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sgpp::base Namespace Reference


class  AbstractRefinement
 Abstract refinement class for sparse grids. More...
class  AbstractRefinement_refinement_key
struct  AdaptivityConfiguration
 structure that can be used by application to define adaptivity strategies More...
class  algorithm_exception
 Exception that is thrown in case of an application failure. More...
class  AlgorithmDGEMV
 Basic multiplaction with B and B^T on grids with no boundaries. More...
class  AlgorithmEvaluation
 Basic algorithm for getting all affected basis functions. More...
class  AlgorithmEvaluationTransposed
 Basic algorithm for getting all affected basis functions. More...
class  AlgorithmMultipleEvaluation
 Abstract implementation for multiple function evaluations. More...
class  ANOVAHashRefinement
class  application_exception
 Exception that is thrown in case of an application failure. More...
class  Basis
 Basis class for basis functions. More...
struct  BatchConfiguration
 structure to provide parameters for the BatchLearner More...
class  BoundaryGridGenerator
 This class provides the interface for the grid generation for grids with boundaries, pentagon cut through sub space scheme. More...
class  BoundingBox
 This class implements the boundaries of the sparse grid. More...
struct  BoundingBox1D
 struct that defines the boundaries for one specific dimension More...
class  BreadthFirstSearch
 Class for applying a functor of type FUNC on all grid points of a sparse grid in a breadth-first search (BFS) manner. More...
class  BsplineBasis
 B-spline basis on Noboundary grids. More...
class  BsplineBoundaryBasis
 B-spline basis on Boundary grids. More...
class  BsplineBoundaryGrid
 Grid with Bspline basis functions with boundaries, pentagon cut. More...
class  BsplineClenshawCurtisBasis
 B-spline basis on Clenshaw-Curtis grids. More...
class  BsplineClenshawCurtisGrid
 Grid with Clenshaw-Curtis Bspline basis functions with boundaries, pentagon cut. More...
class  BsplineGrid
 Grid with Bspline basis functions. More...
class  BsplineModifiedBasis
 Modified B-spline basis on Noboundary grids. More...
class  BsplineModifiedClenshawCurtisBasis
 B-spline basis on Clenshaw-Curtis grids. More...
class  ClenshawCurtisTable
 Lookup table for 1D Clenshaw-Curtis points. More...
class  CoarseningFunctor
 Abstract class that defines the interfaces that coarsening functors have to provide. More...
struct  CombiGridConfiguration
 Structure that can be used by applications to cluster combi grid information. More...
class  ConfigurationParameters
class  ConvertLinearToPrewavelet
 Class that implements the transformation of a hierarchical linear sparse grid to a hierarchical prewavelet sparse grid. More...
class  ConvertPrewaveletToLinear
 Class that implements the transformation of a hierarchical prewavelet sparse grid to a hierarchical linear sparse grid. More...
class  data_exception
 Exception that is thrown in case of a data failure (conversion, creation, ...). More...
class  DataMatrix
 A class to store two-dimensional data. More...
class  DataMatrixSP
 A class to store two-dimensional data. More...
class  DataVector
 A class to store one-dimensional data. More...
class  DataVectorSP
 A class to store one-dimensional data. More...
class  DehierarchisationFundamentalSpline
 Functor for dehierarchization with fundamental splines via BreadthFirstSearch. More...
class  DehierarchisationLinear
 Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a linear sparse grid. More...
class  DehierarchisationLinearBoundary
 Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a linear sparse grid with boundaries. More...
class  DehierarchisationLinearClenshawCurtis
 Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid. More...
class  DehierarchisationLinearClenshawCurtisBoundary
 Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid. More...
class  DehierarchisationLinearStretched
 Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a linear sparse grid. More...
class  DehierarchisationLinearStretchedBoundary
 Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a linear sparse grid with boundaries. More...
class  DehierarchisationModFundamentalSpline
 Functor for dehierarchization with modified fundamental splines via BreadthFirstSearch. More...
class  DehierarchisationModLinear
 Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a mod linear sparse grid. More...
class  DehierarchisationModLinearClenshawCurtis
 Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid. More...
class  DehierarchisationModPoly
 Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a modified polynomial sparse grid. More...
class  DehierarchisationModPolyClenshawCurtis
 Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid. More...
class  DehierarchisationPoly
 Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid. More...
class  DehierarchisationPolyBoundary
 Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid. More...
class  DehierarchisationPolyClenshawCurtis
 Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid. More...
class  DehierarchisationPolyClenshawCurtisBoundary
 Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid. More...
class  DirichletGridConverter
 This class handles the conversion of a boundary grid with dirichlet boundary conditions into an inner. More...
class  DirichletUpdateVector
 This class is useful if you do some PDE calculations with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions. More...
class  EvalCuboidGenerator
 This class builds a cuboid in the d-dimension space. More...
class  EvalCuboidGeneratorForStretching
 This class builds a cuboid in the d-dimension space. More...
class  factory_exception
 Exception that is thrown in case of a grid failure. More...
class  file_exception
 Exception that is thrown in case of a file failure. More...
class  ForwardSelectorRefinement
class  ForwardSelectorRefinement_refinement_key
 Container type for forward selector (combined-measure) refinement collection. More...
class  ForwardSelectorRefinementIndicator
 A refinement indicator for support vector classification using sparse grids (according to König BA). More...
class  FundamentalSplineBasis
 Fundamental spline basis on Noboundary grids. More...
class  FundamentalSplineGrid
 Grid with fundamental spline basis functions. More...
class  FundamentalSplineModifiedBasis
 Modified fundamental spline basis on Noboundary grids. More...
class  GaussHermiteQuadRule1D
 load gauss quadrature points for standard normal weight function. More...
class  GaussLegendreQuadRule1D
struct  GeneralGridConfiguration
 Struct to cluster general grid information for different grid "super" types. More...
class  GeneralizedBoundaryGridGenerator
 This class provides the interface for the grid generation for grids with boundaries, pentagon cut through sub space scheme. More...
class  generation_exception
 Exception that is thrown in case of a grid generation failure. More...
class  GetAffectedBasisFunctions
 Basic algorithm for getting all affected basis functions. More...
class  GetAffectedBasisFunctions< LinearBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > >
 Template Specialization for LinearBoundaryBasis basis. More...
class  GetAffectedBasisFunctions< LinearClenshawCurtisBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > >
 Template Specialization for LinearClenshawCurtisBoundaryBasis basis. More...
class  GetAffectedBasisFunctions< LinearPeriodicBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > >
 Template Specialization for PeriodicBasis basis. More...
class  GetAffectedBasisFunctions< LinearStretchedBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > >
 Template Specialization for LinearStretchedBoundaryBasis basis. More...
class  GetAffectedBasisFunctions< PolyBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > >
 Template Specialization for PolyBoundaryBasis basis. More...
class  GetAffectedBasisFunctions< PolyClenshawCurtisBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > >
 Template Specialization for PolyClenshawCurtisBoundaryBasis basis. More...
class  GetAffectedBasisFunctions< PrewaveletBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > >
