class | AbstractOperationMultipleEvalSubspace |
class | Accuracy |
| Metric that quantifies the difference between predicted values and actual values in terms of mean squared error (MSE). More...
class | AlgorithmAdaBoostBase |
class | AlgorithmAdaBoostIdentity |
class | ArffFileSampleProvider |
| ArffFileSampleProvider allows reading data in ARFF format into a sgpp::datadriven::Dataset object. More...
class | ARFFTools |
| Class that provides functionality to read ARFF files. More...
struct | AssignBatchNetworkMessage |
| Message wrapped in MPI_Packet specifying an order to a worker to train from a batch. More...
struct | AssignSystemMatrixUpdateNetworkMessage |
| Message wrapped in MPI_Packet specifying an order to a worker to update a class' system matrix decomposition. More...
struct | AssignTaskResult |
| Used by the MPI Task Scheduler to deliver the result of assigning the requested task. More...
class | BayesianOptimization |
| Class to host all methods to perform Bayesian Optimization. More...
class | BOConfig |
| Container class to store a conrete hyperparameter configuration for interaction with Bayesian Optimization. More...
class | BoHyperparameterOptimizer |
| BoHyperparameterOptimizer coordinates data input, fitting and validation modules similarly to SparseGridMiner. More...
class | ClassificationLearner |
| The ClassificationLearner class Solves a classification problem. More...
class | ClassificationMinerFactory |
| Concrete Factory that builds an instance of sgpp::datadriven::SparseGridMiner for classification. More...
struct | ClassificatorQuality |
| struct to encapsulate the classsifiers quality by its characteristic numbers More...
class | ConfigurationBit |
| This class implements a boolean representation of hyperparameters for harmonica. More...
class | ConfigurationRestriction |
| This class represents a constraint on the ConfigurationBits used by harmonica. More...
class | ContinuousParameter |
| Concrete class for hyperparameter with continuous values. More...
struct | CrossvalidationConfiguration |
struct | CrossvalidationForRegularizationConfiguration |
class | CSVFileSampleProvider |
| CSVFileSampleProvider allows reading data in CSV format into a sgpp::datadriven::Dataset object. More...
class | CSVTools |
| Class that provides functionality to read CSV files. More...
struct | DatabaseConfiguration |
| Configuration structure for the offline datamatrix decomposition database. More...
class | DataBasedRefinementFunctor |
| Data based refinement uses data points to find refinement candidates. More...
class | DataMiningConfigParser |
class | Dataset |
class | DatasetGenerator |
class | DatasetTools |
class | DataShufflingFunctor |
| A class to provide functionality to shuffle (reorder) the data samples before the sample provider accesses it. More...
class | DataShufflingFunctorCrossValidation |
| A pseudo shuffling functor, that maps indices 0...foldSize-1 to the current fold while mapping the other indices sequentially to the rest of the dataset. More...
class | DataShufflingFunctorFactory |
| Concrete factory to build an instance of sgpp::datadriven::DataShufflingFunctor. More...
class | DataShufflingFunctorRandom |
| A simple shuffling functor for data samples that performs a random shuffling of the data. More...
class | DataShufflingFunctorSequential |
| A simple shuffling functor for data samples that performs no shuffling at all, i.e. More...
class | DataSource |
| DataSource is a high level, easy to use interface for accessing data provided by a all kinds of sgpp::datadriven::SampleProvider. More...
class | DataSourceBuilder |
| Generate an instance of sgpp::datadriven::DataSource using the Builder Pattern. More...
struct | DataSourceConfig |
| Configuration structure used for all kinds of SampleProviders including default values. More...
class | DataSourceCrossValidation |
| DataSourceCrossValidation is a high level interface to provide functionality for processing data using a cross validation enviroment. More...
class | DataSourceFileTypeParser |
| Convenience class to convert strings to sgpp::datadriven::DataSourceFileType and generate string representations for values of sgpp::datadriven::DataSourceFileType. More...
class | DataSourceIterator |
| Iterator object for walking convenient walking over the batches of a sgpp::datadriven::DataSource. More...
class | DataSourceShufflingTypeParser |
| Convenience class to convert strings to sgpp::datadriven::DataSourceShufflingType and generate string representations for values of sgpp::datadriven::DataSourceShufflingType. More...
