultiOperation |
Interface class for simple usage of the combigrid module. More... | |
class | CombigridMultiOperationImpl |
class | CombigridOperation |
Interface class for simple usage of the combigrid module. More... | |
class | CombigridOperationImpl |
class | CombigridSurrogateModel |
class | CombigridSurrogateModelConfiguration |
class | CombigridTensorOperation |
class | CombigridTensorOperationImpl |
class | CombigridTreeStorage |
Implementation of the AbstractCombigridStorage using TreeStorage<TreeStorage<float_t>>. More... | |
class | CombigridTreeStorageImpl |
class | CombiHierarchies |
This class provides standard configurations of point hierarchies. More... | |
class | CubicSplineInterpolationEvaluator |
class | CustomGrowthStrategy |
The level-numPoints-mapping can be customized with a function. More... | |
class | DataVectorEqualTo |
Helper class used internally as an equality predicate. More... | |
class | DataVectorHash |
Helper class used internally as a hash function for DataVector objects. More... | |
struct | Debugfct |
class | DefaultSerializationStrategy |
This serialization strategy uses the operators << and >> on streams that are overloaded for many standard types. More... | |
struct | EvaluatorConfiguration |
class | ExponentialChebyshevPermutationIterator |
Sorted-permutation-iterator for ExponentialChebyshevPointOrdering. More... | |
class | ExponentialChebyshevPointOrdering |
PointOrdering class with the slowest growth (n = 3^l) possible in order to make Chebyshev points nested. More... | |
class | ExponentialGrowthStrategy |
numPoints = (l == 0) ? 1 : 2^l + 1 Yields nested points for e. More... | |
class | ExponentialLevelorderPermutationIterator |
Sorted-permutation-iterator class for ExponentialLevelorderPointOrdering. More... | |
class | ExponentialLevelorderPointOrdering |
PointOrdering class with the slowest possible growth (n = (l == 1) ? 1 : 2^l + 1) to make Clenshaw-Curtis-points / uniform points with boundary nested. More... | |
class | ExponentialNoBoundaryPermutationIterator |
Sorted-permutation-iterator for ExponentialNoBoundaryPointOrdering. More... | |
class | ExponentialNoBoundaryPointOrdering |
Point ordering class with the slowest possible growth (n = 2^(l+1) - 1) that makes uniform points without boundary nested. More... | |
class | FirstMomentNormStrategy |
class | FloatArrayVector |
This class models a vector of scalars supporting operations such as addition, scalar multiplication and componentwise muliplication. More... | |
class | FloatScalarVector |
This class models a single scalar supporting operations such as addition, scalar multiplication and componentwise muliplication. More... | |
class | FloatSerializationStrategy |
This class provides a serialization strategy for floating-point types (float, double), though not particularly well-compressed (roughly 70 characters per float will be used). More... | |
class | FloatTensorVector |
class | FullGridCallbackEvaluator |
Implementation of the AbstractFullGridLinearEvaluator class using a callback function that takes a single point and returns a function value at that point. More... | |
class | FullGridGridBasedEvaluator |
Implementation of the AbstractFullGridLinearEvaluator class using a callback function that If you want to be able to use different function values at the same point in different levels (for example because you are implementing a PDE solver), set exploitNesting to false in the constructor of CombigridTreeStorage. More... | |
class | FullGridLinearSummationStrategy |
class | FullGridOptimizedPCESummationStrategy |
This is an experimental class using an alternative basis change for PCE. More... | |
class | FullGridPCESummationStrategy |
This is an experimental class using an alternative basis change for PCE. More... | |
class | FullGridQuadraticSummationStrategy |
class | FullGridTensorVarianceSummationStrategy |
class | FullGridVarianceSummationStrategy |
class | FunctionLookupTable |
This class wraps a MultiFunction and stores computed values using a hashtable to avoid reevaluating a function at points where it already has been evaluated. More... | |
struct | FunctionLookupTableImpl |
Helper to realize the PIMPL pattern. More... | |
class | GaussLegendreQuadrature |
Uses Gauss-Legendre quadrature to approximate the integral of a function on the domain [0, 1]. More... | |
class | GeneralFunction |
Wrapper for std::function<Out(In)>. More... | |
class | GeneralFunction1 |
class | GeneralFunctionDirector |
This is a helper class used internally to wrap python functions into GeneralFunction objects. More... | |
class | GeneralFunctionDirector1 |
struct | Genz |
class | GFDirWrapper |
This is a protected helper class used internally to wrap python functions into MultiFunction objects. More... | |
class | GFDirWrapper1 |
class | IdentityPointOrdering |
Point ordering class that uses the identity mapping to compute a level-independent index (i.e. More... | |
class | InternalTreeStorageNode |
Each inner node of the storage contains a vector of other nodes. More... | |
class | InterpolationCoefficientEvaluator |
struct | Ishigami |
class | IterationPolicy |
With the IterationPolicy class, an AbstractMultiStorage can be configured to traverse its entries in a different order than the identity order. More... | |
class | KahanAdder |
Kahan adder (a numerically more precise method to add many numbers). More... | |