 Template Specialization for prewavelet basis. More...
class  Grid
 abstract base class for all types grids used in sgpp the class gives pure virtual function definitions that have to be implemented by all types of grids More...
class  GridDataBase
 Class that allows to keep a storage of arbitrary grid points. More...
class  GridGenerator
 Abstract class that defines the interfaces for the different grid's GridGenerators. More...
class  GridPrinter
 This class implements a utility that allows you to print a grid to file. More...
class  GridPrinterForStretching
 This class implements a utility that allows you to print a grid to file. More...
class  GridStencil
 grid with linear base functions More...
class  HashCoarsening
 Standard free coarsening class for sparse grids, only inner grid points can be removed. More...
class  HashGenerator
 This class provides the generation functionality of sparse grids based on hashmaps. More...
class  HashGridIterator
 This class can be used for storage agnostic algorithms. More...
class  HashGridPoint
 This Class represents one Gridpoint. More...
struct  HashGridPointEqualityFunctor
struct  HashGridPointHashFunctor
struct  HashGridPointPointerEqualityFunctor
struct  HashGridPointPointerHashFunctor
class  HashGridStorage
 Generic hash table based storage of grid points. More...
class  HashRefinement
 Free refinement class for sparse grids. More...
class  HashRefinementBoundaries
 Standard free refinement class for sparse grids with boundaries. More...
class  HashRefinementBoundariesMaxLevel
 Standard free refinement class for sparse grids with boundaries with a maximal level depth of refinement. More...
class  HashRefinementInconsistent
 Free refinement class for sparse grids. More...
class  HashRefinementInteraction
 The HashRefinementInteraction class. More...
class  HermiteBasis
class  HierarchisationFundamentalSpline
 Functor for hierarchization with fundamental splines via BreadthFirstSearch. More...
class  HierarchisationLinear
 Class that implements the hierarchisation on a linear sparse grid. More...
class  HierarchisationLinearBoundary
 Class that implements the hierarchisation on a linear sparse grid with boundaries. More...
class  HierarchisationLinearClenshawCurtis
 Class that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid. More...
class  HierarchisationLinearClenshawCurtisBoundary
 Class that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid. More...
class  HierarchisationLinearStretched
 Class that implements the hierarchisation on a linear sparse grid. More...
class  HierarchisationLinearStretchedBoundary
 Class that implements the hierarchisation on a linear sparse grid with boundaries. More...
class  HierarchisationModFundamentalSpline
 Functor for hierarchization with modified fundamental splines via BreadthFirstSearch. More...
class  HierarchisationModLinear
 Class that implements the hierarchisation on a mod linear sparse grid. More...
class  HierarchisationModLinearClenshawCurtis
 Class that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid. More...
class  HierarchisationModPoly
 Class that implements the hierarchisation on a modified polynomial sparse grid. More...
class  HierarchisationModPolyClenshawCurtis
 Class that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid. More...
class  HierarchisationPoly
 Class that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid. More...
class  HierarchisationPolyBoundary
 Class that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid. More...
class  HierarchisationPolyClenshawCurtis
 Class that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid. More...
class  HierarchisationPolyClenshawCurtisBoundary
 Class that implements the hierarchisation on a polynomial sparse grid. More...
class  ImpurityRefinement
class  ImpurityRefinement_refinement_key
 Container type for impurity refinement collection. More...
class  ImpurityRefinementIndicator
 A refinement indicator for classification problems based on impurity measures (e.g. More...
class  IndexInSubspaceGenerator
 Container for the index_vectors of a subspace. More...
class  KernelSourceBuilderBase
class  L0BoundaryGridGenerator
 This class provides the interface for the grid generation for grids with boundaries, diagonal cut through sub space scheme. More...
class  LinearBasis
 Linear basis on Noboundary grids. More...
class  LinearBoundaryBasis
 Linear basis on Boundary grids. More...
class  LinearBoundaryGrid
 grid with linear base functions with boundaries, pentagon cut More...
class  LinearClenshawCurtisBasis
 Linear basis on Clenshaw-Curtis grids. More...
class  LinearClenshawCurtisBoundaryBasis
 Linear basis on Clenshaw-Curtis grids. More...
class  LinearClenshawCurtisBoundaryGrid
 grid with Clenshaw-Curtis linear base functions with boundaries, pentagon cut More...
class  LinearClenshawCurtisGrid
 Grid with modified Clenshaw-Curtis poly basis functions. More...
class  LinearGrid
 grid with linear base functions More...
class  LinearGridStencil
 grid with linear base functions More...
class  LinearL0BoundaryGrid
 grid with linear base functions with boundaries More...
class  LinearLoadBalancer
class  LinearLoadBalancerMultiPlatform
class  LinearModifiedBasis
 Modified linear basis on Noboundary grids. More...
class  LinearModifiedClenshawCurtisBasis
 Modified polynomial base functions. More...
class  LinearPeriodicBasis
 linear basis functions with boundaries And here we have another implicit dependence on tensor products More...
class  LinearStretchedBasis
 linearstretched base functions. More...
class  LinearStretchedBoundaryBasis
 linearstretched basis functions with boundaries And here we have another implicit dependence on tensor products More...
class  LinearStretchedBoundaryGrid
 grid with linear base functions with boundaries, pentagon cut More...
class  LinearStretchedGrid
 grid with linearstretched base functions More...
class  LinearTruncatedBoundaryGrid
 grid with linear base functions with boundaries, pentagon cut Generalization of the LinearL0Boundary and LinearBoundary Grids The sparse grid does contain all fullgrids with |l|<a given level, and l_min>l_user For l_user=0 we obtain the LinearL0BoundaryGrid and for l_user=1 we obtain the linear truncated boundary grid More...
class  ModBsplineClenshawCurtisGrid
 Grid with modified Clenshaw-Curtis Bspline basis functions. More...
class  ModBsplineGrid
 Grid with modified Bspline basis functions. More...
class  ModFundamentalSplineGrid
 Grid with modified fundamental spline basis functions. More...
class  ModLinearClenshawCurtisGrid
 Grid with modified Clenshaw-Curtis poly basis functions. More...
class  ModLinearGrid
 grid with modified linear base functions More...
class  ModLinearGridStencil
 grid with linear base functions More...
class  ModPolyClenshawCurtisGrid
 Grid with modified Clenshaw-Curtis poly basis functions. More...
class  ModPolyGrid
 grid with modified polynomial base functions More...
class  ModWaveletGrid
 grid with modified wavelet base functions More...
class  MultipleClassPoint
 Multiple Class Point provides a structure to save additional data for each GridPoint in a Sparse Grid. More...
class  MultipleClassRefinement
 Refinement class for sparse grids. More...
class  NakBsplineBoundaryCombigridBasis
 Hierarchical Not-a-knot B-spline basis. More...
class  NakBsplineBoundaryCombigridGrid
 Grid with B-spline basis functions with not-a-knot boundary conditions. More...
class  not_implemented_exception
 Exception that is thrown in case of an application failure. More...
class  OCLBufferWrapperSD
class  OCLClonedBuffer
class  OCLClonedBufferMultiPlatform
class  OCLConfigurationParameters
class  OCLDevice
class  OCLManager
class  OCLManagerMultiPlatform
class  OCLOperationConfiguration
class  OCLPlatformWrapper
class  OCLStretchedBuffer
class  OCLStretchedBufferMultiPlatform
class  OCLZeroCopyBuffer
class  operation_exception
 Exception that is thrown in case of a grid operation failure. More...
class  OperationArbitraryBoundaryHierarchisation
 This class implements the hierarchisation and dehierarchisation on sparse grids which do not have a grid point at the boundary in each direction for every inner point (boundaryLevel > 1) More...
class  OperationConfiguration