class | DataSourceSplitting |
| DataSourceSlitting is a high level interface to provide functionality for processing data epoch-wise with a validation set that is retrieved at initialization time using the first samples the sample provider provides. More...
class | DataTransformation |
| DataTransformation is an abstraction for an object that provides different transformations on datasets, for example Rosenblatt-transformation to get a uniform distribution over the unit cube. More...
class | DataTransformationBuilder |
| Helper class to build all kinds of transformation based on given configuration. More...
struct | DataTransformationConfig |
class | DataTransformationTypeParser |
| Convenience class to convert strings to sgpp::datadriven::DataTransformationType and generate string representations for values of sgpp::datadriven::DataTransformationType. More...
class | DBMatDatabase |
| A database class to store and retrieve online matrix decompositions for the sparse grid density estimation. More...
class | DBMatDecompMatrixSolver |
class | DBMatDMSChol |
| Class to solve the system of equations with a LL'-decomposed matrix. More...
class | DBMatDMSDenseIChol |
| Solve the system of equations with a LL'-decomposed matrix where LL' is created by an iterative, incomplete cholesky factorization on a dense matrix. More...
class | DBMatDMSOrthoAdapt |
| This class solves an (lhs + lambda*I) * alpha = b system of linear equations after the offline and online phases are done. More...
class | DBMatOffline |
| Class that is used to decompose and store the left-hand-side matrix for the density based classification approach (The classification is divided into two parts: the offline step that does not depend on the actual data and the online step that depends on the data). More...
class | DBMatOfflineChol |
| DBMatOffline specialization that uses a cholesky factorization on a dense matrix. More...
class | DBMatOfflineDenseIChol |
| DBMatOfflineChol specialization that uses a parallel, iterative incomplete cholesky factorization on a dense matrix. More...
class | DBMatOfflineGE |
| DBMatOffline specialization as a base class for all algorithms based on gaussian elimination on a dense matrix. More...
class | DBMatOfflineOrthoAdapt |
class | DBMatOnline |
| Class for objects that can be used in the online step of the classification (The classification is divided into two parts: the offline step that does not depend on the actual data and the online step that depends on the data) More...
class | DBMatOnlineDE |
| Class that stores, generates and manipulates a density function during online phase in on/off learning. More...
class | DBMatOnlineDEChol |
class | DBMatOnlineDEOrthoAdapt |
struct | DensityEstimationConfiguration |
class | DensityEstimationFitterFactory |
| Concrete factory to build instances of sgpp::datadriven::ModelFittingDensityEstimation. More...
class | DensityEstimationMinerFactory |
| Concrete Factory that builds an instance of sgpp::datadriven::SparseGridMiner for Density Estimation. More...
class | DensityEstimationTypeParser |
class | DensityEstimator |
class | DensitySystemMatrix |
| Class that implements the virtual class OperationMatrix for the application of classification for the Systemmatrix by using a density function. More...
class | DiscreteParameter |
| concrete class for hyperparameter with discrete values More...
class | DMSystemMatrix |
| Class that implements the virtual class base::OperationMatrix for the application of classification for the Systemmatrix. More...
class | DMSystemMatrixBase |
| Abstract class that defines the virtual class base::OperationMatrix for classification and regression problems. More...
class | DMSystemMatrixBaseSP |
| Abstract class that defines the virtual class base::OperationMatrix for classification and regression problems (single precision version) More...
class | DMWeightMatrix |
| Class that implements the virtual class OperationMatrix for the application of classification for the Systemmatrix with weight. More...
class | EpanechnikovKernel |
class | FileSampleDecorator |
| FileSampleDecorator provides an interface to provide generic manipulations for various kinds of sgpp::datadriven::FileSampleProvider using the decorator pattern. More...
class | FileSampleProvider |
| sgpp::datadriven::FileSampleProvider is an specialization of sgpp::datadriven::SampleProvider and provides an interface for all sample providers that get their samples from files. More...
class | FitterConfiguration |
| General configuration object for fitters. More...
class | FitterConfigurationClassification |
| Configuration for fitter scenarios using classification. More...
class | FitterConfigurationDensityEstimation |
| Configuration for fitter scenarios using density estimation. More...
class | FitterConfigurationLeastSquares |
| Configuration for fitter scenarios using least squares optimization. More...
class | FitterFactory |
| Abstract factory to build all kinds of fitters/models based on a given configuration. More...
