SG++-Doxygen-Documentation File Reference




def python.toolsExtended.buildAlphaVector (filename)
 Wrapper for buildCoefficientVectorFromFile. More...
def python.toolsExtended.buildCoefficientVectorFromFile (filename)
 Builds the data vector that hold the coefficients fo either the ansatzfuctions or the node base re.sub(regex, replacement, subject) More...
def python.toolsExtended.buildNodevalueVector (filename)
 Wrapper for buildCoefficientVectorFromFile. More...
def python.toolsExtended.buildTrainingVector (data)
 Builds the training data vector. More...
def python.toolsExtended.compareBBTMatrices (m1, m2)
 Compares, if two BBT matrices are "almost" equal. More...
def python.toolsExtended.compareBTMatrices (m1, m2)
 Compares, if two BT matrices are "almost" equal. More...
def python.toolsExtended.compareResultFiles (file1, file2)
 Compares two files and calculates the maximum difference between the values. More...
def python.toolsExtended.doDehierarchisation (alpha, grid)
 hierarchisation of the node base values on a grid More...
def python.toolsExtended.doHierarchisation (node_values, grid)
 hierarchisation of the node base values on a grid More...
def python.toolsExtended.evalFunction (function, points)
 evalutes a given function More...
def python.toolsExtended.generateBBTMatrix (factory, training, verbose=False)
 Generates the BBT DM Matrix for a given grid using numpy. More...
def python.toolsExtended.generateBBTMatrixPython (factory, training, verbose=False)
 Generates the BBT DM Matrix for a given grid only using python arrays. More...
def python.toolsExtended.generateBTMatrix (factory, training, verbose=False)
 Generates the BT DM Matrix for a given grid using numpy. More...
def python.toolsExtended.generateBTMatrixPython (factory, training, verbose=False)
 Generates the BT DM Matrix for a given grid only using python arrays. More...
def python.toolsExtended.generateCMatrix (factory, verbose=False)
 Generates the Laplace Matrix for a given grid using numpy. More...
def python.toolsExtended.openFile (filename)
 Opens a file and returns the stored data. More...
def python.toolsExtended.printNDFunction (filename, filenameValue, grid, alpha, resolution)
 This allows to evaluate a multidimensional function. More...
def python.toolsExtended.printPoint (p, grid, alpha, fout, foutvalue)
 Here a evaluate point on a Sparse Grid is written to a file. More...
def python.toolsExtended.printRefNDFunction (filename, filenameValue, function, resolution, dim)
 This allows to evaluate a multidimensional function. More...
def python.toolsExtended.printRefPoint (points, dim, function, fout, foutvalue)
 Writes reference points to a given file. More...
def python.toolsExtended.readDataVector (filename)
 Reads a DataVector. More...
def python.toolsExtended.readReferenceMatrix (storage, filename)
 Reads a Reference matrix and returns it. More...
def python.toolsExtended.recGenPrintRefVector (dim_rem, dim, points, function, resolution, fout, foutvalue)
 Recursive generation of the function's coordinate string. More...
def python.toolsExtended.recGenPrintVector (dim_rem, p, grid, alpha, resolution, fout, foutvalue)
 Evaluates a mutlidimensional function on a Sparse Grid. More...
def python.toolsExtended.testHierarchisationResults (node1, node2)
 tests the correctness of the hierarchisation and dehierachisation More...
def python.toolsExtended.writeMatrixToFile (filename, matrix, n, m)
 Writes matrix stored in numpy format into a file. More...