class  OperationConvert
 Operation that cpnverts a given basis into the normal, linear hat basis and vice versa. More...
class  OperationConvertPrewavelet
class  OperationDiagonal
 Implementation of diagonal Operation for all kinds of grids. More...
class  OperationEval
 Operation that evaluates the current sparse grid function defined by the coefficient vector alpha at a given point. More...
class  OperationEvalBsplineBoundaryNaive
 Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Boundary grids. More...
class  OperationEvalBsplineClenshawCurtisNaive
 Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Clenshaw-Curtis grids. More...
class  OperationEvalBsplineNaive
 Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids. More...
class  OperationEvalFundamentalSplineNaive
 Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids. More...
class  OperationEvalGradient
 Abstract operation for evaluating a linear combination of basis functions and its gradient. More...
class  OperationEvalGradientBsplineBoundaryNaive
 Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Boundary grids and their gradients. More...
class  OperationEvalGradientBsplineClenshawCurtisNaive
 Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Clenshaw-Curtis grids and their gradients. More...
class  OperationEvalGradientBsplineNaive
 Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids and their gradients. More...
class  OperationEvalGradientFundamentalSplineNaive
 Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids and their gradients. More...
class  OperationEvalGradientModBsplineClenshawCurtisNaive
 Operation for evaluating modified Clenshaw-Curtis B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids and their gradients. More...
class  OperationEvalGradientModBsplineNaive
 Operation for evaluating modified B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids and their gradients. More...
class  OperationEvalGradientModFundamentalSplineNaive
 Operation for evaluating modified B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids and their gradients. More...
class  OperationEvalGradientModWaveletNaive
 Operation for evaluating modified wavelet linear combinations on Noboundary grids and their gradients. More...
class  OperationEvalGradientWaveletBoundaryNaive
 Operation for evaluating wavelet linear combinations on Boundary grids and their gradients. More...
class  OperationEvalGradientWaveletNaive
 Operation for evaluating wavelet linear combinations on Noboundary grids and their gradients. More...
class  OperationEvalHessian
 Abstract operation for evaluating a linear combination of basis functions, its gradient and its Hessian. More...
class  OperationEvalHessianBsplineBoundaryNaive
 Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Boundary grids, their gradients and their Hessians. More...
class  OperationEvalHessianBsplineClenshawCurtisNaive
 Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Clenshaw-Curtis grids, their gradients and their Hessians. More...
class  OperationEvalHessianBsplineNaive
 Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids, their gradients and their Hessians. More...
class  OperationEvalHessianFundamentalSplineNaive
 Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids, their gradients and their Hessians. More...
class  OperationEvalHessianModBsplineClenshawCurtisNaive
 Operation for evaluating modified Clenshaw-Curtis B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids, their gradients, and their Hessians. More...
class  OperationEvalHessianModBsplineNaive
 Operation for evaluating modified B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids, their gradients and their Hessians. More...
class  OperationEvalHessianModFundamentalSplineNaive
 Operation for evaluating modified B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids, their gradients and their Hessians. More...
class  OperationEvalHessianModWaveletNaive
 Operation for evaluating modified wavelet linear combinations on Noboundary grids, their gradients and their Hessians. More...
class  OperationEvalHessianWaveletBoundaryNaive
 Operation for evaluating wavelet linear combinations on Boundary grids, their gradients and their Hessians. More...
class  OperationEvalHessianWaveletNaive
 Operation for evaluating wavelet linear combinations on Noboundary grids, their gradients and their Hessians. More...
class  OperationEvalLinear
 This class implements OperationEval for a grids with linear basis ansatzfunctions without boundaries. More...
class  OperationEvalLinearBoundary
 This class implements OperationEval for a grids with linear basis ansatzfunctions with boundaries. More...
class  OperationEvalLinearBoundaryNaive
class  OperationEvalLinearClenshawCurtisBoundaryNaive
class  OperationEvalLinearClenshawCurtisNaive
class  OperationEvalLinearNaive
class  OperationEvalLinearStretched
 This class implements OperationEval for a grids with linear basis ansatzfunctions without boundaries. More...
class  OperationEvalLinearStretchedBoundary
 This class implements OperationEval for a grids with linear basis ansatzfunctions with boundaries. More...
class  OperationEvalModBsplineClenshawCurtisNaive
 Operation for evaluating modified Clenshaw-Curtis B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids. More...
class  OperationEvalModBsplineNaive
 Operation for evaluating modified B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids. More...
class  OperationEvalModFundamentalSplineNaive
 Operation for evaluating modified B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids. More...
class  OperationEvalModLinear
 This class implements OperationEval for a grids with mod linear basis ansatzfunctions with. More...
class  OperationEvalModLinearClenshawCurtisNaive
class  OperationEvalModLinearNaive
class  OperationEvalModPoly
 This class implements OperationEval for a grids with mod poly basis ansatzfunctions with. More...
class  OperationEvalModPolyClenshawCurtisNaive
class  OperationEvalModPolyNaive
class  OperationEvalModWaveletNaive
 Operation for evaluating modified wavelet linear combinations on Noboundary grids. More...
class  OperationEvalNakBsplineBoundaryCombigridNaive
 Operation for evaluating B-spline linear combinations on Boundary grids with not-a-knot boundary conditions. More...
class  OperationEvalPartialDerivative
 Abstract operation for evaluating a partial derivative of a linear combination of basis functions. More...
class  OperationEvalPartialDerivativeBsplineBoundaryNaive
 Operation for evaluating partial derivatives of B-spline linear combinations on Boundary grids. More...
class  OperationEvalPartialDerivativeBsplineClenshawCurtisNaive
 Operation for evaluating partial derivatives of B-spline linear combinations on Clenshaw-Curtis grids. More...
class  OperationEvalPartialDerivativeBsplineNaive
 Operation for evaluating partial derivatives of B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids. More...
class  OperationEvalPartialDerivativeFundamentalSplineNaive
 Operation for evaluating partial derivatives of B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids. More...
class  OperationEvalPartialDerivativeModBsplineClenshawCurtisNaive
 Operation for evaluating partial derivatives of modified Clenshaw-Curtis B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids. More...
class  OperationEvalPartialDerivativeModBsplineNaive
 Operation for evaluating partial derivatives of modified B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids. More...
class  OperationEvalPartialDerivativeModFundamentalSplineNaive
 Operation for evaluating partial derivatives of modified B-spline linear combinations on Noboundary grids. More...
class  OperationEvalPartialDerivativeModWaveletNaive
 Operation for evaluating partial derivatives of modified wavelet linear combinations on Noboundary grids. More...
class  OperationEvalPartialDerivativeWaveletBoundaryNaive
 Operation for evaluating partial derivatives of wavelet linear combinations on Boundary grids. More...
class  OperationEvalPartialDerivativeWaveletNaive
 Operation for evaluating partial derivatives of wavelet linear combinations on Noboundary grids. More...
class  OperationEvalPeriodic
