Learner SVM

This example shows how to perform online-classification using the support vector machine with sparse grid kernels.

It creates an instance of LearnerSVM and runs the function train() where the main functionality is implemented.

Currently, only binary classification with class labels -1 and 1 is possible.

The example provides the option to execute several runs over differently ordered data and perform a 5-fold cross-validation within each run. Therefore, already randomly ordered and partitioned data is required. Average results from several runs might be more reliable in an online-learning scenario, because the ordering of the data points seen by the learner can affect the result.

int main() {

Specify the number of runs to perform. If only one specific example should be executed, set totalSets=1.

size_t totalSets = 1;
size_t totalFolds = 1; // set to 5 to perform 5-fold cv
double avgError = 0.0;
double avgErrorFolds = 0.0;
for (size_t numSets = 0; numSets < totalSets; numSets++) {

A vector to compute average classification error throughout the learning process. The length of the vector determines the total number of error observations.

sgpp::base::DataVector avgErrorsFolds(51, 0.0);
for (size_t numFolds = 0; numFolds < totalFolds; numFolds++) {

Get the training, test and validation data

std::string filename = "../../datasets/ripley/ripleyGarcke.train.arff";
// load training samples
std::cout << "# loading file: " << filename << std::endl;
sgpp::base::DataMatrix& trainData = trainDataset.getData();
// extract training classes
sgpp::base::DataVector& trainLabels = trainDataset.getTargets();
filename = "../../datasets/ripley/ripleyGarcke.test.arff";
// load test samples
std::cout << "# loading file: " << filename << std::endl;
sgpp::base::DataMatrix& testData = testDataset.getData();
// extract test classes
sgpp::base::DataVector& testLabels = testDataset.getTargets();
sgpp::base::DataMatrix* validData = nullptr;
sgpp::base::DataVector* validLabels = nullptr;
// if fixed validation data should be used (required for convergence
// monitor):
// filename = ""; // specify file containing validation data here
// load validation samples
// std::cout << "# loading file: " << filename << std::endl;
// sgpp::datadriven::Dataset valDataset =
// sgpp::datadriven::ARFFTools::readARFF(filename);
// validData = &(valDataset.getData());
// extract validation classes
// validLabels = &(valDataset.getTargets());

The grid configuration.

std::cout << "# creating grid config" << std::endl;
gridConfig.dim_ = trainDataset.getDimension();
gridConfig.level_ = 3;
// gridConfig.type_ = sgpp::base::GridType::Linear;

Configure adaptive refinement. As refinement monitor the periodic monitor or the convergence monitor can be chosen. Possible refinement indicators are combined-measure refinement and impurity-based refinement.

std::cout << "# creating adaptive refinement config" << std::endl;
std::string refMonitor;
// select periodic monitor - perform refinements in fixed intervals
refMonitor = "periodic";
size_t refPeriod = 40; // the refinement interval
// select convergence monitor - perform refinements if algorithm has
// converged
// (convergence measured with respect to MSE or Hinge loss observations)
// refMonitor = "convergence";
// the convergence threshold
double errorDeclineThreshold = 0.001;
// number of error measurements which
// are considered for convergence check
size_t errorDeclineBufferSize = 100;
// minimum number of iterations before next refinement
// is allowed to be performed
size_t minRefInterval = 15;
std::cout << "Refinement monitor: " << refMonitor << std::endl;
std::string refType;
// select predictive refinement
// refType = "combined-measure";
// select impurity-based refinement
refType = "impurity";
std::cout << "Refinement type: " << refType << std::endl;

Specify number of refinement steps and the max number of grid points to refine each step.

adaptConfig.numRefinements_ = 3;
adaptConfig.noPoints_ = 5;
adaptConfig.threshold_ = 0.0;
// additional parameters
// specify number of max. stored support vectors
size_t budget = 150;
// specify max number of passes over traininig data set
size_t maxDataPasses = 2;
// regularization parameter
double lambda = 0.01;
// weighting factor for grid points; used within
// combined-measure refinement
double betaRef = 2.0;

Create the learner.

std::cout << "# creating the learner" << std::endl;
sgpp::datadriven::LearnerSVM learner(gridConfig, adaptConfig, trainData, trainLabels,
testData, testLabels, validData, validLabels);
// initialize learner (create grid, svm)

Learn the data.

std::cout << "# start to train the learner" << std::endl;
learner.train(maxDataPasses, lambda, betaRef, refType, refMonitor, refPeriod,
errorDeclineThreshold, errorDeclineBufferSize, minRefInterval);
std::cout << "# finished training" << std::endl;

Accuracy on test and current training data.

double accTrain = learner.getAccuracy(trainData, trainLabels, 0.0);
std::cout << "Acc (train): " << accTrain << std::endl;
double accTest = learner.getAccuracy(testData, testLabels, 0.0);
std::cout << "Acc (test): " << accTest << std::endl;
// store results (classified data, grid, function evaluations)
// learner.storeResults(testData);
avgErrorFolds += learner.error;
avgErrorFolds = avgErrorFolds / static_cast<double>(totalFolds);
if ((totalSets > 1) && (totalFolds > 1)) {

Average accuracy on test data reagarding 5-fold cv.

std::cout << "Average accuracy on test data (set " + std::to_string(numSets + 1) + "): "
<< (1.0 - avgErrorFolds) << std::endl;
avgError += avgErrorFolds;
avgErrorFolds = 0.0;
avgErrorsFolds.mult(1.0 / static_cast<double>(totalFolds));
// write error evaluation to csv file
// std::ofstream output;
// if ( {
// std::cout << "failed to create csv file!" << std::endl;
// else {
// for (size_t i = 0; i < avgErrorsFolds.getSize(); i++) {
// output << avgErrorsFolds.get(i) << ";" << std::endl;
// }
// output.close();
// avgError = avgError / static_cast<double>(totalSets);
// std::cout << "Average accuracy on test data: " << (1.0 - avgError) <<
// std::endl;