class | L2LejaPointDistribution |
class | LagrangePolynom |
Class for a LagrangePolynom, used to eval it. More... | |
class | LejaPointDistribution |
Provides Leja points (which are nested, i. More... | |
class | LevelInfo |
Stores necessary information about the computation status of a level. More... | |
class | LevelInfos |
class | LevelManager |
This class provides functionality to conveniently add levels to a CombigridEvaluator. More... | |
class | LinearGrowthStrategy |
Calculation: numPoints := 1 + factor * level, where factor is a parameter passed to the class. More... | |
class | LinearInterpolationEvaluator |
This evaluator does linear interpolation on the given grid points. More... | |
class | LowestTreeStorageNode |
The Tree does not contain single elements of T in its leafs. More... | |
class | LTwoScalarProductHashMapNakBsplineBoundaryCombigrid |
class | MCIntegrator |
Monte-Carlo-Quadrature for testing issues. More... | |
class | MixedOptimizer |
class | MonomialFunctionBasis1D |
class | MultiIndexIterator |
Iterates over a hypercube of multi-indices. More... | |
class | NestedPointHierarchy |
PointHierarchy class for nested point hierarchies (computes the nested points only once), see also AbstractPointHierarchy. More... | |
class | NewtonOptimizer |
class | NonNestedPointHierarchy |
PointHierarchy class for point hierarchies that are not fully nested (see also AbstractPointHierarchy). More... | |
class | NormalAdder |
Standard adder with the same interface as the Kahan adder. More... | |
class | NormStrategy |
class | OptimizationGuess |
class | OrthogonalBasisFunctionsCollection |
class | OrthogonalPolynomialBasis1D |
class | OrthogonalPolynomialBasis1DConfiguration |
struct | OrthogonalPolynomialBasis1DParameters |
struct | Parabola |
struct | Parabola_uniform |
class | PolynomialChaosExpansion |
class | PolynomialInterpolationEvaluator |
This evaluator does polynomial interpolation (using the barycentric approach) on the given grid points. More... | |
class | PolynomialQuadratureEvaluator |
This evaluator does quadrature based on the given grid points. More... | |
class | PolynomialScalarProductEvaluator |
This evaluator calculates the scalar products \(\int b_i b_j\). More... | |
class | PolynomialStochasticCollocation |
class | ProbabilityDensityFunction1D |
class | ProbabilityDensityFunction1DConfiguration |
struct | ProbabilityDensityFunctionParameters |
class | PtrGuard |
Helper class implementing a lock guard for std::shared_ptr<mutex> that does not lock a mutex if it is nullptr. More... | |
class | QueueComparator |
This class is a comparator to compare objects of type QueueEntry. More... | |
class | QueueEntry |
This is a header containing helper classes for the implementation of LevelManager. More... | |
class | RegularLevelManager |
This class provides an adaption strategy that is equivalent to adding levels regularly. More... | |
class | SecondMomentNormStrategy |
class | SortedPermutationIterator |
Sorted-permutation-iterator (e.g. More... | |
class | Stopwatch |
Simple stopwatch implementation. More... | |
class | TensorGrid |
class | ThreadPool |
This implements a thread-pool with a pre-specified number of threads that process a list of tasks. More... | |
class | TreeStorage |
The TreeStorage class is an optimized implementation of a storage that stores values addressed by MultiIndex-objects. More... | |
class | TreeStorageContext |
Context for the TreeStorage class. More... | |
class | TreeStorageGuidedIterator |
Iterator class that travels "along" a MultiIndexIterator through a TreeStorage. More... | |
class | TreeStorageSerializationStrategy |
This class provides a serialization strategy for TreeStorage<T>-objects (though not particularly well-compressed). More... | |
class | TreeStorageStoredDataIterator |
Iterator for the TreeStorage class that only traverses entries stored in the storage. More... | |
class | TrisectionOptimizer |
class | UniformBoundaryPointDistribution |
provides uniform points, i. More... | |
class | UniformPointDistribution |
provides uniform points, i. More... | |
class | VarianceNormStrategy |
class | WeightedRatioLevelManager |
This refinement criterion implements the one proposed by ´Gerstner and Griebel: Dimension-adaptive Tensor-Product Quadrature, p. More... | |
class | WeightFunctionsCollection |
Typedefs | |
typedef GeneralFunction< std::shared_ptr< TreeStorage< double > >, std::shared_ptr< TensorGrid > > | GridFunction |
currently two evaluation strategies are suppoted: linear: uses the eval function of AbstractFullGridLinearEvaluator, i.e. More... | |
typedef GeneralFunction< double, base::DataVector const & > | MultiFunction |
typedef std::vector< size_t > | MultiIndex |
typedef sgpp::combigrid::BinaryHeap< QueueEntry, QueueComparator > | MultiIndexQueue |
use custom binary heap class because std::priority_queue does not provide methods to change an element's priority. More... | |
typedef std::vector< std::map< MultiIndex, LevelInfo > > | RefinementInfosPerStep |
Storage for meta information on the levels during adaptive refinement. More... | |
typedef GeneralFunction< double, double > | SingleFunction |
Functions | |
std::shared_ptr< TreeStorage< uint8_t > > | allStorageLevels (base::HashGridStorage &storage) |
Creates a level structure from all levels that occur in the HashGridStorage. More... | |