 This class implements OperationEval for a grids with periodic linear basis ansatzfunctions with. More...
class  OperationEvalPoly
 This class implements OperationEval for a grids with poly basis ansatzfunctions with. More...
class  OperationEvalPolyBoundary
 This class implements OperationEval for a grids with poly basis ansatzfunctions with. More...
class  OperationEvalPolyBoundaryNaive
class  OperationEvalPolyClenshawCurtisBoundaryNaive
class  OperationEvalPolyClenshawCurtisNaive
class  OperationEvalPolyNaive
class  OperationEvalPrewavelet
 This class implements OperationEval for a grids with prewavelet basis ansatzfunctions without boundaries. More...
class  OperationEvalWaveletBoundaryNaive
 Operation for evaluating wavelet linear combinations on Boundary grids. More...
class  OperationEvalWaveletNaive
 Operation for evaluating wavelet linear combinations on Noboundary grids. More...
class  OperationFirstMoment
 This class provides the first moment of a sparse grid function. More...
class  OperationFirstMomentBspline
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationFirstMomentBsplineBoundary
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationFirstMomentBsplineClenshawCurtis
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationFirstMomentLinear
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationFirstMomentLinearBoundary
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationFirstMomentModBspline
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationFirstMomentModBsplineClenshawCurtis
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationFirstMomentModLinear
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationFirstMomentModPoly
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationFirstMomentModPolyClenshawCurtis
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, ModPolyClenshawCurtis grid. More...
class  OperationFirstMomentPoly
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationFirstMomentPolyBoundary
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationFirstMomentPolyClenshawCurtis
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationFirstMomentPolyClenshawCurtisBoundary
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationHierarchisation
 This class implements the hierarchisation and dehierarchisation on the sparse grid. More...
class  OperationHierarchisationFundamentalSpline
 Hierarchisation on sparse grid, fundamental spline basis. More...
class  OperationHierarchisationLinear
 Hierarchisation on sparse grid, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationHierarchisationLinearBoundary
 Hierarchisation on sparse grid, linear case with boundaries. More...
class  OperationHierarchisationLinearClenshawCurtis
 Hierarchisation on sparse grid, poly case. More...
class  OperationHierarchisationLinearClenshawCurtisBoundary
 Hierarchisation on sparse grid, poly case. More...
class  OperationHierarchisationLinearStretched
 Hierarchisation on sparse grid, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationHierarchisationLinearStretchedBoundary
 Hierarchisation on sparse grid, linear stretched case with boundaries. More...
class  OperationHierarchisationModBspline
 Hierarchisation on sparse grid, mod bspline case. More...
class  OperationHierarchisationModFundamentalSpline
 Hierarchisation on sparse grid, modified fundamental spline basis. More...
class  OperationHierarchisationModLinear
 Hierarchisation on sparse grid, mod linear case. More...
class  OperationHierarchisationModLinearClenshawCurtis
 Hierarchisation on sparse grid, poly case. More...
class  OperationHierarchisationModPoly
 Hierarchisation on sparse grid, mod poly case. More...
class  OperationHierarchisationModPolyClenshawCurtis
 Hierarchisation on sparse grid, poly case. More...
class  OperationHierarchisationModWavelet
 Hierarchisation on sparse grid, mod wavelet case. More...
class  OperationHierarchisationPoly
 Hierarchisation on sparse grid, poly case. More...
class  OperationHierarchisationPolyBoundary
 Hierarchisation on sparse grid, poly case. More...
class  OperationHierarchisationPolyClenshawCurtis
 Hierarchisation on sparse grid, poly case. More...
class  OperationHierarchisationPolyClenshawCurtisBoundary
 Hierarchisation on sparse grid, poly case. More...
class  OperationHierarchisationPrewavelet
 Hierarchisation on sparse grid with prewavelets and no boundary. More...
class  OperationIdentity
 Implementation of identity Operation for all kinds of grids. More...
class  OperationMatrix
 Abstract definition of a matrix operator interface. More...
class  OperationMatrixSP
 Abstract definition of a matrix operator interface. More...
class  OperationMultipleEval
 Interface for multiplication with Matrices \(B\) and \(B^T\). More...
class  OperationMultipleEvalBsplineBoundaryNaive
class  OperationMultipleEvalBsplineClenshawCurtisNaive
class  OperationMultipleEvalBsplineNaive
class  OperationMultipleEvalInterModLinear
 This class implements OperationMultipleEval for a grids with mod linear basis ansatzfunctions and a set of interactions that limit the subspaces that are included. More...
class  OperationMultipleEvalLinear
 This class implements OperationB for a grids with linear basis ansatzfunctions without boundaries. More...
class  OperationMultipleEvalLinearBoundary
 This class implements OperationMultipleEval for a grids with linear basis ansatzfunctions with boundaries. More...
class  OperationMultipleEvalLinearBoundaryNaive
class  OperationMultipleEvalLinearClenshawCurtisBoundaryNaive
class  OperationMultipleEvalLinearClenshawCurtisNaive
class  OperationMultipleEvalLinearNaive
class  OperationMultipleEvalLinearStretched
 This class implements OperationB for a grids with linearstretched basis ansatzfunctions without boundaries. More...
class  OperationMultipleEvalLinearStretchedBoundary
 This class implements OperationMultipleEval for a grids with linearstretched basis ansatzfunctions with boundaries. More...
class  OperationMultipleEvalModBsplineClenshawCurtisNaive
class  OperationMultipleEvalModBsplineNaive
class  OperationMultipleEvalModLinear
 This class implements OperationMultipleEval for a grids with mod linear basis ansatzfunctions. More...
class  OperationMultipleEvalModLinearClenshawCurtisNaive
class  OperationMultipleEvalModPoly
 This class implements OperationMultipleEval for a grids with mod poly basis ansatzfunctions. More...
class  OperationMultipleEvalModPolyClenshawCurtisNaive
class  OperationMultipleEvalPeriodic
 This class implements OperationMultipleEval for a grids with periodic linear basis ansatzfunctions. More...
class  OperationMultipleEvalPoly
 This class implements OperationMultipleEval for a grids with poly basis ansatzfunctions. More...
class  OperationMultipleEvalPolyBoundary
 This class implements OperationMultipleEval for a grids with poly basis ansatzfunctions. More...
class  OperationMultipleEvalPolyBoundaryNaive
class  OperationMultipleEvalPolyClenshawCurtisBoundaryNaive
class  OperationMultipleEvalPolyClenshawCurtisNaive
class  OperationMultipleEvalPolyNaive
class  OperationMultipleEvalPrewavelet
 This class implements OperationMultipleEval for a grids with prewavelet ansatzfunctions without boundaries. More...
class  OperationQuadrature
 This class provides the quadrature of a sparse grid function. More...
class  OperationQuadratureBspline
 Quadrature on sparse grid, Bsplinenomial grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationQuadratureBsplineBoundary
 Quadrature on sparse grid, polynomial grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationQuadratureBsplineClenshawCurtis
 Quadrature on sparse grid, polynomial grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationQuadratureFundamentalSpline
 Quadrature on sparse grid, FundamentalSplinenomial grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationQuadratureLinear
 Quadrature on sparse grid, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationQuadratureLinearBoundary
 Quadrature on sparse grid, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationQuadratureLinearClenshawCurtis
 Quadrature on sparse grid, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationQuadratureLinearClenshawCurtisBoundary