class | FitterTypeParser |
| Convenience class to convert strings to sgpp::datadriven::FitterType and generate string representations for values of sgpp::datadriven::FitterType. More...
class | Friedman1Generator |
class | Friedman2Generator |
class | Friedman3Generator |
class | GaussianKernel |
class | GeneralGridTypeParser |
| Parser class to parse a general grid type into a GeneralGridType enum type and vice versa. More...
class | GridFactory |
| Factory class to create grids based on a configuration file. More...
class | GridPointBasedRefinementFunctor |
| Grid Point based refinement for classification problems solved by a SG density estimation approach. More...
class | GridTypeParser |
class | Harmonica |
| Class to host all methods required to perform the harmonica algorithm. More...
class | HarmonicaHyperparameterOptimizer |
| HarmonicaHyperparameterOptimizer coordinates data input, fitting and validation modules similarly to SparseGridMiner. More...
struct | HashGridPointCompare |
class | HPOConfig |
| Configuration for HyperparameterOptimizer. More...
class | HyperParameter |
| Class to represent a hyperparameter. More...
class | HyperparameterOptimizer |
| HyperparameterOptimizer uses fitters provided by a fitterFactory to test in a SparseGridMiner It offers access to different hyperparameter optimization procedures. More...
class | KDEMaximumLikelihoodCrossValidation |
class | Kernel |
class | KernelDensityEstimator |
class | Learner |
| This class implements standard sparse grid regression with an arbitrary regularization operator. More...
class | LearnerBase |
| Abstract class that implements a regression/classification learner based on spatial adaptive Sparse Grids. More...
class | LearnerBaseSP |
| Abstract class that implements a regression/classification learner based on spatial adaptive Sparse Grids. More...
struct | LearnerConfiguration |
| Structure that contains information about the learners behaviour. More...
class | LearnerLeastSquaresIdentity |
| This class implements standard sparse grid regression with an Identity matrix as regularization operator. More...
class | LearnerScenario |
class | LearnerSGD |
| LearnerSGD learns the data using stochastic gradient descent. More...
class | LearnerSGDE |
class | LearnerSGDEConfiguration |
class | LearnerSGDEOnOffParallel |
| LearnerSGDEOnOffParallel learns the data using sparse grid density estimation. More...
class | LearnerSVM |
| LearnerSVM learns the data using support vector machines and sparse grid kernels. More...
struct | LearnerTiming |
| strcut to encapsulate the learner's timings during training More...
struct | LearnerVectorizedPerformance |
| struct that defines return for calculation the performance of a vectorized learner More...
class | LearnerVectorizedPerformanceCalculator |
| Class that provides functionality in order to determine a LearnerVectorized's performance. More...
class | LeastSquaresRegressionFitterFactory |
| Concrete factory to build instances of sgpp::datadriven::ModelFittingLeastSquares. More...
class | LeastSquaresRegressionMinerFactory |
| Concrete Factory that builds an instance of sgpp::datadriven::SparseGridMiner for Least Squares Regression. More...
struct | LevelIndexPair |
| Pair to hold the level and the index of a grid point in one dimension. More...
class | LogDensitySystemMatrix |
| Class that implements the virtual class OperationMatrix for the application of classification for the Systemmatrix by using a density function. More...
struct | MakePositiveConfiguration |
class | MatrixDecompositionTypeParser |
class | MaximumLikelihoodCrossValidation |
struct | MergeGridNetworkMessage |
| Packet wrapper in MPI_Packet containing segmented data from the alpha vector of the trained system. More...
struct | MessageTrackRequest |
| Structure that holds data for pending tracking requests that need to be checked against incoming messages. More...
class | MetaLearner |
class | Metric |
| We use metrics to quantify approximation quality of a trained model. More...
class | MinerFactory |
| Abstract factory to build different kinds of Miners based on a configuration which is parsed from a file. More...
class | ModelFittingBase |
| Base class for arbitrary machine learning models based on adaptive sparse grids. More...
class | ModelFittingBaseSingleGrid |
| Base class for models operating on a single grid (i.e. More...
class | ModelFittingClassification |
| Fitter object that encapsulates density based classification using instances of ModelFittingDensityEstimation for each class. More...
class | ModelFittingDensityEstimation |
| Abstract super class to encapsulate density estimation models such as using offline/-online splitting or conjugate gradients in order to solve the system. More...