std::int64_t | binom (std::int64_t n, std::int64_t k) |
Returns the binomial coefficient n over k. More... | |
sgpp::base::DataVector | calculateInterpolationCoefficientsForConvertedExpUniformBoundaryCombigird (std::shared_ptr< sgpp::base::Grid > &grid, sgpp::base::GridStorage &gridStorage, std::shared_ptr< sgpp::combigrid::CombigridMultiOperation > &combigridInterpolationOperation, std::shared_ptr< sgpp::combigrid::TreeStorage< uint8_t >> const &levelStructure) |
after a combigrid has been converted to a hierarchical sparse grid via convertCombigridToHierarchicalSparseGrid with this operation the coefficients for the hierarchical sparse grid interpolation can be calculated More... | |
std::shared_ptr< TreeStorage< uint8_t > > | completeStorageLevels (base::HashGridStorage &storage) |
Creates a level structure from all levels of which all points occur in the HashGridStorage. More... | |
template<typename In , typename Out > | |
std::function< Out(In)> | constantFunction (Out fixedValue=Out()) |
Returns a constant function with the given value. More... | |
void | convertCombigridToHierarchicalSparseGrid (std::shared_ptr< TreeStorage< uint8_t >> levelStructure, base::HashGridStorage &storage) |
Takes the levels from levelStructure and stores its point in the given HashGridStorage (points without boundary) More... | |
void | convertexpUniformBoundaryCombigridToHierarchicalSparseGrid (std::shared_ptr< TreeStorage< uint8_t >> levelStructure, base::HashGridStorage &storage) |
Takes the levels from levelStructure and stores its point in the given HashGridStorage (points with boundary) More... | |
std::shared_ptr< TreeStorage< uint8_t > > | convertHierarchicalSparseGridToCombigrid (base::HashGridStorage &storage, GridConversionTypes conversionType) |
Creates a level structure for the levels that occur in the HashGridStorage. More... | |
sgpp::base::DataMatrix | convertLevelStructureToGridPoints (std::shared_ptr< sgpp::combigrid::TreeStorage< uint8_t >> const &levelStructure, size_t numDimensions) |
converts a given level structure from the combigrid module into a matrix containing all grid points from these levels More... | |
std::shared_ptr< CombigridSurrogateModel > | createCombigridSurrogateModel (CombigridSurrogateModelConfiguration &config) |
std::string | escape (std::string str, char escapeCharacter, std::string avoidCharacters, std::string replaceCharacters) |
Escapes in str each occurrence of a character in avoidCharacters with the escape character and the corresponding character in replaceCharacters. More... | |
double | expUniformNakBspline (double const &x, size_t const °ree, size_t i, std::vector< double > const &points) |
Nodal Not-a-Knot B spline basis always constant on level 0 degree 1 : hats from level 1 onwards degree 3 : polynomials on level 1, Not-a-Knot B-splines from level 2 onwards degree 5 : polynomials on level 1,2, Not-a-KNot B-Splines from level 3 onwards. More... | |
size_t | getGridLevelForExpUniformBoundaryGrid (size_t numGridPoints) |
std::string | join (std::vector< std::string > const &elements, std::string const &separator) |
Concatenates the strings in elements and inserts the separator at the concatenation points. More... | |
double | LagrangePolynomial (double const &x, std::vector< double > const &xValues, size_t const &k) |
evaluates the Lagrange polynomial given by its index and the knot sequence it is defined on in x More... | |
size_t | log2 (size_t n) |
log 2 for size_t types More... | |
template<typename Out > | |
std::function< Out(MultiIndex const &)> | multiIndexToDefaultValue (Out fixedValue=Out()) |
Returns a constant function with the given value and input type (MultiIndex const &). More... | |
double | nonUniformBSpline (double const &x, size_t const °, size_t const &index, std::vector< double > const &xi) |
evaluates a Bspline given by its degree, index and the knot sequence it is defined on in x More... | |
bool | operator< (const OptimizationGuess &first, const OptimizationGuess &second) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, FloatScalarVector v) |
bool | operator> (const OptimizationGuess &first, const OptimizationGuess &second) |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &stream, FloatScalarVector &v) |
template<typename T > | |
T | pow (T base, size_t exponent) |
Exponentiation function for integer types with exact precision. More... | |
std::string | readFromFile (std::string filename) |
Reads a file into a string (without advanced error-handling). More... | |
std::vector< std::string > | split (std::string str, std::string separator) |
Splits the string str at every occurrence of separator and returns the parts (without the separator) in a vector. More... | |
std::string | unescape (std::string str, char escapeCharacter, std::string avoidCharacters, std::string replaceCharacters) |
Reverses the effect of the function escape(). More... | |
void | writeToFile (std::string filename, std::string value) |
Writes a string into a file, overwriting currently saved data if the file already exists (without advanced error-handling). More... | |
typedef GeneralFunction<std::shared_ptr<TreeStorage<double> >, std::shared_ptr<TensorGrid> > sgpp::combigrid::GridFunction |
currently two evaluation strategies are suppoted: linear: uses the eval function of AbstractFullGridLinearEvaluator, i.e.