 Quadrature on sparse grid, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationQuadratureMC
 Quadrature on any sparse grid (that has OperationMultipleEval implemented) using Monte Carlo. More...
class  OperationQuadratureModBspline
 Quadrature on sparse grid, polynomial grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationQuadratureModBsplineClenshawCurtis
 Quadrature on sparse grid, polynomial grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationQuadratureModFundamentalSpline
 Quadrature on sparse grid, ModFundamentalSplinenomial grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationQuadratureModLinear
 Quadrature on sparse grid, modified linear grid. More...
class  OperationQuadratureModLinearClenshawCurtis
 Quadrature on sparse grid, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationQuadratureModPoly
 Quadrature on sparse grid, modified polynomial grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationQuadratureModPolyClenshawCurtis
 Quadrature on sparse grid, polynomial grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationQuadraturePoly
 Quadrature on sparse grid, polynomial grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationQuadraturePolyBoundary
 Quadrature on sparse grid, polynomial grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationQuadraturePolyClenshawCurtis
 Quadrature on sparse grid, polynomial grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationQuadraturePolyClenshawCurtisBoundary
 Quadrature on sparse grid, polynomial grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationSecondMoment
 This class provides the second moment of a sparse grid function. More...
class  OperationSecondMomentBspline
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationSecondMomentBsplineBoundary
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationSecondMomentBsplineClenshawCurtis
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationSecondMomentLinear
 SecondMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationSecondMomentLinearBoundary
 SecondMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationSecondMomentModBspline
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationSecondMomentModBsplineClenshawCurtis
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationSecondMomentModLinear
 SecondMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationSecondMomentModPoly
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationSecondMomentModPolyClenshawCurtis
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, ModPolyClenshawCurtis grid. More...
class  OperationSecondMomentPoly
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationSecondMomentPolyBoundary
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationSecondMomentPolyClenshawCurtis
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationSecondMomentPolyClenshawCurtisBoundary
 FirstMomemnt of sparse grid function, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationStencilHierarchisation
 This class implements abstract hierarchisation and dehierarchisation routines on the sparse grid by logging the operations into three arrays rather than actually applying them to the data vector object. More...
class  OperationStencilHierarchisationLinear
 Hierarchisation on sparse grid, linear grid without boundaries. More...
class  OperationStencilHierarchisationModLinear
 Hierarchisation on sparse grid, linear grid with modified basis functions. More...
class  PeriodicGrid
 grid with modified linear base functions More...
class  PeriodicGridGenerator
 GridGenerator for periodic grids with boundaries. More...
class  PolyBasis
 Polynomial basis functions. More...
class  PolyBoundaryBasis
 Polynomial basis functions with boundaries. More...
class  PolyBoundaryGrid
 trapezoid boundary grid with polynomial base functions More...
class  PolyClenshawCurtisBasis
 Polynomial basis functions. More...
class  PolyClenshawCurtisBoundaryBasis
 Polynomial basis functions. More...
class  PolyClenshawCurtisBoundaryGrid
 grid with Clenshaw-Curtis linear base functions with boundaries, pentagon cut More...
class  PolyClenshawCurtisGrid
 Grid with modified Clenshaw-Curtis poly basis functions. More...
class  PolyGrid
 grid with polynomial base functions More...
class  PolyModifiedBasis
 Modified polynomial base functions. More...
class  PolyModifiedClenshawCurtisBasis
 Modified polynomial base functions. More...
class  PrecisionConverter
 Copies data from DataVector objects into DataVectorSP objects and vice versa. More...
class  PredictiveRefinement
class  PredictiveRefinement_refinement_key
 Container type for predictive refinement collection. More...
class  PredictiveRefinementIndicator
 A refinement error indicator for regression problems based on the residuals of the datasets. More...
class  PrewaveletBasis
 Class representing a prewavelet base. More...
class  PrewaveletGrid
 grid with prewavelet base functions More...
class  PrewaveletGridGenerator
 GridGenerator for prewavelet grids without boundaries. More...
class  QuadRule1D
class  QueueLoadBalancerMutex
class  QueueLoadBalancerOpenMP
class  RefinementDecorator
 RefinementDecorator enhances the behavior of underlying Refinement objects using Decorator design pattern . More...
class  RefinementFunctor
 Abstract class that defines the interface that refinement functors have to provide. More...
struct  RegularGridConfiguration
 structure that can be used by applications to cluster regular grid information More...
class  ScreenOutput
 This is used to implement the output on the command line. More...
class  SGppStopwatch
 OS-independent version of a stop watch (using std::chrono). More...
class  solver_exception
 Exception that is thrown in case of a solver operation failure. More...
class  SquareRootGrid
 grid with linear base functions with boundaries, pentagon cut More...
class  SquareRootGridGenerator
 This class provides the interface for the grid generation for grids with boundaries, pentagon cut through sub space scheme. More...
class  StandardGridGenerator
 GridGenerator for standard grids without boundaries. More...
class  StdNormalDistribution
 This provides an implementation of the standradized normal distribution. More...
class  StencilDehierarchisationLinear
 Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a linear sparse grid. More...
class  StencilDehierarchisationModLinear
 Class that implements the dehierarchisation on a linear sparse grid. More...
class  StencilHierarchisationLinear
 Class that implements the hierarchisation on a linear sparse grid. More...
class  StencilHierarchisationModLinear
 Class that implements the hierarchisation on a linear sparse grid. More...
class  StretchedBoundaryGridGenerator
 TODOTEXT. More...
class  Stretching
 Stretching can be done in different ways: More...
struct  Stretching1D
class  SubspaceGenerator
class  SubspaceRefinement
class  SurplusCoarseningFunctor
 A coarsening functor, removing points according to the minimal absolute values in a DataVector provided. More...
class  SurplusRefinementFunctor
 A refinement functor, refining according to the maximal absolute values in a DataVector provided. More...
class  SurplusVolumeCoarseningFunctor
 A coarsening functor, removing points according to the minimal absolute values in a DataVector provided, weighted with the corresponding basis function's surplus, i.e., with \(2^{-|\vec{l}|_1} = 2^{\sum_{k=1}^d l_d}\). More...
class  SurplusVolumeRefinementFunctor
 A refinement functor, refining according to the maximal absolute values in a DataVector provided, weighted with the corresponding basis function's surplus, i.e., with \(2^{-|\vec{l}|_1} = 2^{\sum_{k=1}^d l_d}\). More...
class  sweep
 Standard sweep operation FUNC should be a class with overwritten operator(). More...
class  tool_exception
 Exception that is thrown in case of a tool operation failure. More...
class  WaveletBasis
 Wavelet basis on Noboundary grids. More...
class  WaveletBoundaryBasis
 Wavelet basis on Boundary grids. More...
class  WaveletBoundaryGrid
 grid with wavelet base functions with boundaries, pentagon cut More...
class  WaveletGrid
 grid with wavelet base functions More...
class  WaveletModifiedBasis
 Modified wavelet basis on Noboundary grids. More...


