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This example can be found under combigrid/examples/bspline_pce.cpp.

// Copyright (C) 2008-today The SG++ project
// This file is part of the SG++ project. For conditions of distribution and
// use, please see the copyright notice provided with SG++ or at
// sgpp.sparsegrids.org
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
return 4. * x[0] * (1. - x[0]);
// return std::log(std::exp(-x[0]) * std::cos(4. * x[0] * (1. - x[0])));
int main() {
size_t numDims = 2;
size_t q = 1;
size_t degree = 3;
// interpolate on adaptively refined grid
numDims, func, degree);
// compute mean
numDims, func, degree);
double mean = quad_op->getResult();
auto tensor_op =
numDims, func, degree);
sgpp::combigrid::FloatTensorVector tensor_result = tensor_op->getResult();
size_t numTerms = 0;
double variance = 0.0;
std::cout << " ----------------------------------" << std::endl;
for (auto it = tensor_result.getValues()->getStoredDataIterator(); it->isValid();
it->moveToNext()) {
double ocoeff = it->value().value();
variance += ocoeff * ocoeff;
numTerms += 1;
auto ix = it->getMultiIndex();
std::cout << numTerms << ": (" << ix[0] << ", " << ix[1] << ") -> " << ocoeff << std::endl;
variance -= mean * mean;
std::cout << "---------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
std::cout << "#gp = " << tensor_op->getLevelManager()->numGridPoints() << std::endl;
std::cout << "#terms = " << numTerms << std::endl;
std::cout << "E(u) = " << model.mean(numDims) << " ~ " << mean << std::endl;
std::cout << "Var(u) = " << model.variance(numDims) << " ~ " << variance << std::endl;
std::cout << "---------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;