evaluation in every point individually grid_based: uses a gridFunction to evaluate in all grid points at once
You decide which one to use simply by calling the constructor with or without a gridFunction
typedef GeneralFunction<double, base::DataVector const &> sgpp::combigrid::MultiFunction |
typedef std::vector<size_t> sgpp::combigrid::MultiIndex |
use custom binary heap class because std::priority_queue does not provide methods to change an element's priority.
We could use boost, but that would introduce an additional dependency
typedef std::vector<std::map<MultiIndex, LevelInfo> > sgpp::combigrid::RefinementInfosPerStep |
Storage for meta information on the levels during adaptive refinement.
typedef GeneralFunction<double, double> sgpp::combigrid::SingleFunction |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
std::shared_ptr< TreeStorage< uint8_t > > sgpp::combigrid::allStorageLevels | ( | base::HashGridStorage & | storage | ) |
Creates a level structure from all levels that occur in the HashGridStorage.
storage | hash map of sparse grid points |
References sgpp::base::HashGridStorage::begin(), sgpp::base::HashGridStorage::end(), sgpp::base::HashGridStorage::getDimension(), python.statsfileInfo::i, and level.
Referenced by convertHierarchicalSparseGridToCombigrid().
std::int64_t sgpp::combigrid::binom | ( | std::int64_t | n, |
std::int64_t | k | ||
) |
sgpp::base::DataVector sgpp::combigrid::calculateInterpolationCoefficientsForConvertedExpUniformBoundaryCombigird | ( | std::shared_ptr< sgpp::base::Grid > & | grid, |
sgpp::base::GridStorage & | gridStorage, | ||
std::shared_ptr< sgpp::combigrid::CombigridMultiOperation > & | combigridInterpolationOperation, | ||
std::shared_ptr< sgpp::combigrid::TreeStorage< uint8_t >> const & | levelStructure | ||
) |
after a combigrid has been converted to a hierarchical sparse grid via convertCombigridToHierarchicalSparseGrid with this operation the coefficients for the hierarchical sparse grid interpolation can be calculated
grid | the newly created hierarchical sparse grid |
gridStorage | the gridStorage of the newly created hierarchical sparse grid |
combigridInterpolationOperation | an interpolation operation on the comigrid used to obtain the right hand side for the interpolation SLE |
levelStructure | the level structure of the combigrid |
References alpha, sgpp::base::HashGridStorage::getDimension(), sgpp::optimization::Printer::getInstance(), sgpp::base::HashGridStorage::getPoint(), sgpp::base::HashGridStorage::getSize(), sgpp::base::HashGridPoint::getStandardCoordinate(), python.statsfileInfo::i, python.utils.statsfile2gnuplot::j, friedman::p, sgpp::optimization::Printer::setVerbosity(), and sgpp::optimization::sle_solver::Auto::solve().
Referenced by sgpp::combigrid::BsplineStochasticCollocation::mean().
std::shared_ptr< TreeStorage< uint8_t > > sgpp::combigrid::completeStorageLevels | ( | base::HashGridStorage & | storage | ) |
Creates a level structure from all levels of which all points occur in the HashGridStorage.
This assumes that at a full level (l_1, ..., l_n), there are 2^(l_1 + ... + l_n) points in the HashGridStorage.
storage | hash map of sparse grid points |
References sgpp::base::HashGridStorage::begin(), chess::dim, sgpp::base::HashGridStorage::end(), sgpp::base::HashGridStorage::getDimension(), python.statsfileInfo::i, and level.
Referenced by convertHierarchicalSparseGridToCombigrid().
std::function<Out(In)> sgpp::combigrid::constantFunction | ( | Out | fixedValue = Out() | ) |
Returns a constant function with the given value.