class | ModelFittingDensityEstimationCG |
| Fitter object that encapsulates the usage of sparse grid density estimation with identity as regularization. More...
class | ModelFittingDensityEstimationOnOff |
| Fitter object that encapsulates the usage of sparse grid density estimation with identity as regularization. More...
class | ModelFittingLeastSquares |
| Fitter object that encapsulates the usage of sparse grid based regression with identity as regularization. More...
class | MortonOrder |
struct | MPI_Packet |
| A packet sent over MPI, using a command as a descriptor, and a wrapped package in the payload for data. More...
class | MPIMethods |
class | MPIRequestPool |
class | MPITaskScheduler |
class | MSE |
| Metric that quantifies the difference between predicted values and actual values in terms of mean squared error (MSE). More...
class | MultiGridRefinementFunctor |
| Abstract super-class for refinement functors operating on multiple grids. More...
class | MultipleClassRefinementFunctor |
| Multiple class refinement is based on the zero-crossing based refinement. More...
class | MultiSurplusRefinementFunctor |
| Wrapper of SurplusRefinementFunctor for multi grid scenarios. More...
class | NearestNeighbors |
| The NearestNeighbors class. More...
class | NegativeLogLikelihood |
| Metric that quantifies the likelihood of a dataset given the density function. More...
class | OperationCovariance |
| This class provides the covariance matrix a sparse grid function. More...
class | OperationDensityConditional |
| Conditionalize Probability Density Function. More...
class | OperationDensityConditionalKDE |
class | OperationDensityConditionalLinear |
| Marginalize Probability Density Function. More...
class | OperationDensityMarginalize |
| Marginalize Probability Density Function. More...
class | OperationDensityMarginalizeKDE |
| Marginalize Probability Density Function. More...
class | OperationDensityMarginalizeLinear |
| Marginalize Probability Density Function. More...
class | OperationDensityMargTo1D |
| Marginalize Probability Density Function. More...
class | OperationDensityRejectionSampling |
| Sampling on all dimensions. More...
class | OperationDensityRejectionSamplingLinear |
| Sampling with rejection sampling method. More...
class | OperationDensitySampling |
| Sampling on all dimensions. More...
class | OperationDensitySampling1D |
| Sample 1D Probability Density Function. More...
class | OperationDensitySampling1DLinear |
class | OperationDensitySamplingLinear |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationDotProductLinear |
class | OperationDotProductModLinear |
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation |
| Sampling on all dimensions. More...
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DBspline |
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DBsplineBoundary |
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DBsplineClenshawCurtis |
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DLinear |
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DModBspline |
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DModBsplineClenshawCurtis |
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DModPoly |
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DModPolyClenshawCurtis |
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DPoly |
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DPolyBoundary |
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DPolyClenshawCurtis |
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformation1DPolyClenshawCurtisBoundary |
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationBspline |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationBsplineBoundary |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationBsplineClenshawCurtis |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationKDE |
| Do inverse transformation in all dimensions. More...
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationLinear |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationModBspline |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationModBsplineClenshawCurtis |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationModPoly |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationModPolyClenshawCurtis |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationPoly |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationPolyBoundary |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationPolyClenshawCurtis |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationInverseRosenblattTransformationPolyClenshawCurtisBoundary |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationLimitFunctionValueRange |
class | OperationMakePositive |
| This class enforces the function value range of a sparse grid function to be larger than 0. More...
class | OperationMakePositiveCandidateSetAlgorithm |
class | OperationMakePositiveFindIntersectionCandidates |
class | OperationMakePositiveFindIntersectionCandidatesJoin |
class | OperationMakePositiveHybridFindIntersectionCandidates |
class | OperationMakePositiveInterpolateBoundaryOfSupport |
class | OperationMakePositiveInterpolateExp |
class | OperationMakePositiveInterpolateFunction |
class | OperationMakePositiveInterpolationAlgorithm |
class | OperationMakePositiveLoadFullGridCandidates |
class | OperationMakePositiveSetToZero |
class | OperationMultiEvalCuda |
| OperationMultipleEval for polynomial basis functions (grad >= 2) using CUDA on grids without boundary nodes. More...
