Gaussian Weight Priors

This example compares two different Gaussian priors for sparse grid regression.

The first one is the standard prior that assumes a constant, identical variance for each weight. The second, improved prior uses the additional assumption that the true distribution function is sufficiently smooth and then imposes a multivariate Gaussian with the covariance matrix \(\mathbf{\Gamma}_{i,i} = 0.25^{\vert \mathbf{l} \vert_1 - d}\), where \( d \) corresponds to the dimension of the grid and \( \mathbf{\vert \mathbf{l} \vert_1} \) to the level sum of the ith grid point.

import requests as r
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sklearn.preprocessing as pre
from sklearn.cross_validation import KFold
from scipy import stats
from zipfile import ZipFile
import io
import pysgpp as sg; sg.omp_set_num_threads(4)

This function scales all predictors so that they are suitable for sparse grids.

def scale(df, scaler=None):
Y = df.ix[:,-1] # save Y (don't need to transform it/useless for cat. data!)
X = df.values
if scaler:
X = scaler.transform(X)
scaler = pre.MinMaxScaler()
X = scaler.fit_transform(X)
index = df.index
columns = df.columns
df = pd.DataFrame(data=X, index=index, columns=columns)
df.ix[:,-1] = Y
return scaler, df

This function performs a Box-Cox transformation, which (hopefully) results in data that is better distributed.

def transform_cox(df, lambdas):
scaler = pre.MinMaxScaler()
for variable in lambdas:
lamb = lambdas[variable]
if lamb == 1:
continue # identity transform
data_trans = stats.boxcox(df[variable] + 10e-1)
df[variable] = scaler.fit_transform(np.array(data_trans[0]).reshape(-1, 1))
return df

This function downloads the PowerPlant dataset and performs the necessary preprocessing steps.

def get_dataset():

Download and unzip the dataset.

data_url = ""
print("Loading power plant dataset from the UCI repository.")
resp = r.get(data_url, stream=True)
data = ZipFile(io.BytesIO(resp.content))
with'CCPP/Folds5x2_pp.xlsx') as xls:
df = pd.read_excel(xls)
print("Preprocessing dataset.")

Then scale and transform it.

_, df = scale(df)
lambdas = {'AP': 0,
'AT': 1.3353837296219406,
u'PE': 1,
'RH': 2.4604945158589104,
'V': -0.43989911518156471}
df = transform_cox(df, lambdas)
return df

This function returns a sparse grid regressing learner.

def make_estimator(lambda_reg, prior):
grid = sg.RegularGridConfiguration()
grid.dim_ = 4
grid.level_ = 5
grid.type_ = sg.GridType_ModLinear
adapt = sg.AdaptivityConfiguration()
adapt.numRefinements_ = 5
adapt.noPoints_ = 3
solv = sg.SLESolverConfiguration()
solv.maxIterations_ = 50
solv.eps_ = 10e-6
solv.threshold_ = 10e-6
solv.type_ = sg.SLESolverType_CG
final_solv = solv
final_solv.maxIterations = 200
regular = sg.RegularizationConfiguration()
regular.type_ = sg.RegularizationType_Diagonal
regular.exponentBase_ = prior
regular.lambda_ = lambda_reg
estimator = sg.RegressionLearner(grid, adapt, solv, final_solv,regular)
return estimator

This function returns the testing error for one estimator.

def evaluate_one(estimator, X, y, train, test):
train_X = sg.DataMatrix(X[train])
train_y = sg.DataVector(y[train])
test_X = sg.DataMatrix(X[test])
test_y = sg.DataVector(y[test])
error = estimator.getMSE(test_X, test_y)
return error

This function returns the cv-error for one estimator.

def evaluate(estimator, cv, X, y):
errors = []
for (train, test) in cv:
error = evaluate_one(estimator, X, y, train, test)
return np.mean(errors)

This function performs a grid search for the best regularization parameters.

def grid_search(X, y, prior):
cv = KFold(X.shape[0], 10)
lambda_grid = np.logspace(-9, -4, num=4)
best_result = np.finfo(np.double).max
for l in lambda_grid:
estimator = make_estimator(l, 1.0)
mse = evaluate(estimator, cv, X, y)
print("Prior={} with lambda={:2.4e} achieved a RMSE of {:2.4e}.".format(prior, l, np.sqrt(mse)))
best_result = min(best_result, mse)
return np.sqrt(best_result)
def main():
df = get_dataset()
X = np.array(df.ix[:,0:-1])
y = (df.ix[:,-1]).values

A parameter of 1 corresponds to the standard ridge prior, one of 0.25 to the improved prior.

best_identity = grid_search(X, y, 1.0)
best_improved = grid_search(X, y, 0.25)
print("\nThe identity matrix achieved an RMSE of {:3.5f}, the diagonal of {:3.5f}.".format(best_identity, best_improved))
if __name__ == '__main__':