If no value is specified, the default-constructed value is taken. The template-parameter In corresponding to the input parameter type of the returned constant function has to be specified. If no fixed value is given, the output type also has to be specified.
void sgpp::combigrid::convertCombigridToHierarchicalSparseGrid | ( | std::shared_ptr< TreeStorage< uint8_t >> | levelStructure, |
base::HashGridStorage & | storage | ||
) |
Takes the levels from levelStructure and stores its point in the given HashGridStorage (points without boundary)
levelStructure | level structure of anisotropic full grids of combination technique |
storage | hash map of sparse grid points |
References sgpp::combigrid::MultiIndexIterator::getMultiIndex(), python.statsfileInfo::i, sgpp::base::HashGridStorage::insert(), sgpp::combigrid::MultiIndexIterator::isValid(), sgpp::combigrid::MultiIndexIterator::moveToNext(), chess::point, sgpp::base::HashGridPoint::push(), and sgpp::base::HashGridStorage::recalcLeafProperty().
void sgpp::combigrid::convertexpUniformBoundaryCombigridToHierarchicalSparseGrid | ( | std::shared_ptr< TreeStorage< uint8_t >> | levelStructure, |
base::HashGridStorage & | storage | ||
) |
Takes the levels from levelStructure and stores its point in the given HashGridStorage (points with boundary)
levelStructure | level structure of anisotropic full grids of combination technique |
storage | hash map of sparse grid points |
References sgpp::combigrid::MultiIndexIterator::getMultiIndex(), python.statsfileInfo::i, sgpp::base::HashGridStorage::insert(), sgpp::base::HashGridStorage::isContaining(), sgpp::combigrid::MultiIndexIterator::isValid(), sgpp::combigrid::MultiIndexIterator::moveToNext(), chess::point, sgpp::base::HashGridPoint::push(), sgpp::base::HashGridStorage::recalcLeafProperty(), and sgpp::base::HashGridPoint::rehash().
Referenced by convertLevelStructureToGridPoints(), and sgpp::combigrid::BsplineStochasticCollocation::mean().
std::shared_ptr< TreeStorage< uint8_t > > sgpp::combigrid::convertHierarchicalSparseGridToCombigrid | ( | base::HashGridStorage & | storage, |
GridConversionTypes | conversionType | ||
) |
Creates a level structure for the levels that occur in the HashGridStorage.
Depending on the conversion type, it considers all available subspaces or just the complete ones.
storage | |
conversionType |
References allStorageLevels(), ALLSUBSPACES, completeStorageLevels(), and COMPLETESUBSPACES.
sgpp::base::DataMatrix sgpp::combigrid::convertLevelStructureToGridPoints | ( | std::shared_ptr< sgpp::combigrid::TreeStorage< uint8_t >> const & | levelStructure, |
size_t | numDimensions | ||
) |
converts a given level structure from the combigrid module into a matrix containing all grid points from these levels
levelStructure | the level structure |
numDimensions | number of dimensions |
References sgpp::base::DataMatrix::appendRow(), convertexpUniformBoundaryCombigridToHierarchicalSparseGrid(), sgpp::base::HashGridStorage::getDimension(), sgpp::base::HashGridStorage::getPoint(), sgpp::base::HashGridStorage::getSize(), python.utils.sg_projections::gridStorage, and chess::point.
std::shared_ptr< CombigridSurrogateModel > sgpp::combigrid::createCombigridSurrogateModel | ( | CombigridSurrogateModelConfiguration & | config | ) |
config |
std::string sgpp::combigrid::escape | ( | std::string | str, |
char | escapeCharacter, | ||
std::string | avoidCharacters, | ||
std::string | replaceCharacters | ||
) |
Escapes in str each occurrence of a character in avoidCharacters with the escape character and the corresponding character in replaceCharacters.
avoidCharacters and replaceCharacters must have the same length and use disjoint sets of characters. The escapeCharacter is replaced with twice itself. The escape character must differ from all characters in avoidCharacters and in replaceCharacters. The resulting string will not contain any of the characters in avoidCharacters, which can be useful for serialization.
References python.statsfileInfo::i.
Referenced by pow(), and sgpp::combigrid::TreeStorageSerializationStrategy< T >::serialize().
double sgpp::combigrid::expUniformNakBspline | ( | double const & | x, |
size_t const & | degree, | ||
size_t | i, | ||
std::vector< double > const & | points | ||
) |
Nodal Not-a-Knot B spline basis always constant on level 0 degree 1 : hats from level 1 onwards degree 3 : polynomials on level 1, Not-a-Knot B-splines from level 2 onwards degree 5 : polynomials on level 1,2, Not-a-KNot B-Splines from level 3 onwards.
evaluates a not a knot Bspline on an expUnifromGrid, given by its degree, index and the knot sequence it is defined on in x.
the level is determined by the length of the points vector containing the grid points
This routine is much faster than the general nonUniformBSpline.
x | evaluation point |
degree | B-spline degree |
i | index of B-spline |
points | points of the 1D grid |
References sgpp::base::BsplineBasis< LT, IT >::eval(), python.statsfileInfo::i, and log2().
