def | python.toolsExtended.buildAlphaVector (filename) |
| Wrapper for buildCoefficientVectorFromFile. More...
def | python.toolsExtended.buildCoefficientVectorFromFile (filename) |
| Builds the data vector that hold the coefficients fo either the ansatzfuctions or the node base re.sub(regex, replacement, subject) More...
def | python.toolsExtended.buildNodevalueVector (filename) |
| Wrapper for buildCoefficientVectorFromFile. More...
def | python.toolsExtended.buildTrainingVector (data) |
| Builds the training data vector. More...
def | python.toolsExtended.compareBBTMatrices (m1, m2) |
| Compares, if two BBT matrices are "almost" equal. More...
def | python.toolsExtended.compareBTMatrices (m1, m2) |
| Compares, if two BT matrices are "almost" equal. More...
def | python.toolsExtended.compareResultFiles (file1, file2) |
| Compares two files and calculates the maximum difference between the values. More...
def | python.toolsExtended.doDehierarchisation (alpha, grid) |
| hierarchisation of the node base values on a grid More...
def | python.toolsExtended.doHierarchisation (node_values, grid) |
| hierarchisation of the node base values on a grid More...
def | python.toolsExtended.evalFunction (function, points) |
| evalutes a given function More...
def | python.toolsExtended.generateBBTMatrix (factory, training, verbose=False) |
| Generates the BBT DM Matrix for a given grid using numpy. More...
def | python.toolsExtended.generateBBTMatrixPython (factory, training, verbose=False) |
| Generates the BBT DM Matrix for a given grid only using python arrays. More...
def | python.toolsExtended.generateBTMatrix (factory, training, verbose=False) |
| Generates the BT DM Matrix for a given grid using numpy. More...
def | python.toolsExtended.generateBTMatrixPython (factory, training, verbose=False) |
| Generates the BT DM Matrix for a given grid only using python arrays. More...
def | python.toolsExtended.generateCMatrix (factory, verbose=False) |
| Generates the Laplace Matrix for a given grid using numpy. More...
def | python.toolsExtended.openFile (filename) |
| Opens a file and returns the stored data. More...
def | python.toolsExtended.printNDFunction (filename, filenameValue, grid, alpha, resolution) |
| This allows to evaluate a multidimensional function. More...
def | python.toolsExtended.printPoint (p, grid, alpha, fout, foutvalue) |
| Here a evaluate point on a Sparse Grid is written to a file. More...
def | python.toolsExtended.printRefNDFunction (filename, filenameValue, function, resolution, dim) |
| This allows to evaluate a multidimensional function. More...
def | python.toolsExtended.printRefPoint (points, dim, function, fout, foutvalue) |
| Writes reference points to a given file. More...
def | python.toolsExtended.readDataVector (filename) |
| Reads a DataVector. More...
def | python.toolsExtended.readReferenceMatrix (storage, filename) |
| Reads a Reference matrix and returns it. More...
def | python.toolsExtended.recGenPrintRefVector (dim_rem, dim, points, function, resolution, fout, foutvalue) |
| Recursive generation of the function's coordinate string. More...
def | python.toolsExtended.recGenPrintVector (dim_rem, p, grid, alpha, resolution, fout, foutvalue) |
| Evaluates a mutlidimensional function on a Sparse Grid. More...
def | python.toolsExtended.testHierarchisationResults (node1, node2) |
| tests the correctness of the hierarchisation and dehierachisation More...
def | python.toolsExtended.writeMatrixToFile (filename, matrix, n, m) |
| Writes matrix stored in numpy format into a file. More...