void | sgpp::optimization::math::hessenbergForm (base::DataMatrix &A, base::DataMatrix &V) |
| Hessenberg form of given matrix \(A\) with transformation matrix \(V\) with \(H = V^{-1} AV\) in Hessenberg form (similiarity transformation such that entries \((i,j)\) vanish for \(i > j + 1\), \(V\) orthogonal). More...
void | sgpp::optimization::math::householderTransformation (const base::DataMatrix &A, size_t i, size_t j, base::DataMatrix &Q) |
| Calculate transformation matrix \(Q\) of a Householder transformation. More...
void | sgpp::optimization::math::QRDecomposition (base::DataMatrix &A, base::DataMatrix &Q) |
| QR decomposition of given matrix \(A\) with transformation matrix \(Q\) with \(A = QR\) ( \(Q\) orthogonal and \(R\) upper triangular). More...
void | sgpp::optimization::math::schurDecomposition (base::DataMatrix &A, base::DataMatrix &V) |
| Schur decomposition of given matrix \(A\) with transformation matrix \(V\) (similiarity transformation such that \(S = V^{-1} AV\) upper triangular, \(V\) orthogonal). More...