typedef double(* FUNC) (int, double *, void *)
 Typedef for general functions that can be passed to integration methods. More...
typedef HashGridPoint GridPoint
 Main typedef for GridPoint. More...
typedef HashGridStorage GridStorage
 Main typedef for GridStorage. More...
typedef unsigned int index_t
typedef unsigned int level_t
typedef Basis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SBasis
typedef BsplineBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SBsplineBase
typedef BsplineBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SBsplineBoundaryBase
typedef BsplineClenshawCurtisBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SBsplineClenshawCurtisBase
typedef BsplineModifiedBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SBsplineModifiedBase
typedef BsplineModifiedClenshawCurtisBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SBsplineModifiedClenshawCurtisBase
typedef FundamentalSplineBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SFundamentalSplineBase
typedef FundamentalSplineModifiedBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SFundamentalSplineModifiedBase
typedef LinearBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SLinearBase
typedef LinearBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SLinearBoundaryBase
typedef LinearClenshawCurtisBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SLinearClenshawCurtisBase
typedef LinearClenshawCurtisBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SLinearClenshawCurtisBoundaryBase
typedef LinearModifiedBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SLinearModifiedBase
typedef LinearModifiedClenshawCurtisBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SLinearModifiedClenshawCurtisBase
typedef LinearPeriodicBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SLinearPeriodicBasis
typedef LinearStretchedBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SLinearStretchedBase
typedef LinearStretchedBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SLinearStretchedBoundaryBase
typedef NakBsplineBoundaryCombigridBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SNakBsplineBoundaryCombigridBase
typedef PolyBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SPolyBase
typedef PolyBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SPolyBoundaryBase
typedef PolyClenshawCurtisBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SPolyClenshawCurtisBase
typedef PolyClenshawCurtisBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SPolyClenshawCurtisBoundaryBase
typedef PolyModifiedBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SPolyModifiedBase
typedef PolyModifiedClenshawCurtisBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SPolyModifiedClenshawCurtisBase
typedef PrewaveletBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SPrewaveletBase
typedef WaveletBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SWaveletBase
typedef WaveletBoundaryBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SWaveletBoundaryBase
typedef WaveletModifiedBasis< unsigned int, unsigned int > SWaveletModifiedBase