Referenced by sgpp::combigrid::BSplineInterpolationEvaluator::setGridPoints().
size_t sgpp::combigrid::getGridLevelForExpUniformBoundaryGrid | ( | size_t | numGridPoints | ) |
References log2().
Referenced by sgpp::combigrid::BSplineInterpolationCoefficientEvaluator::setGridPoints().
std::string sgpp::combigrid::join | ( | std::vector< std::string > const & | elements, |
std::string const & | separator | ||
) |
Concatenates the strings in elements and inserts the separator at the concatenation points.
This operation is inverse to split when the same separator is used.
References python.statsfileInfo::i.
Referenced by python.uq.parameters.ParameterSet.ParameterSet::__str__(), python.uq.parameters.ParameterDescriptor.UncertainParameterDesciptor::andGetResult(), python.classifier::format_optionlist(), python.uq.uq_setting.UQSetting.UQSetting::loadfile(), python.uq.plot.plot1d::plotSobolIndices(), pow(), python.uq.jsonLib::reprDict(), python.uq.jsonLib::reprList(), python.uq.jsonLib::reprTuple(), python.data.ARFFAdapter.ARFFAdapter::save(), python.data.CSVAdapter.CSVAdapter::save(), sgpp::combigrid::TreeStorageSerializationStrategy< T >::serialize(), sgpp::combigrid::FunctionLookupTable::serialize(), python.uq.dists.Corr.Corr::toJson(), python.uq.transformation.JointTransformation.JointTransformation::toJson(), python.uq.dists.J.J::toJson(), python.uq.parameters.ParameterSet.ParameterSet::toJson(), python.utils.json.JsonWriter::write(), python.tools::writeDataMaple(), python.tools::writeDataVectorMaple(), python.tools::writeNormfile(), and python.uq.analysis.asgc.ASGCAnalysis.ASGCAnalysis::writeSensitivityValues().
double sgpp::combigrid::LagrangePolynomial | ( | double const & | x, |
std::vector< double > const & | xValues, | ||
size_t const & | k | ||
) |
evaluates the Lagrange polynomial given by its index and the knot sequence it is defined on in x
x | evaluation point |
xValues | |
k | index in the knot sequence |
References m.
size_t sgpp::combigrid::log2 | ( | size_t | n | ) |
log 2 for size_t types
n | size_t number |
Referenced by sgpp::datadriven::DensityEstimator::crossEntropy(), expUniformNakBspline(), sgpp::base::Stretching::getAdjacentPositions(), and getGridLevelForExpUniformBoundaryGrid().
std::function<Out(MultiIndex const&)> sgpp::combigrid::multiIndexToDefaultValue | ( | Out | fixedValue = Out() | ) |
Returns a constant function with the given value and input type (MultiIndex const &).
If no value is specified, the default-constructed value is taken. If no fixed value is given, the output type also has to be specified.
double sgpp::combigrid::nonUniformBSpline | ( | double const & | x, |
size_t const & | deg, | ||
size_t const & | index, | ||
std::vector< double > const & | xi | ||
) |
evaluates a Bspline given by its degree, index and the knot sequence it is defined on in x
x | evaluation point |
deg | B-spline degree |
index | index of B-spline in the knot sequence |
xi | vector containing the B-Splines knots |
bool sgpp::combigrid::operator< | ( | const OptimizationGuess & | first, |
const OptimizationGuess & | second | ||
) |
References sgpp::combigrid::OptimizationGuess::fb.
Referenced by sgpp::combigrid::OptimizationGuess::initial().
std::ostream & sgpp::combigrid::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | stream, |
FloatScalarVector | v | ||
) |
References sgpp::combigrid::FloatScalarVector::getValue().
Referenced by sgpp::combigrid::FloatScalarVector::operator[]().
bool sgpp::combigrid::operator> | ( | const OptimizationGuess & | first, |
const OptimizationGuess & | second | ||
) |
References sgpp::combigrid::OptimizationGuess::fb.
Referenced by sgpp::combigrid::OptimizationGuess::initial().
std::istream & sgpp::combigrid::operator>> | ( | std::istream & | stream, |
FloatScalarVector & | v | ||
) |
Referenced by sgpp::combigrid::FloatScalarVector::operator[]().
T sgpp::combigrid::pow | ( | T | base, |
size_t | exponent | ||
) |
Exponentiation function for integer types with exact precision.
Uses square-and-multiply.
References binom(), escape(), python.utils.converter::filename, python.statsfileInfo::i, join(), readFromFile(), split(), unescape(), and writeToFile().