class | OperationMultiEvalHPX |
| This class is a HPX wrapper for other MultiEval-operations that uses a very simple master-slave distributed processing. More...
class | OperationMultiEvalModMaskStreaming |
class | OperationMultiEvalMPI |
| This class is a MPI wrapper for other MultiEval-operations that uses a very simple master-slave MPI parallelization. More...
class | OperationMultiEvalStreaming |
class | OperationMultiEvalStreamingBSplineOCL |
class | OperationMultiEvalStreamingModOCLFastMultiPlatform |
class | OperationMultiEvalStreamingModOCLMaskMultiPlatform |
class | OperationMultiEvalStreamingModOCLOpt |
class | OperationMultiEvalStreamingModOCLUnified |
class | OperationMultipleEvalConfiguration |
class | OperationMultipleEvalMatrix |
| wrapper class for matrix multiplication for use in solver More...
class | OperationMultipleEvalSubspaceCombined |
| Multiple evaluation operation that uses the subspace structure to save work compared to the naive or streaming variants. More...
class | OperationMultipleEvalSubspaceSimple |
| Multiple evaluation operation that uses the subspace structure to save work compared to the naive or streaming variants. More...
class | OperationPiecewiseConstantRegression |
class | OperationRegularizationDiagonal |
| Implementation of the application of a diagonal matrix to a DataVector for regularization. More...
class | OperationRegularizationDiagonalLinearBoundary |
| Implementation of the application of a diagonal matrix to a DataVector for regularization. More...
class | OperationRosenblattTransformation |
| Sampling on all dimensions. More...
class | OperationRosenblattTransformation1DBspline |
class | OperationRosenblattTransformation1DBsplineBoundary |
class | OperationRosenblattTransformation1DBsplineClenshawCurtis |
class | OperationRosenblattTransformation1DLinear |
class | OperationRosenblattTransformation1DModBspline |
class | OperationRosenblattTransformation1DModBsplineClenshawCurtis |
class | OperationRosenblattTransformation1DModPoly |
class | OperationRosenblattTransformation1DModPolyClenshawCurtis |
class | OperationRosenblattTransformation1DPoly |
class | OperationRosenblattTransformation1DPolyBoundary |
class | OperationRosenblattTransformation1DPolyClenshawCurtis |
class | OperationRosenblattTransformation1DPolyClenshawCurtisBoundary |
class | OperationRosenblattTransformationBspline |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationRosenblattTransformationBsplineBoundary |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationRosenblattTransformationBsplineClenshawCurtis |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationRosenblattTransformationKDE |
| Do transformation in all dimensions. More...
class | OperationRosenblattTransformationLinear |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationRosenblattTransformationModBspline |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationRosenblattTransformationModBsplineClenshawCurtis |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationRosenblattTransformationModPoly |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationRosenblattTransformationModPolyClenshawCurtis |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationRosenblattTransformationPoly |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationRosenblattTransformationPolyBoundary |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationRosenblattTransformationPolyClenshawCurtis |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationRosenblattTransformationPolyClenshawCurtisBoundary |
| keep applying marginalize to function until it's reduced to only 1 dimension More...
class | OperationTest |
| Operation the tests the function that is applied the current Sparse sgpp::base::Grid at a given point. More...
class | OperationTestLinear |
| This class implements OperationTest for a grids with linear basis ansatzfunctions without boundaries. More...
class | OperationTestLinearBoundary |
| This class implements OperationTest for a grids with linear basis ansatzfunctions with boundaries. More...
class | OperationTestLinearStretched |
| This class implements OperationTest for a grids with linearstretched basis ansatzfunctions without boundaries. More...
class | OperationTestLinearStretchedBoundary |
| This class implements OperationTest for a grids with linear basis ansatzfunctions with boundaries. More...
class | OperationTestModBspline |
| This class implements OperationTest for a grids with modified bspline basis functions with a certain degree. More...
class | OperationTestModLinear |
| This class implements sgpp::base::OperationEval for a grids with mod linear basis ansatzfunctions with. More...
class | OperationTestModPoly |
| This class implements OperationTest for a grids with mod poly basis ansatzfunctions with. More...
class | OperationTestModWavelet |
| This class implements OperationTest for a grid with mod wavelet basis ansatzfunctions. More...
class | OperationTestPoly |
| This class implements OperationTest for a grids with poly basis ansatzfunctions with. More...