enum  GeneralGridType { GeneralGridType::RegularSparseGrid, GeneralGridType::RefinedCoarsenedSparseGrid, GeneralGridType::ComponentGrid, GeneralGridType::GeometryAwareSparseGrid }
 Enum to define all possible grid "super" types (used for GeneralGridConfiguration) More...
enum  GridType {
  GridType::Linear, GridType::LinearStretched, GridType::LinearL0Boundary, GridType::LinearBoundary,
  GridType::LinearStretchedBoundary, GridType::LinearTruncatedBoundary, GridType::ModLinear, GridType::Poly,
  GridType::PolyBoundary, GridType::ModPoly, GridType::ModWavelet, GridType::ModBspline,
  GridType::Prewavelet, GridType::SquareRoot, GridType::Periodic, GridType::LinearClenshawCurtisBoundary,
  GridType::Bspline, GridType::BsplineBoundary, GridType::BsplineClenshawCurtis, GridType::Wavelet,
  GridType::WaveletBoundary, GridType::FundamentalSpline, GridType::ModFundamentalSpline, GridType::ModBsplineClenshawCurtis,
  GridType::LinearStencil, GridType::ModLinearStencil, GridType::PolyClenshawCurtisBoundary, GridType::PolyClenshawCurtis,
  GridType::LinearClenshawCurtis, GridType::ModPolyClenshawCurtis, GridType::ModLinearClenshawCurtis, GridType::NakBsplineBoundaryCombigrid
 enum to address different gridtypes in a standardized way More...
enum  RefinementFunctorType {
  RefinementFunctorType::Surplus, RefinementFunctorType::SurplusVolume, RefinementFunctorType::DataBased, RefinementFunctorType::ZeroCrossing,
  RefinementFunctorType::GridPointBased, RefinementFunctorType::MultipleClass
 Enumeration that defines different types of refinement indicators / functors. More...
enum  RefinementMonitorType { RefinementMonitorType::Periodic, RefinementMonitorType::Error }
 Enumeration that defines the different types of refinement monitors (that trigger refinements) More...