Referenced by python.hierarchisation::buildParable(), sgpp::datadriven::BOConfig::calcDiscDistance(), sgpp::combigrid::ExponentialChebyshevPointOrdering::convertIndex(), sgpp::combigrid::ExponentialNoBoundaryPointOrdering::convertIndex(), sgpp::datadriven::Harmonica::createRandomConfigs(), sgpp::datadriven::AlgorithmAdaBoostBase::doAdaBoostR2(), sgpp::datadriven::OperationDensityConditionalLinear::doConditional(), sgpp::datadriven::OperationDensityMarginalizeLinear::doMarginalize(), sgpp::base::OperationQuadratureModLinear::doQuadrature(), sgpp::base::OperationFirstMomentLinearBoundary::doQuadrature(), sgpp::base::OperationQuadratureLinear::doQuadrature(), sgpp::base::OperationSecondMomentModLinear::doQuadrature(), sgpp::base::OperationFirstMomentLinear::doQuadrature(), sgpp::base::OperationFirstMomentModLinear::doQuadrature(), sgpp::base::OperationQuadratureLinearBoundary::doQuadrature(), sgpp::base::OperationSecondMomentLinearBoundary::doQuadrature(), sgpp::base::OperationSecondMomentLinear::doQuadrature(), sgpp::base::OperationQuadratureMC::doQuadratureL2Error(), sgpp::quadrature::OperationQuadratureMCAdvanced::doQuadratureL2Error(), sgpp::combigrid::AtanUniform::eval(), sgpp::combigrid::AtanBeta::eval(), sgpp::combigrid::MonomialFunctionBasis1D::evaluate(), sgpp::optimization::test_problems::G06Objective::evalUndisplaced(), sgpp::optimization::test_problems::G11Objective::evalUndisplaced(), sgpp::optimization::test_problems::G12Objective::evalUndisplaced(), sgpp::optimization::test_problems::G05Objective::evalUndisplaced(), sgpp::optimization::test_problems::G08Objective::evalUndisplaced(), sgpp::optimization::test_problems::AbsoluteValueObjective::evalUndisplaced(), sgpp::optimization::test_problems::MichalewiczObjective::evalUndisplaced(), sgpp::optimization::test_problems::G09Objective::evalUndisplaced(), sgpp::optimization::test_problems::IncreasingPowerObjective::evalUndisplaced(), sgpp::optimization::test_problems::PermObjective::evalUndisplaced(), sgpp::optimization::test_problems::G12InequalityConstraint::evalUndisplaced(), sgpp::optimization::test_problems::G06InequalityConstraint::evalUndisplaced(), sgpp::optimization::test_problems::G08InequalityConstraint::evalUndisplaced(), sgpp::optimization::test_problems::G09InequalityConstraint::evalUndisplaced(), sgpp::optimization::test_problems::SolandEqualityConstraint::evalUndisplaced(), sgpp::optimization::IterativeGridGeneratorRitterNovak::generate(), sgpp::combigrid::AdaptiveRefinementStrategy::geometricMeanStrategy(), sgpp::datadriven::LearnerSGD::getBatchError(), sgpp::base::MultipleClassPoint::getBorderScore(), sgpp::datadriven::DataMiningConfigParser::getFitterRegularizationConfig(), sgpp::base::FundamentalSplineBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int >::getIntegral(), sgpp::base::FundamentalSplineModifiedBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int >::getIntegral(), sgpp::base::HashGridStorage::getLevelForIntegral(), sgpp::optimization::test_problems::AbsoluteValue::getOptimalPointUndisplaced(), sgpp::optimization::test_problems::IncreasingPower::getOptimalPointUndisplaced(), sgpp::optimization::test_problems::G03::getOptimalPointUndisplaced(), sgpp::datadriven::BOConfig::getScaledDistance(), sgpp::datadriven::BOConfig::getTotalDistance(), getUniqueIndex(), sgpp::datadriven::ContinuousParameter::getValue(), sgpp::datadriven::OperationRegularizationDiagonalLinearBoundary::initH0HkLaplace(), sgpp::datadriven::OperationRegularizationDiagonalLinearBoundary::initHkmix(), sgpp::datadriven::DataBasedRefinementFunctor::isWithinSupport(), sgpp::datadriven::SparseGridMinerCrossValidation::learn(), sgpp::datadriven::BayesianOptimization::likelihood(), main(), sgpp::combigrid::Parabola_uniform::mean(), sgpp::base::OperationDiagonal::mult(), sgpp::datadriven::OperationMakePositiveFindIntersectionCandidates::nextCandidates(), sgpp::datadriven::OperationMakePositiveHybridFindIntersectionCandidates::nextCandidates(), sgpp::solver::StepsizeControlMC::nextTimestep(), sgpp::solver::StepsizeControlBDF::nextTimestep(), sgpp::solver::VarTimestep::nextTimestep(), sgpp::base::BsplineModifiedClenshawCurtisBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int >::nonUniformBSpline(), sgpp::base::BsplineModifiedClenshawCurtisBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int >::nonUniformBSplineDx(), sgpp::base::BsplineModifiedClenshawCurtisBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int >::nonUniformBSplineDxDx(), sgpp::combigrid::ExponentialChebyshevPointOrdering::numPoints(), sgpp::combigrid::ExponentialNoBoundaryPointOrdering::numPoints(), sgpp::base::SurplusVolumeRefinementFunctor::operator()(), sgpp::base::SurplusVolumeCoarseningFunctor::operator()(), sgpp::datadriven::MultipleClassRefinementFunctor::operator()(), sgpp::datadriven::GridPointBasedRefinementFunctor::operator()(), sgpp::datadriven::ZeroCrossingRefinementFunctor::operator()(), sgpp::datadriven::DataBasedRefinementFunctor::operator()(), sgpp::pde::DowndPhidPhiBBIterativeLinearStretchedBoundary::operator()(), sgpp::base::ForwardSelectorRefinementIndicator::operator()(), sgpp::base::ImpurityRefinementIndicator::operator()(), sgpp::optimization::optimizer::CMAES::optimize(), sgpp::optimization::optimizer::LevenbergMarquardt::optimize(), sgpp::optimization::optimizer::AdaptiveNewton::optimize(), sgpp::optimization::optimizer::Newton::optimize(), sgpp::datadriven::SilvermansRule::optimizeBandwidths(), sgpp::datadriven::ScottsRule::optimizeBandwidths(), sgpp::pde::PhiPhiDownModLinear::rec(), sgpp::pde::PhiPhiUpModLinear::rec(), sgpp::pde::dPhidPhiUpModLinear::rec(), sgpp::pde::dPhidPhiDownModLinear::rec(), sgpp::optimization::IterativeGridGeneratorSOO::setAdaptivity(), sgpp::datadriven::BayesianOptimization::setScales(), sgpp::datadriven::LearnerSGD::train(), sgpp::datadriven::Harmonica::transformScores(), sgpp::base::Stretching::unserialize(), sgpp::datadriven::BayesianOptimization::updateGP(), sgpp::combigrid::ExponentialNoBoundaryPermutationIterator::value(), sgpp::combigrid::ExponentialChebyshevPermutationIterator::value(), sgpp::combigrid::PolynomialChaosExpansion::variance(), sgpp::combigrid::Parabola_uniform::variance(), and sgpp::solver::StepsizeControlH::~StepsizeControlH().
std::string sgpp::combigrid::readFromFile | ( | std::string | filename | ) |
Reads a file into a string (without advanced error-handling).
References analyse_erg::file.
Referenced by pow().
std::vector< std::string > sgpp::combigrid::split | ( | std::string | str, |
std::string | separator | ||
) |
Splits the string str at every occurrence of separator and returns the parts (without the separator) in a vector.
Referenced by python.controller.TerminalController.TerminalController::constructObjectsFromFile(), sgpp::combigrid::FunctionLookupTable::deserialize(), sgpp::combigrid::TreeStorageSerializationStrategy< T >::deserialize(), python.data.ARFFAdapter.ARFFAdapter::loadSpecification(), pow(), python.tools::readNormfile(), python.toolsExtended::readReferenceMatrix(), python.hierarchisation::runHierarchisationDehierarchisationLinearBoundaryRegularTestPrintND(), python.hierarchisation::runHierarchisationDehierarchisationLinearRegularTest(), python.hierarchisation::runHierarchisationDehierarchisationLinearRegularTestPrintND(), python.hierarchisation::runHierarchisationDehierarchisationLinearTruncatedBoundaryRegularTest(), python.hierarchisation::runHierarchisationDehierarchisationLinearTruncatedBoundaryRegularTestPrintND(), python.hierarchisation::runHierarchisationDehierarchisationModLinearRegularTest(), python.hierarchisation::runHierarchisationDehierarchisationModLinearTestPrintND(), python.uq.jsonLib::stringToList(), python.uq.jsonLib::stringToListOfLists(), python.uq.jsonLib::stringToTupleOfFloats(), and python.uq.tools::writeCSV().
std::string sgpp::combigrid::unescape | ( | std::string | str, |
char | escapeCharacter, | ||
std::string | avoidCharacters, | ||
std::string | replaceCharacters | ||
) |
Reverses the effect of the function escape().
The parameters have to fulfill the same requirements as in escape() and the string str should have been generated with escape().
References python.statsfileInfo::i.
Referenced by sgpp::combigrid::TreeStorageSerializationStrategy< T >::deserialize(), and pow().
void sgpp::combigrid::writeToFile | ( | std::string | filename, |
std::string | value | ||
) |
Writes a string into a file, overwriting currently saved data if the file already exists (without advanced error-handling).
References analyse_erg::file.
Referenced by python.uq.uq_setting.UQSettingManager.UQSettingManager::do_sampleList(), pow(), and python.uq.uq_setting.UQSettingManager.UQSettingManager::waitForResults().