class | OperationTestPrewavelet |
| This class implements OperationTest for a grids with prewavelet basis ansatzfunctions without boundaries. More...
class | OperationTransformation1D |
| Sample 1D Probability Density Function. More...
class | PartitioningTool |
| The methods in this class calculate size and offset of a segment for a partition of a domain. More...
class | PendingMPIRequest |
class | PiecewiseConstantSmoothedRegressionSystemMatrix |
| Class that implements the virtual class OperationMatrix for the application of classification for the Systemmatrix by using a density function. More...
class | PrimalDualSVM |
| Implementation of a support vector machine in primal formulation which additionally stores support vectors. More...
class | RefinementFunctorTypeParser |
class | RefinementHandler |
class | RefinementMonitor |
| Superclass for refinement monitors. More...
class | RefinementMonitorConvergence |
| A monitor to decide if a learning algorithm has converged. More...
class | RefinementMonitorFactory |
| Factory to create refinement monitors. More...
class | RefinementMonitorPeriodic |
| A monitor that decides whether refinements should be performed using a simple periodic approach: After at least a certain amount of instances has arrived, the monitor will allow a new refinement. More...
struct | RefinementResult |
| Structure to hold the grid modifications for a refinement cycle for one class. More...
struct | RefinementResultNetworkMessage |
| Packet wrapped in an UPDATE_GRID MPI_Packet, containing segmented changes for a specified class. More...
struct | RefinementResultSystemMatrixNetworkMessage |
| Packet wrapped in a RefinementResultNetwork Message that contains additional information required when updating the system matrix. More...
class | RegressionLearner |
| The RegressionLearner class Solves a regression problem with continuous target vector. More...
struct | RegularizationConfiguration |
class | RegularizationTypeParser |
class | RosenblattTransformation |
struct | RosenblattTransformationConfig |
| Configuration structure for Rosenblatt transformation including default values. More...
class | RoundRobinScheduler |
class | RuleOfThumb |
class | SampleProvider |
| SampleProvider is an abstraction for object that provide sample data from various sources for example datasets from files (ARFF, CSV) or synthetic datasets generated by sampling functions ( Friedmann datasets). More...
class | Scorer |
| Base class for supervised learning used to fit a model and quantify accuracy using a sgpp::datadriven::Metric with either testing or cross validation. More...
struct | ScorerConfiguration |
| Set of parameters to define a scorer instance. More...
class | ScorerFactory |
| Factory to build the scorer. More...
class | ScorerMetricTypeParser |
| Convenience class to convert strings to sgpp::datadriven::ScorerMetricType and generate string representations for values of sgpp::datadriven::ScorerMetricType. More...
class | ScottsRule |
struct | SGDEConfiguration |
class | SilvermansRule |
class | SLESolverTypeParser |
| Convenience class to convert strings to sgpp::solver::SLESolverType and generate string representations for values of sgpp::solver::SLESolverType. More...
class | SortedDataset |
| Dataset that can be ordered. Accessing the included DataMatrix might invalidate the order. More...
class | SparseGridDensityEstimator |
class | SparseGridDensityEstimatorConfiguration |
class | SparseGridMiner |
| SparseGridMiner models the entire mining process for data mining with sparse grids. More...
class | SparseGridMinerCrossValidation |
| SparseGridMinerCrossValidation models a datamining process that involves cross validation to validate the accuracy of the model itself. More...
class | SparseGridMinerSplitting |
| SparseGridMiner models a datamining process that involves a dataset that is first split into validation and training data. More...
class | StreamingBSplineOCLKernelImpl |
class | StreamingBSplineOCLKernelSourceBuilder |
class | StringTokenizer |
class | SubspaceNodeCombined |
class | SubspaceNodeSimple |
class | SystemMatrixLeastSquaresIdentity |
| Class that implements the virtual class base::OperationMatrix for the application of classification for the Systemmatrix. More...
class | TestsetConfiguration |
class | TunableParameter |
class | UniversalMinerFactory |
| Concrete Factory that builds an instance of sgpp::datadriven::SparseGridMiner for the fitting task specified by the configuration. More...
class | ZeroCrossingRefinementFunctor |
| Zero-crossing-based refinement uses zero crossings of the difference PDFS f_1 - f_2 to determine areas of interest for the refinement process. More...