bool doubleReverseCompare (const double firstEl, const double secondEl)
void validate (boost::any &v, const std::vector< std::string > &values, sgpp::base::GridType *target_type, int)

Typedef Documentation


typedef double(* sgpp::base::FUNC) (int, double *, void *)

Typedef for general functions that can be passed to integration methods.

Requires three parameters. First, the dimensionality, then dim-many coordinates, and then further client data for the function at hand.

◆ GridPoint

Main typedef for GridPoint.

◆ GridStorage

Main typedef for GridStorage.

◆ index_t

typedef unsigned int sgpp::base::index_t

◆ level_t

typedef unsigned int sgpp::base::level_t

◆ SBasis

typedef Basis<unsigned int, unsigned int> sgpp::base::SBasis

◆ SBsplineBase

typedef BsplineBasis<unsigned int, unsigned int> sgpp::base::SBsplineBase

◆ SBsplineBoundaryBase

typedef BsplineBoundaryBasis<unsigned int, unsigned int> sgpp::base::SBsplineBoundaryBase

◆ SBsplineClenshawCurtisBase

◆ SBsplineModifiedBase

typedef BsplineModifiedBasis<unsigned int, unsigned int> sgpp::base::SBsplineModifiedBase

◆ SBsplineModifiedClenshawCurtisBase

◆ SFundamentalSplineBase

typedef FundamentalSplineBasis<unsigned int, unsigned int> sgpp::base::SFundamentalSplineBase

◆ SFundamentalSplineModifiedBase

◆ SLinearBase

typedef LinearBasis<unsigned int, unsigned int> sgpp::base::SLinearBase

◆ SLinearBoundaryBase

typedef LinearBoundaryBasis<unsigned int, unsigned int> sgpp::base::SLinearBoundaryBase

◆ SLinearClenshawCurtisBase

◆ SLinearClenshawCurtisBoundaryBase

◆ SLinearModifiedBase

typedef LinearModifiedBasis<unsigned int, unsigned int> sgpp::base::SLinearModifiedBase

◆ SLinearModifiedClenshawCurtisBase

◆ SLinearPeriodicBasis

typedef LinearPeriodicBasis<unsigned int, unsigned int> sgpp::base::SLinearPeriodicBasis

◆ SLinearStretchedBase

typedef LinearStretchedBasis<unsigned int, unsigned int> sgpp::base::SLinearStretchedBase

◆ SLinearStretchedBoundaryBase

◆ SNakBsplineBoundaryCombigridBase

◆ SPolyBase

typedef PolyBasis<unsigned int, unsigned int> sgpp::base::SPolyBase

◆ SPolyBoundaryBase

typedef PolyBoundaryBasis<unsigned int, unsigned int> sgpp::base::SPolyBoundaryBase

◆ SPolyClenshawCurtisBase

typedef PolyClenshawCurtisBasis<unsigned int, unsigned int> sgpp::base::SPolyClenshawCurtisBase

◆ SPolyClenshawCurtisBoundaryBase

◆ SPolyModifiedBase

typedef PolyModifiedBasis<unsigned int, unsigned int> sgpp::base::SPolyModifiedBase

◆ SPolyModifiedClenshawCurtisBase

◆ SPrewaveletBase

typedef PrewaveletBasis<unsigned int, unsigned int> sgpp::base::SPrewaveletBase

◆ SWaveletBase

typedef WaveletBasis<unsigned int, unsigned int> sgpp::base::SWaveletBase

◆ SWaveletBoundaryBase

typedef WaveletBoundaryBasis<unsigned int, unsigned int> sgpp::base::SWaveletBoundaryBase

◆ SWaveletModifiedBase

typedef WaveletModifiedBasis<unsigned int, unsigned int> sgpp::base::SWaveletModifiedBase

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ GeneralGridType

Enum to define all possible grid "super" types (used for GeneralGridConfiguration)


◆ GridType

enum sgpp::base::GridType

enum to address different gridtypes in a standardized way


◆ RefinementFunctorType

Enumeration that defines different types of refinement indicators / functors.


◆ RefinementMonitorType

Enumeration that defines the different types of refinement monitors (that trigger refinements)


Function Documentation

◆ doubleReverseCompare()

bool sgpp::base::doubleReverseCompare ( const double  firstEl,
const double  secondEl 

◆ validate()

void sgpp::base::validate ( boost::any &  v,
const std::vector< std::string > &  values,
sgpp::base::GridType target_type,

References Linear, ModLinear, and create_scripts::s.